How to get all VK fox stickers at once. Review: How to get them? What are the advantages of fox stickers on VK

Fox stickers on the social network VK have recently gained widespread and simply wild popularity. Why there is such a stir for them is not clear, because these are just pictures and in the simplest graphics, there are other versions of chanterelles that are much more attractive, for example, the same Fox Luna. But I judge this from my own impressions, and people probably like Foxes more.

How to get stickers without stories?

In fact, if you do not send stories to the fox bot, you will only receive the first four pieces. There are 40 pictures in total in the pack, and many people want to have them all because it is impossible to buy them in a special store emoticons.

There is only one option to get the whole set at once - this is to complete daily tasks from a bot that will send them to you in private messages. By the way, they are very simple and do not require anything impossible at all. You can send other people's photos, and then delete them after receiving one or more stickers. Personally, for me it takes only a couple of minutes. One thing is long - you have to wait a day for the next task. The fox only writes himself; if you write to him, nothing will come of it.

Are there any tips and tricks?

The developers of the game themselves are VKontakte employees, and they calculated and thought through everything well. Information does not leak out prematurely. There was one piece of advice from someone who allegedly received all 40 emotions, that you should try to hack the bot by sending him 40 stories a day. Don't believe it, it doesn't work! The fox will not accept a second story from you. It turns out, just upload the picture.

They also cheat on YouTube. There, in general, they suggest going somewhere, downloading something, then opening the file on your computer. There will be a special link, copy it, paste it in the browser, go to the site, complete a couple of simple tasks and voila - fox stickers without VK stories are yours. Why do I say it’s a hoax, because you are downloading a virus for yourself. If you follow the link even for the first stage - downloading a file, the browser will write that the site is dangerous. If you ignore it, you will download a malicious tracking virus that can ruin your entire system, and you will have to pay money to restore it. But in the end, you won’t be able to get any stickers, there will only be disappointment.

What are the advantages of fox stickers on VK?

  • Additional emotions to exchange with other users in messages;
  • For free;
  • Excitingly;

The tasks from the fox, as I already said, are not difficult at all, any schoolchild can cope with them. And by the way, the fox’s imagination quickly runs out, because after a few days he will write that he needs to leave and offer to just upload stories, and he will give a sticker or more depending on his mood.

Over the past couple of weeks, a new fashionable game called Fox has appeared on the social network VKontakte. Here you can not only play, but also receive prizes in the form of stickers that are not sold in the emoticon store. The fox asks you to complete simple daily tasks and gives you pictures to add to the set. If you don’t want to do anything, then you can just get 4 pieces from the set and be content with only them, but as a rule, the excitement takes its toll and you want to get 36 more pictures. The most interesting thing is that the pictures here are very simple, but many people are captivated by this because there are a million users playing.

One minus, you have to wait a day for the fox to write and say what needs to be done in order to get an additional picture (or several) for the set. Naturally, no one likes to wait, and many people think about how to deceive the system. It works with some sets of stickers, but with the fox, which was developed by VKontakte programmers, it won’t work to get all the pictures at once. Internet methods don't work, I personally studied them myself. There is info on a video on YouTube, but they say either complete tasks or offer to download some kind of viral nonsense from some dangerously malicious site. It's better not to risk it, because it's 100% a scam. If you don’t believe me and switch, you can pick up all sorts of nasty things into the system and still be left without stickers. Another option I read was where the guy suggested sending the bot 30 stories a day. This is also nonsense, the fox does not react to stories that are sent ahead of time. Everything here is thought out and calculated.

How to deceive Fox on VKontakte?

The bot asks you to send stories in exchange for stickers. These stories are photographs taken with a phone camera and sent through a special application (news tab and blue circle on the left). So, you can send any photo, even if you take a photo of the text. In a minute or two you will receive the coveted additional sticker in the set. Once received, go to your VKontakte profile and delete the history from the photos by opening and clicking on the basket. That is, the deception lies in the fact that you are not sending a real selfie or of yourself in the photographs, but for this you still receive a prize.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the pictures do not have any evil connotations, do not lead to suicide, a fox is not a blue whale, so you should not be afraid of this game. Complete the tasks as I described above, a couple of minutes of time and you will be provided with an additional emotion in the sticker pack. I'm glad that it's all completely free. I think this is how VKontakte attracts new users. It’s a pity that everything is thought out so that the bot cannot be hacked. It’s not for nothing that the character is a fox, and foxes are famous for being cunning. I myself am interested and I did not succumb to fashion. I collect stickers every day without missing a beat. If you are afraid for your children, then just control their correspondence on VKontakte, that’s all, but the pictures will not bite them and there is no secret forty-deadly task either. This is all just some kind of general panic invented by someone incomprehensible. I wish you good luck collecting absolutely all the foxes from the set.

Users of the social network “VKontakte” are sounding the alarm - a new game “Red Fox” is gaining popularity on the Internet. They ask you to complete a number of simple tasks, the prize for which will be stickers - themed pictures with a funny little fox.

Here is one of the tasks that users receive in messages: “I like you. That is, for real. Publish a story with a heart: add an effect (sticker) from the editor to it. I’ll give you three (!) stickers. This can only be done today ".

The journalists themselves talked to the “terrible” Fox and did not find anything terrible

The tasks are absolutely harmless, but thanks to the light hand of another Internet troll, mass hysteria began on the Internet about stickers and communication with an Internet bot. Thus, on the Internet, thousands of reposts are being collected from screenshots of supposed correspondence with Lis, where the red-haired “friend” asks him to perform, to put it mildly, strange tasks.

Here's your penultimate task. So listen: do yourself (self-mutilation), don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt! I just want to see how much you believe in me. You believe it, right? If yes, then do it. And I will give you the last task. And then I will do my job, and you will do yours! – reads the inscription on one of the screenshots.

Many immediately made the connection with the sensational game "Blue Whale", during which teenagers are given tasks that encourage suicide.

The police are conducting conversations in schools about this group. The bottom line: children are given tasks for which they are given stickers, thereby involving the children more and more in the game. The last assignments are bad. I suggest everyone to complain about this group. If a child has stickers with a fox in his story, that means the child receives assignments from him. Let the children get out of it and block it in themselves,” writes Anna Drozdova from Ukhta.

However, if you look closely, you will notice that all the screenshots that users post are the same, and no one posts the messages themselves, which can also be sent to Vkontakte. Thus, such a hype developed out of nowhere, and the threatening fox is simply a fake.

And in general, the Fox who distributes stickers is an officially confirmed VKontakte community. Finding out is a matter of two clicks. Would the management of the social network really take such a risk? The only available explanation is that if you actually receive such messages, you have become a victim of a troll and the real community (with a checkmark in a blue star) has absolutely nothing to do with it.

However, there are sensible people online who were critical of this “boom” and were not subjected to general panic.

Lord, will you really believe this? Smart people just change the code element and take a photo, why not forward this message to prove it. This is the official VKontakte community, there can be nothing illegal there,” notes user Nikita Tebenkov.

As you can see, the tasks are completely harmless: apply a sticker or just take a photo of something thematic. All of them are designed to make popular the new mobile application service - stories. Which somehow “didn’t come in” and don’t use support.


Red Fox is a free set of stickers - pictures of various topics - on the VKontakte social network. Stickers with a funny fox have been around for a long time, but they have only become very popular now in connection with stories - a feature that allows you to publish videos and simple texts, but not post them on your page. This feature is only available in the mobile application. The user completes various simple tasks, for example, placing a red-haired friend in his photo and receives the coveted pictures.

Moreover, after the next task, the Fox withdraws himself and your relationship remains “commodity-sticker” without any tasks. You give him a story, and he gives you new stickers, that’s all love. Without any cut veins or jumping off the roof.

There are a couple of ways to get free emoticons:
  1. Through stories through a mobile application. It’s enough to take a couple of selfies (two or three, although some people post one photo at a time), connect them, and add them. In a couple of minutes, your friends will appreciate your adventures, and the social network bot will write in a message that you have been awarded the first four faces of a satisfied red face. Then the animal will offer to do something similar after 24 hours, which means that it will not be possible to collect the entire collection in one sitting. Also, you won’t be able to outwit the service! It is necessary to carry out buildings in strictness - a close-up photo means a profile photo, pictures of nature - respectively - images of nature. And nothing else!
  2. An option is to do the trick through a computer. You must enter the following code in the message line:
For PC loading history: /dev/ execute
Code: return API.stories.getPhotoUploadServer(("add_to_news":1));

After which it will become possible to download directly from your PC. We make a couple of interesting assemblies and it’s done! In this way you can collect more than four things, and up to the whole set of cute foxes. True, in terms of time - quite a long time. Exactly one day later, a new task and another animal in the piggy bank. It turns out that there is one sticker per day and no more. Those who have enough patience will receive an unforgettable set!

P.S. There is some possibility that the script will not respond. In this case, you need to try again. The probability will increase and the machine will respond. This was done to attract interest and create the impression of uniqueness and originality.

There is very little left until the end of May 2017 and the stickers will be completely raffled off between the participants of the competition. There were a lot of cool pictures in them, just like a fox licking glass or going crazy, with devils in his eyes and hellish flames in the background. This set is definitely one of the most worthy of all time. There are, of course, a couple of interesting pictures in other sets, but they are simpler and mostly of a thematic nature. The same Laura Palmer, who is beautiful to everyone in the film of the same name with their catchphrase “Who killed Laura?”

- How can I remember my VK login or can I somehow restore it?

So, I went to the social network Vkontakte and asked a question in the search about how to get the specified stickers from Fox. Found it. You can write a fox if you go to:, and if you need to learn more about how to get pictures -

Let me also tell you how to get it for free.

After my greeting, they immediately sent me 4 stickers and asked me to answer “yes” if I wanted to receive another one. That's what I did

Then the bot told me to publish the story on VK and for that I will receive more stickers. Any story, its content does not matter. I also tried to communicate with Fox, but he told me that he was just a bot and was created to reward people with stickers.

On the social network Vkontakte, I noticed that many people write that they published a story, but there are no pictures. I haven’t written anything yet, but I’ll definitely try. Now I’ll finish writing the review and start writing the story, and then I’ll write about the results. Try it too and leave a comment under my review, I will be very grateful!

By the way, I almost forgot and this is important! Stories can only be published from mobile applications In contact with. To do this, you need to find the blue circle at the top of the news feed and click on the plus.

And one more life hack for getting additional stickers - pictures. You need to take a selfie and post it in your story in exactly the same way as I already said - from a mobile application.