Open 4 for gta 5 does not start. How to install mods for Rockstar games? Detailed instructions for using OpenIV

Finally, after almost a year and a half of waiting, the gaming community has waited for the moment when it became possible to create and install custom modifications on GTA 5. Some of them are installed by simple addition files to the root folder of the game, however, for a huge number of modifications it is necessary to change files in the game archives, which cannot be done without using special programs. One of these programs, and perhaps the most convenient, is Open IV. This super useful tool will allow you to easily edit hidden game archives, add and change files in them, and all you need to do to get all these features at your disposal is download Open IV. In addition, Open IV is a very convenient and probably necessary tool for developing mods.

Let's imagine, for example, that we need to install a texture that replaces the standard weapon model. How can we do this without OpenIV? Of course, no way, but with the help of Open 4 we can do this in two clicks. With the same success, you can easily add new files and folders to the game archives, which provides the widest scope for modding and allows you to do almost anything with the game. It's safe to say that Open 4 is an absolutely necessary program for any fan of GTA 5 modifications.

We invite you to download the latest version of Open 4 from our website.

How to use OpenIV

Click on the OpenIV icon to launch the program, select GTA 5, then your system and wait until the download completes.

You have entered the program menu. Here everything is similar to a standard explorer, allowing you to see all the files, archives and folders in the root directory of GTA 5. You can freely navigate, open any archive, however, in order to change or rebuild archives, as well as add or delete files, you need to enable the mode editing as shown in the screenshot.

Next, follow the instructions for installing your modifications. Most often you just have to replace texture or script files; much less often you have to add new folders and files to game archives. In any case, the first rule of using OpenIV is to make backups of all replaced files. In editing mode, the program automatically saves all the changes you make, so if you do something wrong and don’t have the source files at hand, you’ll have to reinstall GTA 5 again.

That's all, now you can easily install any modification, for this you only need to use the wonderful Open program 4.

Download Open for GTA 5 latest version
(downloads: 3186)
You can choose any GTA 5 openiv, the archive contains an updated installer.

OpenIV for GTA 5 is a multifunctional editor and archive file manager for PC Grand version Theft Auto V. With this program you can: open, view and edit game files, change and save your values ​​in them, as well as unpack archive files to view them in a familiar and understandable file, and then archive them back. Thanks to these functions, you can change the game at your discretion: edit models, values, characteristics and parameters of everything in the game, change texts, etc. That is, create full-fledged mods that depend only on your modding knowledge. Also this program required to run some .

What's new in OpenIV 3.1 version:

Support for GTA 5 on Playstation 4;
Transport animation player in GTA V;
Proper support for multi-channel audio;
openFormats support for YVR;
support for new shaders in openFormats for GTA 5 models;
and much more.

New in OpenIV 2.6.4

Export Audio
Ability to export game audio files to .wav format.

Audio Editing
Ability to edit audio files (.awc) such as weapons and vehicle sounds.

What's new in OpenIV 2.6.3 version:

ASI Manager
A new tool called "ASI Manager" with which you can easily install or remove ASI loader and our plugins for GTA 5.

OpenIV.ASI 1.1
The new version of OpenIV.ASI will allow you to safely save and will place mods in a special "mods" folder. Just put the archive (for example, x64a.rpf) that you want to modify in the "mods" folder and make the changes you need in this copy of the file. OpenIV.ASI will force the game to load archives from the “mods” folder, thereby the game will start with the parameters you have entered and modified. Also, if you want to go back to the original files and run the standard one, simply remove OpenIV.ASI and ASI Loader using ASI Manager.

Texture editor for GTA V
The powerful OpenIV texture editor now supports .ytd GTA 5 texture files. Now you can freely edit any texture file with a .ytd extension using all the editor's capabilities.

Fragment Models Viewer
The tool for viewing model fragments now supports .yft files from Grand Theft Auto V. This utility will allow you to view GTAV vehicle models.

Critical bug fixed
Some critical errors that caused the program to crash and close have been fixed. Now OpenIV will freeze much less.

Open IV is a super useful tool that will allow you to easily edit hidden game archives, add and change files in them. In addition, Open IV is a very convenient and necessary tool for developing mods.

  • Manager of IMG and RPF archives;
  • WTD texture editor;
  • Viewing 3D Models (WDR, WDD, WFT files);
  • Viewing the physical boundaries of “collisions” (WBN, WBD files);
  • GTA IV/EfLC audio file player (/pc/audio/sfx);
  • Built-in SCO script decompiler. (You can view the formatted script code);
  • Import/Export of openFormats files for working with GTA IV/EfLC resources in 3D editors (for example, 3Ds Max);
  • Built-in viewing of most simple files GTA, such as .DAT, .IDE, .WPL, .IPL and so on;
  • Convenient global search across all game archives.

Installing Open IV

Go to the official website of the project and click the “download now” button.

Launch the installer and follow the prompts.

Select your preferred language:

We read (yeah, of course) and agree to the license agreement:

Choose any path to install the manager. We will choose standard.

Congratulations! You have installed OpenIV on your computer.

First start

Launch the installed OpenIV and select the desired game. In this article we will look at installing mods and changing game files using GTA V as an example.

Specify the folder with the installed game.

When the “Continue” button becomes active, click on it.

Congratulations again! The first launch of OpenIV was successful.

Installing ASI Loader and Open ASI for editing game archives

On the right top corner we find - “ASI manager”.

Editing game files and modifications

This mod manager supports all game file formats and the means for opening and editing them are already built into OpenIV itself. And in version 3.1 they even added XML syntax checking. Which is very useful and convenient.

OpenIV allows you not only to install mods, but also to edit them, and what’s more, even create your own!

For example, let’s open the “.dat” file and try to change it. Do not forget to make all changes from the “mods” folder. So that it would be easy to roll back later.

Oh yes. Turn on editing mode) But besides this, if you just open the file, nothing can be changed in it. By default, all files are opened in view mode. Despite the editing mode being turned on.

Therefore you need to do this:

The editing tool also supports search and various filters.

Installation of any modifications

Select any modification you like and begin installation. In this case, we will show the installation process using the example of a modification - “GTA5 For Super Low PCs”.

Don’t worry, this will also apply to simpler modifications, such as new cars, weapons, clothes, etc. They are all installed according to the same principle.

By the way, you can download and view other modifications on GTA V for weak PCs from our separate article:

The vast majority of modifications are installed according to a fairly simple principle:

This method allows you to quickly switch between the original game and the mod. Without deleting archives. Just remove ASI Loader, and Open ASI itself will turn off due to the removal of the first one. For example, if
If you decide to play online, this is a very convenient thing. Don't forget that mods in GTA V online can easily get you banned.


We hope that our article helped you. And you have figured out all the intricacies of installing and editing mods.

If you have any difficulties or have not found a solution to your problem, then ask on our forum in the topic dedicated to OpenIV. There you can discuss any details of this toolkit.

Download for free without registration OpenIV 2.6.3 for GTA 5: Programs for modding GTA 5 - Modding GTA 5 Description:
OpenIV 2.6.3 for GTA 5.

ASI Manager
A new tool called "ASI Manager" allows you to easily
install or remove the ASI bootloader and our plugins for GTA V.

OpenIV.ASI 1.1
The new version of OpenIV.ASI gives you the opportunity to keep the original
GTA files V untouched and place the modifications in a special folder
"mods". Just copy the archive (for example x64a.rpf) you want
edit to the “mods” folder and then edit this copy.
OpenIV.ASI will force the game to load the archive from the "mods" folder. And if you
want to switch to original files just remove OpenIV.ASI and
ASI loader using ASI Manager.

Texture editor for GTA V
Powerful OpenIV texture editor now supports .ytd texture files
GTA V. You can edit any .ytd files using all the functions,
which we have.

View models

Finally, OpenIV has learned to open .yft model files from the PC version
GTA V. This will allow you to view vehicle models.

Critical fixes

We have also fixed several critical bugs in our code. Now you are less likely to corrupt your files.

Instructions on how to use the OpenIV “mods” folder and not change the original GTA V files

New versions OpenIV And OpenIV.ASI allow you to use the folder "mods which may be useful in the following cases:

  • You are using DVD or Rockstar Games Warehouse version GTA V and every time after changing files Launcher downloads original files.
  • Do you want to keep the original files? GTA V not changed.
  • Do you want to have quick opportunity switching between original files and mods.

Required software:

  • OpenIV(2.6.3 or later)
  • OpenIV.ASI(1.1 or later)
  • GTA V ASI LOADER(build "May 2 2015” or later)

1 – Download and install OpenIV. During the first launch, configure OpenIV to work with your copy GTA V.
2 – Open ASI Manager using the menu “Tools” > “ASI Manager” or the “ASI Manager” button on the toolbar.

Using ASI Manager you can install, update or remove ASI Loader And OpenIV ASI plugins.
3 – Install ASI Loader And OpenIV.ASI

4 – Open the folder where your copy is installed GTA V; you can do it quickly via OpenIV

5 – At the root of the folder with GTA V create a new folder and name it "mods(lower case)

6 – Now you need to copy the RPF archives to the folder "mods. For example, if you want to change the archive "update\update.rpf you need to copy it like "Grand Theft Auto V\mods\update\update.rpf.

The table below explains how archives need to be copied. Path to the RPF archive in the folder "mods must match the path to the original file in the folder GTA V, here are some examples:

7 – From now on, if you want to install a mod or change any file, you need to edit the archive in the folder "mods

Now all your mods will be in a separate folder, and the original files will remain untouched.
If you want to switch to the original files, just open ASI Manager and delete OpenIV.ASI. You can also delete ASI Loader to disable all ASI plugins you have.
you can use ASI Manager at any time and switch between mods and original files. No need to delete the folder "mods every time.

Open IV for PC version of GTA 5 is an editor that has many functions. Thanks to this editor, the player has ample opportunities to edit textures, models, texts and, in general, all game files - it all depends on your level of knowledge about modding. Additionally, Open IV is required to run some add-ons.

Starting with version 2.6, the developers have significantly increased the scope of applications with which you can interact:

Version 2.6

  • There is now access to editing files.

Version 2.6.3

  • Fixed critical errors and program freezes.
  • Fragments Models Viewer is an application through which you can look at vehicle models in gta 5 that have the *.yft extension.
  • Texture Editor is a very powerful texture editor that makes it possible to edit *.yfd texture files.
  • Open IV.ASI 1.1 – Now the original game files will be safe, because all add-ons are now stored in a separate folder – “Mods”. Just move the add-on file to the mods folder and start the game, then the editor will do everything itself and GTA 5 will start with all the modifications made. If you suddenly want to launch the game without add-ons, just remove Open IV.ASI and ASI Loader using ASI Manager.
  • ASI Manager is a manager that will help you remove or install ASI Loader and related plugins.

Version 2.6.4

  • Audio Editing – editing of files with the *.awc extension, which are audio recordings of the sounds of weapons and vehicles, is now available.
  • Export audio – adds the ability to remove audio recordings in *.wav format from the game.

How to use OPEN IV for GTA 5

  • Download and install the Open 4 program for GTA 5.
  • After the initial launch, configure the program to work with your copy of the game.
  • Go to Tools, then to ASI Manager or use the ASI Manager button on the toolbar.
  • Install ASI Loader and OPENIV.ASI.
  • Go to the root directory of the game and create a new folder there called “mods” (name without quotes, letters in lowercase).
  • Next, transfer the modification archives with the RPF extension to the mods folder. For example, if you need to change the update/update.rpf archive, the path will look like this: Grand Theft Auto V/mods/update/update.rpf
  • If you need to return to files with original characteristics, then simply remove OpenIV.ASI via ASI Manager. Thus, there is no need to constantly edit game resources by deleting the mods folder.