How to remove the search engine program search. Remove Search Manager from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer

Hello everyone Lately I have noticed that Yandex Browser is starting to focus on security technologies. It improves something, adds new features. Do you know what this is connected with? The fact is that recently there have been a lot of garbage sites on the Internet that infect users with viruses. These also include sites with all sorts of scams and scams.

In general, my point is that Protect technology should be disabled only as a last resort. And if Yandex Browser blocks a site, then believe that there are reasons for this.

Blocking a site requires complaints, and a lot of them. Well, Yandex itself is still somehow looking and figuring out whether the site could be dangerous

Sites are not blocked just like that. There are also phishing sites, this is when hackers make a copy of a normal site and the purpose is for you to enter your real login and password. Well, for example, this happened before on VKontakte sites, but now I don’t know how.

In short, let’s draw some conclusions about what will happen if you disable the Protect function:

  • the level of security in the browser will decrease, as a result of which the chances of any virus getting onto the computer will increase;
  • Fake sites will not be blocked; you may accidentally enter your login and password on a fake site; Well, I think that you understand that this login and password will immediately fall into the hands of a hacker;
  • if you use Wi-Fi in a public place, then the Protect technology will encrypt the traffic and it will go through the Yandex Turbo servers; this is especially true for sites with the HTTPS protocol;
  • additional password protection features;

Phishing protection at work:

Here's how the protection works when you use a Wi-Fi network:

But here the Protect technology says, the user is being scammed for SMS, don’t come here:

So think carefully before disabling this protection

First, open the Yandex Browser settings:

In the settings, if you want, you can turn off this splash screen interface, personally I don’t like it. You can turn it off here:

Well, to disable Protect, you need to scroll down the page and there will be additional settings, click on them:

Let's twist it a little more and uncheck this box there.

If the Search protect icon appears on your PC display, sound the alarm - roll up your sleeves and start cleaning operating system. Despite its “useful” name - there is both protection and search - this application promises nothing but trouble:

  • changes the start page in browsers, controls add-ons: sets the address of your search engine (;
  • can add a toolbar to the interface of Internet browsers;
  • integrates scripts with ad units containing potentially dangerous links into web pages;
  • is registered in the tray (constantly remains in active mode, takes up PC resources);
  • is masked in the OS (it is not in the list of installed software).

Plus, the malware secretly penetrates the system. As a rule, during the installation process free programs(via infected installers).

Below are two instructions detailing how to remove Search protect. First of all, enable automatic liquidation (more reliable and faster!), and only in case of failure, clean the OS manually.

Method number 1: automatic removal

1. Find and neutralize completely unwanted software using the following utilities (optional):

Hitman Pro
Shareware (one-time license - 30 days). Developed based on cloud technology. Detects viruses through file cluster examination and behavioral analysis of objects (applications, browser add-ons). Quickly scans partitions (depending on the volume, up to 5 minutes). Does not require installation, runs from a DVD/CD disk or USB flash drive. Has many settings, recommended for experienced users.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Free (stripped down version of free). Quickly finds and removes the most insidious Trojans, worms and rootkits from your computer. “Cures” infected files. Easy to install, configure and run.

Dr.Web Cureit!
Single use utility. It scrupulously checks all the main elements of the OS for viruses: boot sectors, registry, system files, etc. During scanning, it blocks access to the Internet and pauses activated processes. And thus does not allow viruses to hide their presence. It has a user-friendly interface (a novice PC user will need 10-15 minutes to master the program).

2. Reset your browsers and remove malicious addons using Avast Browser Cleanup:

  • click on the browser icon (vertical menu);
  • click "Reset settings";
  • select the search engine that will be installed on the home page;
  • Click “Clean for free”.

3. Restore the properties of browser shortcuts (they can also be modified by a virus application) by using the FixerBro or AdwCleaner program.

Note. The above utilities are compatible with other antivirus programs. Posted in free access on manufacturers' websites.

Method No. 2: manually cleaning the OS

1. Click the Search Protect icon in the tray (small letter “e”).

2. Place the cursor over the shortcut of the annoying application located on the taskbar (it will appear after clicking). And then click the right mouse button.

3. In the panel that opens, click the program (its name) again right click.

4. In context Windows menu select "Properties".

5. B general settings shortcut in the “Location” column, copy the path to the Search protect files:

  • hold down the left button and drag the cursor over the line;
  • press "CTRL+C" ("Copy" function).

Attention! You can also determine the location of the malware in the task manager: “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” → “Processes” tab → right-click on the Search protect process (can be called HPNotify, XTab, cltmng, SearchProtection) → Properties → Location.

6. Press “CTRL+E” (a window with disk partitions will open).

7. Place the cursor in the “Computer” field (line at the top).

8. Press “CTRL+V” (the old entry should be deleted, and the malware directory will appear in its place).

9. Press "ENTER". The Search protect - XTab folder will open (but it may be called differently).

10. Activate the uninstall.exe file (uninstaller) as an administrator.

11. In the uninstall module panel, click the Uninstall button.

12. Wait for the procedure to complete. Remove the folder with the remaining files from the computer using the Unlocker utility (deletes files that cannot be deleted). Or restart your PC in safe mode(hold "F8" at the time of launch), and then send the XTab folder to the trash using the standard OS function.

13. Restore the start page in all browsers using the Browser Cleanup assistant from Avast or manually. Scan the properties of AdwCleaner shortcuts (see method No. 1 - automatic removal).

14. Update the main antivirus and check all partitions (drives C, D, E, etc.) with it. Clean up Windows program CCleaner.

Appearing in your browser means your computer is infected with a malicious program that makes changes to Internet settings Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox, replacing the default home page and search engine. If you find that this site opened when you started your browser, then you don’t need to wait, you need to use the instructions below as quickly as possible and remove the infection.

More about

As was already said at the very beginning, the infection can also change the default search engine, which will lead to practically blocking the ability to search for information on the Internet. The reason for this is that shows a large number of advertising links, links to malicious and misleading websites. Only the remainder is the search result for your query, downloaded from major search engines. Using such search results may result in you infecting your computer even more. dangerous virus or a Trojan.

The infection is usually distributed bundled with various free programs. You need to be very careful about files downloaded from the Internet, read the user agreement, license and rules of use. Moreover, during the installation process new program, you should always select manual installation mode to control which components and additional applications will be installed, otherwise you risk infecting your computer with an infection like

Ways to clean your computer from

How to remove from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer (step-by-step instructions)

To remove this infection and restore your settings Google browsers Chrome Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, run step by step instructions given below. You will need to use standard Windows features and several proven free programs. This instruction is step by step guide which must be followed step by step. If you can't do anything, STOP, ask for help with this article, or create a new topic on our .

Uninstall the program that caused to appear

Windows 95, 98, XP, Vista, 7

Click Start or press the Windows button on your keyboard. From the menu that opens, select Control Panel.

Windows 8

Click on the Windows button.

On the right top corner find and click on the Search icon.

In the input field type Control Panel.

Press Enter.

Windows 10

Click on the search button

In the input field type Control Panel.

Press Enter.

The Control Panel will open, select the item Uninstalling a program.

You will be shown a list of all programs installed on your computer. Review it carefully and uninstall the program that you suspect as the cause of the infection. This is probably the last program you installed. Also, take a close look at other programs and remove any that seem suspicious to you or that you are sure that you did not install them yourself. To remove, select a program from the list and click the button Delete/Change.

Remove from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer using AdwCleaner

AdwCleaner is a small program that does not require installation on your computer and is designed specifically to find and remove adware and potentially unnecessary programs. This utility does not conflict with the antivirus, so you can safely use it. There is no need to uninstall your antivirus program.

Download the AdwCleaner program by clicking on the following link.

In order to avoid infecting your computer in the future, please follow three small tips

  • When installing new programs on your computer, always read the rules for their use, as well as all the messages that the program will show you. Try not to install with default settings!
  • Keep anti-virus and anti-spyware programs updated to latest versions. Also pay attention to what you have enabled automatic update Windows and all available updates are already installed. If you are not sure, then you need to visit the site Windows Update, where they will tell you how and what needs to be updated in Windows.
  • If you are using Java, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash Player, then be sure to update them on time.

From the article you will learn what and how to do to remove Search Protect from your computer (in some cases the virus is called XTab). In the process, we will use a special scanner program, which will significantly simplify the search and cleaning of the system from the threat. Before we begin, I offer a little background information to help you understand what we're dealing with.

general information

Search Protect is an application that is most often installed through downloader files: you download something, and when you launch it, you do not pay attention to the hidden items marked with checkmarks (most often they are also well hidden from view), as a result you get one or a dozen “advertising” programs. SP is one of them.

It replaces the start pages (and sometimes in several ways at once, for reliability) with its own, in order to display additional advertising. This software belongs to the category of AdWare - malicious advertising modules, therefore it can be ignored by many antiviruses, because. they are aimed at combating a different type of threat.

In its earlier versions, when you clicked on the Search Protect icon in the tray, nothing happened, only the inscription “Click to configure” appeared. But now the creators have added a window with options, actually allowing you to choose the default search engine. Still, there is no point in keeping it on the computer.

Primary removal

First, remove the program in the usual way:

1. Start → Control Panel → Programs and Features (For and above).

Start → Control Panel → Add or Remove Programs (For Windows XP).

2. Find Search Protect in the list, right-click on it and select “Delete”.

3. Select “Continue uninstall”.

4. Check the box next to “Revert to my original settings”. Click “Uninstall”.

This is an ideal scenario. It will only scan the system for traces of operation, but now the browser start pages have returned to normal, and the application itself has been deleted. Now let's look at possible "BUTs".

Can't uninstall through Programs and Features

In this case you need to run the uninstall.exe file yourself(With administrator rights) from the folder where Search Protect is installed. Most often the virus is located at:

On 32-bit systems, the C:Program Files folder contains the following folders:

  • XTab or .XTab;
  • Conduit;
  • SearchProtect;
  • MiuiTab;
In 64-bit systems everything is similar, we just look in C:Program Files (x86) (relevant for Windows 7 and Windows 8).

If there are no such folders, and where to look is unclear, then proceed to the point of getting rid of traces: the program that we will use will tell you where the virus is located.

Start pages are not returned

So, you deleted the program, but after launching the browser the picture remains the same. First of all, check the properties of the shortcuts from which the browser opens.

1. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties.

2. Look at the “Object” field: if there is any link in it starting with “http://” or “www”, then delete everything that comes after “.exe”. Do the same for all browsers you use.

If the shortcuts are in order, then there is only one option left: manually delete the start pages. Detailed instructions For examples of Chrome, Firefox, Opera and IE, see.

Getting rid of traces

Step 1: Delete remaining files.

After installing the program, update the databases and click the “Run scan” button. After completion, you will see a list of threats found and their location.

If you have not yet removed Search Protect manually, because... didn’t know in which folder to look for uninstall.exe - now that you see where the main files are, do that first, and then repeat the MWB scan, and only then use it to remove what remains.

Send all files to “Quarantine”, then restart your computer.

Step 2. Returning the start pages.

The program works with 3 browsers:
  • Google Chrome;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
For Opera and other products, alas, you will have to do everything manually (a link to an article with instructions was already mentioned above).


Unlike its analogues, Search Protect is quite easily removed from the system, without particularly trying to gain a foothold in it. The only problem that requires manual checking remains the “Object” field in the properties of browser shortcuts. All other work can be entrusted to the uninstaller and scanner program.

Computer security experts call the Search here toolbar a “browser hijacker.” And, of course, not without reason. The application is distributed through spam mailings and free software installers. It is installed on the PC “quietly”, without asking the user whether he actually needs its “services” or not.

Search here applies to everything installed browsers as an extension. As a rule, it “settles” in the directory C/ Users / / AppData / Roaming / in the “DefaultTab” folder.

Changes the home page (instead of the line for queries from Google or Yandex, “search results” is displayed). It also monitors the actions of the computer owner while surfing the Internet, collects personal information (sites visited, cookies, targeted requests, etc.), and redirects to malicious sites.

It is definitely necessary to get rid of such a “search engine”. And the faster, the better. Who knows what “surprises” he might present. Logins, passwords, numbers credit cards- all this may end up in the hands of the creators of the malicious toolbar.

To remove search here, follow these steps.

Cleaning the operating system

First of all, before restoring your browser settings, try to completely remove the application from the OS.

It is advisable to perform this procedure using Revo Uninstaller or a similar utility designed to remove programs. Because it is equipped with a “deep cleaning” function: it removes all files and registry entries related to the intrusive toolbar.

  1. Launch Revo Uninstaller.
  2. Review your installed software directory, especially the New Programs (recently installed) section, for suspicious applications. In most cases, Search here is disguised as DefaultTab and DefaultTab Chrome (a separate “solution” for Google Chrome).
  3. Right-click on the icon with this name. Select "Delete" from the menu.
  4. Wait for the system analysis to finish, select the “Advanced” scan mode and click “Scan”.
  5. Next, Revo Uninstaller will offer to remove all files and registry keys remaining after removal. Search here. Agree with the utility’s recommendations, mark all found items and click the “Delete” button.

In the absence of special software to remove applications, use standard ones. Windows tools:

1. Open Start, then Control Panel.
2. Click “Uninstall a program” (section “Programs”).
3. Find the “DefaultTab” icon in the list of programs. Select it with a mouse click (left button).

4. Click “Delete/Change” in the top menu.

Restoring options in browsers

Internet Explorer

1. From the Tools menu, select Add-ons.
2. In the “View and manage IE add-ons” window, click the “Toolbars...” option.

3. In the list of connected extensions, find “DefaultTab Browser Helper” (this is search here!). Right-click on its name and activate the “Delete” option.
4. Close the window, go to the “Tools” menu again. Go to Internet Options.
5. In the section " Homepage"("General" tab) remove the link to the "Search here" service. Enter the address of a trusted search engine (for example, or
6. Click “Apply” and “OK” (the buttons are located at the bottom of the window).
7. Restart IE. The toolbar should disappear.


1. From the Tools menu, open Add-ons.
2. Activate the "Extensions" tab.

3. Opposite the extension called “Default Tab” (as well as other suspicious extensions), click the “Delete” button.
4. Restart Firefox.
5. In “Tools” (section of the main menu), click “Settings”.
6. In the “Basic” subsection, in the “Home page” option, remove the link to “Search here” (if there is one). Enter the address of a trusted search engine.
Advice for advanced users! To quickly restore FF settings, you can use the special SearchReset extension.

Google Chrome

1. Select “Settings” from the browser menu.
2. Activate the “Extensions” section by clicking the mouse.
3. Click the “Trash” icon opposite the “Default Tab Chrome” extension (the name may vary).
4. Go to the “Settings” section (on the same page).
5. In the “Initial group” block, click the “add” function.

6. Hover over the “Search here” link. Click the cross icon and then OK.
7. In the “Search” block, click the “Manage” button search engines" In the same way, remove all third-party links, leaving only the address of the search engine you are using.
8. Click "Done".
9. Restart Google Chrome.

Windows prevention after toolbar removal

Once your browsers are working properly, clear file system And Windows registry CCleaner program (it will clear the cache, delete Internet browser cookies, and remove software “junk” from their directories). And then check your PC for viruses with a special healing utility - (for example Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or Dr.Web CureIt!)

All the best and enjoy your PC!