Why the monitor may not show. Monitor does not turn on when I turn on the computer

For a significant number of people, life is simply impossible without a computer. Therefore, it is very unpleasant when there are problems with your favorite device. For example, some users are faced with the fact that the computer does not see the monitor. This can happen both with a standard device and when connecting an additional device.

There are a great many reasons for this problem. Sometimes users simply forget to connect the monitor. However, most often the problem turns out to be more global. As a rule, when the computer does not see the monitor and there is no signal, the reason may lie in the hardware of the device. For example, this is a damaged cable, insufficient RAM, an error in the video card or even the motherboard itself. A little less frequently, problems are related to the operation of the system itself. Let's try to figure out why the computer does not see the monitor and how to solve this problem.

Power check

First of all, it’s worth starting with the simplest. No matter how absurd it may seem, sometimes everything is too obvious and it doesn’t occur to anyone. Therefore, if the computer does not see the monitor, then you need to check whether the cable has come loose and whether the device’s power button is pressed. This should be indicated by a special light indicator.

If the monitor is working properly (at least it is properly connected) and there is no image on it, then you should try pressing the menu button, which opens the screen settings control panel.

Checking the computer's operation

If the breakdown is related to incorrect operation of the PC, then this is quite easy to check. If the computer does not see the monitor via a VGA cable, then just try connecting the screen to another device. Today, almost all modern TVs are equipped with the same connector. However, if it is impossible to check the operation of the monitor in this way, then it is worth paying attention to some nuances.

If the computer is malfunctioning, it may begin to flash. If any problems occur, the power button or any other indicator on the PC begins to flash red. In addition, the computer may produce characteristic sound signals. All these signs indicate that the problem is not with the monitor, but with the PC itself.

If the computer does not see the monitor and at the same time “beeps”, then this indicates possible problems with a video card or motherboard. In this case, you should contact a service center or try to find out on your own where the failures are occurring.

Sometimes the monitor is connected normally, and the PC turns on normally without any problems, but there is no image on the screen. The device may simply be in sleep mode. In this case, you can try pressing any buttons on the keyboard or moving the mouse. If the computer does not see the monitor, then do not despair, there are still many options for fixing the problem.

Checking cables

If the wires are damaged, this may also affect the operation of the device. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the computer does not see the monitor via HDMI, DVI or VGA. Any of these wires can come loose at the most unexpected moment. Most often this happens when the cable is not screwed into the back of the screen and PC, but is simply inserted.

If you are using a dedicated video card, you need to make sure that the screen is connected to it and not to the regular motherboard connector. As a rule, the system automatically turns off the standard graphics and uses the connected device. If this does not happen, then you need to disable the image feed through the “mother” manually.

Problems with the motherboard

Many people use two monitors on their PCs. If the computer does not see the second monitor, then the problem may be that one of them is powered by the motherboard, and the second by the video card.

In this case, using a different type of cable or setting up an additional screen using a different method will help. Most likely, the picture will be worse in this case.


Quite often, such problems occur when the picture quality does not match the capabilities of the monitor. In this case, the screen will not work or will begin to turn off with enviable frequency. To resolve this problem, just reboot the system and start it in safe mode. After that, just change the resolution to a lower one.

However, everything is not so simple. The fact is that modern operating systems return the original resolution after 15 seconds. Therefore, you need to click the “Save” button in time. In addition, the system may begin to persistently switch resolution when it detects more suitable parameters, in its opinion.

Another situation may also occur. For example, when the monitor does not show “signs of life” when the computer is running. In this case, perhaps the user simply connected two monitors and then disconnected one of them, but operating system for some reason I did not receive this signal. In this case, it is recommended to hold down the Fn button on the keyboard (usually it is located to the left of the spacebar) and press F1, F12 or another key (depending on the laptop model).

Go to BIOS

Sometimes users encounter literally mystical behavior of devices. For example, when when you turn on the PC, information appears on the monitor about the start of the system boot, but after that the image disappears and nothing else happens. In this case, the problem may be deeper, perhaps it's all about Windows. What to do if the computer does not see the monitor in this case?

To do this, you need to boot the system in safe mode and restore the OS using the built-in system recovery function. You can also perform a manual factory reset. However, to do this you need to have sufficient knowledge and skills.

Checking the equipment

To fix the problem, you can try disconnecting the keyboard, mouse, external hard drives, printer, scanner, speakers and all other devices from the computer. Sometimes, due to problems with third-party equipment, problems can occur in the most unexpected components.

After this, you only need to turn on the monitor and computer and wait for it to load. If this does not help, then you need to inspect all the connectors on the devices. Very often, users pull out cables too quickly, causing the ports to stop functioning normally.

If they are damaged, you can try to solve the problem yourself or take the devices to a service center. As a rule, the ports in the connectors are bent, this can be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, you can try to level them with your own hands.


Sometimes all components of the system work properly, and there are no problems with the monitor itself. This situation confuses any user. It's not surprising if the PC makes a distinctive sound and the monitor works great with other devices. In this case, the problem may be with the processor. If it fails, the computer will make a characteristic sound, but in fact the system will not boot. This is because the coolers are spinning, but nothing else is happening. At the same time, even the motherboard can produce a number of characteristic sounds. However, nothing can work with a burned out processor.

Video card

This board may also fail, thereby causing the problem described in the article. In this case, the PC will also make characteristic sounds, but it will be impossible to display an image.

To check your video card, you just need to connect it to any working system unit and try to start it. If the computer does not work with another monitor, then it’s all about this board.

Some problems can be identified using computer self-diagnosis tools. To do this, you also need to insert the video card into the system unit and run BIOS testing. If during the test the PC begins to make uncharacteristic and very sharp sounds, then the problem is with the board.

However, before you test the video card on another device, you need to check whether it is suitable for it. To do this, it is necessary to clarify not only system requirements, but also whether the connectors on the board correspond to the ports on the “mother”. To do this, you should consult with specialists or ask for advice on a specialized forum.

If all else fails, then all that remains is to contact the service center and carry out a full diagnosis. It won't be cheap.

It is also not recommended to try to repair the computer yourself if the user does not have the appropriate skills and knowledge. In this case, you can cause even more damage to the car. Repairs will cost even more in the long run.

Not long ago I was solving a problem when my computer monitor was not working. Detecting a malfunction is not a pleasant pleasure, so I decided to write an article about the most common problems that can arise in this situation. Therefore, our conversation will focus on why the monitor does not turn on when the computer is turned on. As usual, I will tell you about several ways to correct the situation, among which, I hope, you will find exactly the one that will help you.

First, you need to make sure that it is your monitor that is not working. Turn off the computer by pressing the “Power” button and hold it until the noise stops coming from the system unit (usually in older computers). After turning off completely, turn on the computer again; if the system unit makes noise or any indicators are blinking on it, indicating that the computer has turned on, but nothing is shown on the monitor, then read the article further.

Important manipulations

Before you start reading the article, make sure that network filter included. If there is no power, then you will never see any image on the screen. It is possible that one of the household members turned off the monitor through the button, or maybe you did it yourself on purpose. Check if everything is ok with this.

So, what should you do first when the monitor does not turn on when you start the computer? Some monitors, like system units, have a power button. It is usually located at the back of the monitor, sometimes on the side. To turn on the monitor, you need to move it to the “On” position (1), for clarity, look at the image below:

To determine whether the monitor is turned on, look at the front of the monitor. At the bottom there are usually indicators that allow you to determine whether voltage is being supplied to the monitor.

The very first common problem is bad contacts. Moreover, this nonsense can be, as in the place where the wires are connected to the motherboard, at the back of the system unit, or there is a bad contact between the video card and the motherboard, and the most common thing is when there is a bad contact at the back of the monitor. In general, you need to check both ends of the wires, namely the wire that transmits the picture to the screen and the power wire from the network.

There may be another pitfall here, the type of signal transmitted to the monitor. Modern video cards have two built-in connectors through which it is possible to connect a monitor: white (DVI) and blue (VGA). The latest type of connector that can be found in the newest monitors is HDMI, and it’s hard to make a mistake when connecting with it.

If you are using a DVI connection, try changing it to blue and vice versa. Did not help? Then find the monitor connector on the motherboard itself.

It will be there if the above board has a built-in video adapter. Connected? Works? Then the problem is in the video card, namely in the settings, or the worst thing is that it has burned out. You can also connect another monitor, disconnecting it from another computer; you can borrow it from your neighbors for a couple of minutes if you do not have a second home computer. When you turn on another monitor, turn off the computer, disconnect your monitor and connect the other one, and only then turn on the computer.

Monitor settings

If everything is connected correctly, and you have no idea why the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer, then it is possible that the settings for the monitor have been changed. Press the "Menu" button on the monitor and go through the settings. You need to change the brightness and contrast. If you don't know how to do this on your monitor, then find the user manual. When you purchased the monitor, you should have been given a disk or a printed manual. If for some reason it is not there, then the Internet can help you search.

For those who are not afraid to tinker with the settings, you can do this without any disks or documents. In fact, everything is clear there. To make this task easier, first switch to the “Russian language”.

After which it will be more or less clear. By the way, if you see the settings menu on the screen, then everything is fine with your monitor. You don't have to worry about replacing it.

Non-working motherboard

The next possible malfunction is a partial failure of the motherboard. In this case, the computer may turn on and even boot, but the monitor will not show the picture. To check this manually, we will have to open the system unit and carefully examine motherboard.

It cannot be ruled out that the connector on the motherboard where you connect the video card could be damaged. To check this, you will need to install another video card and try to send an image to the monitor from it.

If everything depends on the motherboard - it is not working, then you will have to call a specialist to your home, since the problem may not lie in the computer screen.

The monitor burned out

If it is the monitor that is not working, you can try to disassemble it. However, it is highly not recommended for ignorant people to do this; it is better to take it to a service center or buy a new one. It just so happens that monitors are rarely repaired by ordinary users; the process is too complicated.

I have a story about this: when I was in college in a programming class, smoke came out from behind the monitor. At that time, I was not experienced and immediately ran after the teacher to report this “joyful” event. He was sitting in another office when he burst in with this news, he asked - did you disconnect him from the power supply. The answer is Nope 😉 . Then a mime formed on his face, which he saw on me a couple of seconds ago. When we entered the office, the smoke had almost gone, and a classmate who was sitting next to him turned it off. The teacher smiles for a couple of seconds and says, “Well, go sit down next to me 😉.” The whole group laughed.

I think this story will be instructive for you. If smoke comes from any device, you must immediately turn off the power so as not to burn down your apartment or office!

Dust in the system unit

Have you been carrying out preventive measures in your system unit? If the window of the room where the computer is located is opposite the roadway, then in the summer you probably noticed a lot of dust on the window sills. So, the system unit is a vacuum cleaner that swallows this dust. Open the cover of the system unit and use a vacuum cleaner.

Important! Do not touch the vacuum cleaner to the motherboard or other devices. After collecting debris, disconnect the video card from the motherboard and clean the contacts with a pencil eraser. Using light pressure, go through the contacts of the video card. No need clean with a pen eraser, as it contains solid particles.

In the image below you can see what it looks like, only instead of a video card in the picture there is RAM:

In one of my articles I talked about a video card, many novice users will need this information, follow the link to read it: “”.


If you recently updated drivers and Windows does not boot, then you need to remove the installed software. This usually happens due to an incorrectly installed driver.

To bring your computer back to life, go to safe mode and do a system restore. If you know for sure that you installed or updated video card drivers, then you need to remove them from your system.

I wrote about entering safe mode for different systems in 3 of my articles:


If your computer has 2 video cards, that is, one is integrated into the motherboard and the other is external, then the problem may be that the device is selected incorrectly in the BIOS. You may ask why the computer does not automatically detect

To reset the settings in the BIOS, thereby setting them to Default, just disconnect the battery in the motherboard. You can read more about this in my article: “”.

Other problems

It is possible that the cable contacts may be slightly oxidized. To fix the problem, take alcohol and wipe both ends of the cable. Do not press on the pins under any circumstances, so as not to bend them or even break them. If you break it, you'll have to buy it new cable. By the way, gold-plated contacts are of better quality in this regard, namely, they are more resistant to oxidation. If the pins are bent, then you need to carefully align them. To do this, use, for example, a thick needle or a narrow screwdriver.

Monitor does not turn on (repair):

One day you turn on your computer, and everything seems to be fine, the system unit is running, but the monitor screen does not work. We will tell you what to do in this situation and how to solve the problem in our article.

First, it’s worth saying a few words about diagnostics. It is very important in this case to determine the nature of the problem. If, when you turn on the computer, the monitor does not react at all, this means that it is not receiving a signal from the computer; if the monitor responds to turning on the computer, the indicator shows the connection with it, then the problem is either with the video card or with the monitor itself. If the system itself does not load, and the BIOS loading is also not displayed on the monitor, then the reason is in the operation of the computer itself.

After such an analysis, proceed to finding the reasons for the lack of image on the monitor and solving this problem.

Why doesn't the monitor work?

Next, the site’s experts will tell you about the most common reasons why the monitor does not turn on or there is no image on the monitor.

When the monitor displays the BIOS loading, but after that a black screen appears and there is no OS startup sound, then reinstall the system.

If the monitor does not work even after all the steps taken, then try connecting it to a laptop or video player to check its functionality. If the monitor works when connected to a video player and does not turn on when working with a computer, then the problem is in the video card or other components of the computer. If the monitor does not work when connected to another device, take it in for repair. You can also try connecting another monitor to the computer or a modern TV; if there is an image, the problem is in your monitor; if not, then look for the problem in the computer components.

We wish you success in solving this problem, and if you were unable to solve it, then our specialists will help with this.

The monitor transmits the picture in graphic form to the person, on the basis of which we can use the computer to the fullest. The lack of an image makes it impossible to fully work at the computer, so this problem needs to be solved as soon as possible, which we will try to figure out further.

In this article, we will look at a rather unpleasant situation when the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer. This can happen at different stages and there are many reasons. Despite the fact that the symptom is alarming, there are options that do not require the intervention of specialists.

The computer does not turn on, what should I do?

In order to decide on the question: “What to do if the computer does not turn on?”, you should analyze the symptoms of the disease. Please note that the computer does not turn on at all or is working - you can hear the working coolers in the system unit, there is simply no image on the monitor. In this section we will consider the first option.

This is one of the unfavorable cases when the computer completely refuses to start. This is usually accompanied by signals, but if there are none, then most likely the power supply contact has simply come loose; check the connection both to the system unit and inside it.

If the computer beeps when turned on and does not turn on, then the problem clearly lies in the hardware.

Don’t rush to get upset, perhaps it will be enough to just correct the contacts and everything will work. Clean the system unit from accumulated dust, remove RAM and clean the connector. It is not uncommon that the problem lies precisely in the RAM; if you have several memory sticks, try taking them out one by one and starting the computer, perhaps the problem will be resolved. In cases where simple cleaning does not help, you should study the computer signals and look in a table that will indicate what this or that message means; the designations are different for each BIOS system, then deal with the specified equipment.

Problems starting your computer

There are situations when the computer turns on and off after a while, usually reaching the BIOS window, everything is fine, and then automatically shutting down or rebooting. The current problem indicates that there are no problems with at least the hardware (except the HDD).

Most likely you will just have to switch to safe mode if there is access there and.

If you do not have access to this menu, there is a high probability that the problem lies with your hard drive. This also includes the problem when the computer does not turn on the first time. I personally have a HDD that starts the 10th time, apparently the autostart sectors are significantly damaged.

It is best in this situation to immediately check for good contact, and if that does not help, check HDD on another computer or connect another drive to the current computer, this will allow us to verify the root of the problem.

The computer turns on but there is no picture

There are also several scenarios here: either the monitor does not turn on at all, or the picture disappears during startup, usually after the BIOS window. We'll look at both options and start with the problems that are easiest to fix.

No contact

Perhaps you just lost contact between the monitor and the computer or the power supply, check if this is so. Also, as a result of certain video card failures, it often happens that the stream is transmitted to only one port. You should find an adapter (usually one is included with the computer) and connect to another output; this option has helped many.

Problems with the system

No matter what OS you have installed, problems occur that cause conflicts. Usually, it’s all about the drivers; if they are installed incorrectly or have been changed from outside, the monitor may simply not be accessible. The best option here is also to try to restore functionality from or, if this is not possible, use the recovery tool from installation disk. You may have to reinstall the system altogether.

The image output settings have probably changed. Sometimes, in cases where you have one monitor, there may be settings that transmit a signal to another, which in fact simply does not exist. You can check if this is true by pressing Win + P, press this combination 4 times to go through the possible options.

The root of the problem is in the video card

The likely cause of this situation, when the monitor does not turn on when the computer starts, and, usually, the light does not indicate the receipt of a signal, is the video adapter.

Usually the light simply blinks, as if in the off position. The current problem may or may not be accompanied by the computer beeping.

Here, the best option to check the performance of the GPU is to connect another monitor. Also try connecting the monitor to a different connector on the video card. If you have an integrated video adapter output, try connecting to it.

Monitor problem

Quite often, when the computer turns on, but there is no image on the monitor, the latter is to blame; the capacitors on it are deteriorating, the failure of which leads to a similar result. Here the light on the monitor can either blink or stay on, it all depends on the location of the breakdown. Other breakdowns inside the monitor also occur; there is nothing left to do but use service center, unless you know how to work with a multimeter and a soldering iron.

If nothing helps you, you will have to send the computer for repair or replace the broken equipment yourself, but first you should make sure that this is the reason. Usually in such situations it is possible to get away with little loss and solve the problem either with your own hands or for a small price with the help of a specialist.

If you still have questions on the topic “Why doesn’t the computer screen turn on? ", then you can ask them in the comments

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In the first part of the article, we looked at the case when you can’t hear the coolers and the lights on the system unit don’t light up. Today we will look at a case where the computer turns on but no image. Despite the popular belief that this is caused by problems with the monitor, this is usually not the case.

So, let's start in order.

1. On there is no image on the monitor. Check if power is being supplied to the monitor. There is usually a light indicator (light bulb) on the monitor to indicate power. If it does not light up, check the power cable that goes to the monitor. Also pay attention to the cable that connects the monitor and the system unit. Change if necessary. Have you tried pressing the monitor’s power button?)) Still doesn’t work? Then let's move on.

  1. If your The computer turns on but there is no picture, then this may be related to your computer's BIOS. You can send it yourself BIOS settings to the initial ones. To do this, you need to open the cover of the system unit, find a battery on the motherboard that supports CMOS (non-volatile memory in which BIOS settings are stored), pull it out, wait a minute and insert it back. Maybe this will help.

3. Problems with RAM. We open the system unit, unclip the latches and take out the RAM modules. We remove dust and carefully clean the contacts with an eraser. Just in case, we take out the BIOS battery, wait a minute, put everything back and try to turn it on.

4. Faulty video card.

We unclip the latches and take out the video card. We clean the dust and wipe the contacts. We look at the textolite of the video card (the platform on which the video card elements are located). If in some place it became very dark, the video card overheated repeatedly, as a result of which it could fail. We take out the CMOS battery, wait a minute, put everything in place and try to turn it on. If there is a known good video card, we try to install it. If you have a video card built into the motherboard, try connecting the monitor to it.

  1. Problem with the power supply.

The power supply can supply a voltage that is suitable for the computer to hum the fans and blink the indicators, but it is completely insufficient for full operation. You can measure the voltage with a multimeter, but the most adequate (if you have a working power supply) option is to try connecting a known good power supply.

  1. Dust, dirt, spilled milk)

A trivial but common reason that the computer turns on, the coolers are spinning, the lights on the system unit are on, but no image in the dust. After all, most users rarely look inside the system case (only when such problems arise))). But dust can cause a lot of trouble, including failure of computer components. Therefore, we turn off the power to the computer, carefully remove the video card, RAM, expansion cards from the connectors and clean everything from dust with a brush and vacuum cleaner. You can also use a compressor or compressed air in a can.