Why your business needs Viber newsletter. Sending messages to Viber messenger (Viber mailings) – SMS center How to send a message to everyone at once in Viber

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit Viber mailing. Using a direct channel ensures that the message is delivered immediately and without blocking.

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Viber mailings help the company receive
new clients for a minimum of money

What is Viber mailing?
helps business

  • tell customers about promotions, events, discounts and special offers;
  • report news, announce events and invite people to them;
  • congratulate you on your birthday and other holidays;
  • show the client the status of the order.

Choose the type of mailing
for a specific task

Text with button and image

Picture only

Only with button

Text only

Create a newsletter template

Why Viber newsletter
more profitable than other services

1 Interesting
To ensure that customers immediately recognize the brand and details of the offer, add a photo, logo and button to the message.

2 Cheap
Service messages are 2 times cheaper than regular ones: tell us about news, promotions or services for 0.6 ₽.

3 Feedback
from clients
Conduct a survey, vote, or send the client to a specialist in the company chat

4 Templates
Reduce mailing costs and shape your tone of communication with the user.

5 Full
Track conversion, evaluate the quality of the database and adjust your marketing campaign based on the results.

6 Documentation
in Russian
Unlike SMS mailing, you introduce yourself and communicate with the client in a convenient and native language - Russian. We write Olga instead of Olga.

Mailing cost

number of clients

Manage your mailings

Schedule a time

Choose when your customers will receive the newsletter: early in the morning, on the weekend, or a minute before the chimes strike on New Year's Eve. You can schedule a series of mailings and not worry about anything going wrong.

Specify the message lifetime

With this feature, the client will receive your message the moment he appears online. For example, if at the time of sending he was abroad or turned off his phone, he will still receive a message later.

Send via SMS if there is no Viber

If the message was never delivered to Viber or the client does not have it, then we will send it via SMS. This way, you don’t have to segment customers by communication channels, but send one newsletter to everyone at once.

Example messages

Examples of service messages

  • notifications about balance, debt, transaction;
  • access passwords;
  • informing about the readiness of documents;
  • notification of unpaid invoices;
  • a warning about the expiration of the contract/the need to re-sign the contract without additional phrases aimed at any promotion of sales;
  • technical information (configurations).

Examples of messages prohibited from sending

  • Messages of any political content;
  • Messages containing any information related to casinos and gambling, betting organizations, lotteries; binary options, forex companies, online trading, cryptocurrency trading;
  • Messages about services for issuing and repaying loans/credits; services of pawnshops, credit cooperatives, microfinance and microcredit organizations, collection companies;
  • Messages about services containing sexual content and any other adult content;
  • Messages aimed at the distribution of tobacco products, alcohol; trade in weapons, drugs and other items withdrawn from circulation or restricted circulation;
  • Messages containing information about religious services, including churches, temples, mosques, etc.; esotericism and spiritual services, such as Tarot, spiritualism, astrological forecasts, etc.;
  • Messages indicating companies that are considered to be competitors of Viber;
  • Messages from organizations, legal and individuals, not related to the registered Name. It is prohibited to transmit messages from one Name with information and/or advertising of different organizations, legal entities or individuals;
  • Messages that may lead to disruption of the Viber messenger, including those containing links to viruses or malware, as well as commands to control bots, viruses and other malicious programs.
The first mailing to your clients should be of an informational nature, the so-called “Welcome message”.

Audience - all subscribers to whom you are going to send Viber messages, i.e. the whole base.

Test messages Until your company is registered in Viber and the sender name is activated in our service, you can only send the following fixed test messages on behalf of:
  • SMSC
  • Hello! This is a test message
  • Test message
  • Hello! This is test message
  • Picture
  • .gif>
  • Test (button,https://site,website)

Inform your friends about your upcoming venture or your clients about an upcoming promotion, spread information about your products or services - newsletters on Viber will help you.

Also it's new and very effective tool for advertising. If only because advertisers have not yet begun mass use of the messenger for this purpose, and people have not gotten into the habit of deleting everything that came from unfamiliar numbers without reading.

Option 1. Newsletter for friends - group chat

This method is the simplest and, most importantly, free. Suitable for those who need to notify a small group of people about something, whose contacts you have or are easy to find.

The simplest example is that the organizer of a joint purchase must inform the participants about the arrival of the goods and the place where the distribution will take place.

Benefits of general chat:

  • The entire group receives messages at the same time.
  • Here you can discuss some points.
  • Correspondence is visible to all participants. This is very convenient for setting up friendly/work meetings and social contacts, because it often requires “sorting out” issues about time and place.
  • It's free.
  • Invite to Group chat is possible for up to 200 people(i.e. for most purposes it is quite enough).
  • Go to the “Chats” tab.
  • At the bottom of the screen, click on “+”.
  • Select the ones you need from the list of contacts and click on them. Next, click the “tick” and that’s it, the group is created.
  • Before you start creating a group, you must add future members to the “Contacts” section.

  • Our agency Imobis is an accredited Viber partner.
    Officially, only a few aggregators who have entered into an agreement with representatives of the application have the right to send mailings through Viber.
  • We provide the only legal method of sending messages through Viber.

Advantages of mailings in Viber

  • Low contact cost. The price of one message in the messenger is from 0.90 rubles.
  • Length of the text message. One of the main disadvantages of SMS is the need to fit all the necessary information into 70 characters. WhatsApp and Viber allow you to send messages of up to 1000 characters.
  • Ability to add multimedia files. Pictures, videos and other media files make the message more attractive and reflect the essence of the message more fully.
  • Official account mark. In instant messengers, the sender’s identifier is not only the name, but also the profile avatar with the original logo. And companies that send mailings through Viber partners (Imobis agency) receive the coveted “tick” of an official account, upon seeing which the user understands that this account is not a bot or an attacker, and can be trusted.
  • Easy to unsubscribe. If the user does not want to receive messages from the company via Viber and WhatsApp, he can click the “unsubscribe” button in the corresponding dialogue at any time. The easy way Opting out of receiving mailings reduces the number of complaints and does not violate the company’s reputation as a sender.

Disadvantages of mailings on Viber

  • Limited target audience. Not all subscribers use instant messengers. However, using a “hybrid” sending channel, a subscriber who does not have the messenger installed on his smartphone will receive your message in any case - only in the format of a standard SMS.

Broadcasting in Viber is a variety of actions taken to send one or more messages (with or without pictures, attachments) to several users at once. The popularity of this type of communication to recipients of information is increasing, so the topic under consideration will be of interest to a large circle of Internet users.

The most logical way to send

Sending messages using and using Viber tools can be carried out in an interesting, 100% way. Creating chats for communication based on the interests of groups of people is the most logical way to create a mass mailing, since it cannot be blocked, unlike other methods of mass notification of people about something (not excluding advertising).

What you need to do to open your chat (create your own interest group) in Viber (so that a mass mailing can be created later):

  1. Open the Viber program.
  2. Go to the chats section (it may look like a message icon).
  3. Click on the create a new chat button, which usually looks like a plus sign.
  4. Enter a name (it should be original, but at the same time, reflect the essence of the questions that all participants in such a chat want answers to).
  5. When you are finished creating a chat (group), add participants by clicking on the icon with the image of several people and the plus icon.
  6. Select all participants by tapping on the specially designated space in front of each name so that a green check mark appears.
  7. Click on the “Done!” button (in some versions "Save").

Now you can write messages in the Viber group you just created. They will appear in a shared field that can be viewed by all group members.

How else can you find a mailer program?

To find a program that will send your messages to many people quickly and efficiently, try searching for a special application on the Internet. For this:

1.Log into your favorite Internet browser.

2.In any search engine, write the phrase: “Program for mailing to Viber.” You can also add: “download for free.”

3. Among the programs found there will be a lot of options:

  • Mass Advert Viber Pro 2.3.4 (uses ViberTechnology 3 to prevent blocking problems, also has a built-in text generator).
  • Viber sender (can send messages from several accounts at once, first checking whether the subscriber has Viber; sending pictures is also supported).
  • Viber Bulk Sender and Viber Checker programs (do an excellent job of quickly checking a large range telephone numbers for the presence of an installed Viber client, so that after this the user can send messages to them).
  • ViberAd (allows you to quickly send out your advertising and other notifications).

This software is intended for use on a computer on which Viber is installed. Sending a message in such programs usually involves pressing a few buttons.

So, do it mass mailing using Viber tools (via Viber) is easy. You can create a group of users and share with them useful information, but you can find and install special program, which will make the mailing, having previously found possible recipient numbers.

Are you planning discounts, sales or opening a new store? With the help of VIBER mailing, potential clients will learn about all promotions in a matter of minutes.

Viber mailing list in Moscow - A reliable way to promote your business

In order for mailing via VIBER to have maximum effectiveness, it must meet the criteria of mass distribution and targeting. To do this, it is necessary to identify the target audience as accurately as possible. We propose to segment consumers according to the following criteria:

  • gender and age;
  • availability of personal vehicles;
  • accommodation connected to metro stations or the region;
  • presence of business.

Based on the actual parameters of the specified characteristics you stated, a database of target subscribers is formed. They provide advertising on Viber with minimal expenditure of money and time.

How we work with Viber mailings:


We select the target


Select the required quantity
messages for distribution


Together with you we create a SELLING
message text + picture


You make the payment



You get sales
and new clients

Select your audience via Viber newsletter:

By gender and age Businessmen,

Car owners Regions,
Metro stations

Cost calculator
VIBER Mailings

The calculator calculates with a minimum of 3,000 messages

Prices for Viber newsletter

MINIMUM ORDER 3000 messages

  • Ability to send text and graphic materials
  • Branding of your messages: letter signature of the sender, logo
  • Mailings are not blocked

Technical features of Viber mailings

Viber newsletter in Moscow

In the second step, determine the required number of messages for AYBER mailing. We have set a lower order threshold of 3 thousand unique SMS. This way you can test and make sure the system is working. Its technical capabilities allow it to send up to a million messages per day via VIBER. Our clients include companies of various sizes - from entrepreneurs to large advertising agencies.

Remember: the larger the order volume, the lower the price per message.

The third (final) stage of the preparatory work is the joint development of graphics and text of the message based on the existing template. In its absence, our marketers will develop a prototype of the advertising message from scratch, taking into account the technical features of VIBER mailings.

All you have to do is pay, agree on the mailing schedule and be ready to receive new customers and partners!

Mass VIBER mailing in Moscow

  • targeted advertising of new products;
  • inform customers about discounts, competitions, seasonal sales;
  • congratulate clients on holidays;
  • announce commercial or social events;
  • inform about the opening of new points of sale and mass service points;
  • maintain loyalty and strengthen the company's image in the market.