Sound does not work on Windows: what to do. Why there is no sound on the computer - step-by-step sound restoration Why there is no sound on the Windows 7 computer

Typical problems with Windows are mainly due to the fact that the hardware in the computer was not configured correctly. For example, speakers or speakers may not work. There is no sound on the computer for various reasons, so first you need to put aside panic and try to restore normal operation on your own.

Checking the equipment

Can't listen to something? Let's dive into the underlying reasons for the lack of sound and try to configure the sound card. You need to be sure that everything works properly on the computer. To do this you need:

  • Open the Start menu and select Panel there Windows management.
  • Then click on the System and Security category.
  • Then, in the special System section, click on Device Manager.
  • If you are asked for a password Windows administrator, then you need to enter it.
  • After this, you need to double-click on Sound, game and video devices.

Now you should see if there is a sound card in the list that opens. If it is not there, you should read the manufacturer's instructions on how to set it up. It is also useful to look at the Other devices tab; your sound card may be there. A laptop is usually easier to set up in this regard, since there is no sound card. Works instead special processor sound.

Sound in Windows may not work if there are problems indicated by a yellow question mark next to the sound card:

  • You have to click right click on the sound card and select Properties.
  • Then you need to go to the General tab and check the Device Status.

Usually, in such cases, sound in Windows can be restored by simply installing new drivers on the computer. If you don’t have time to scour the Internet for a long time to find and install the necessary driver, you can try a good program called Driver Genius.

After this program launched, it finds all the necessary drivers on the network (including for sound) and can independently install or restore them in Windows.

Checking the connection

If there are speakers, but there is no signal from them, then you need to check whether they are connected correctly. On almost all computers, sound comes from three connectors that connect to the sound card. It is important to understand here that the speakers must be connected to the linear audio output.

But what if you are not sure which connector is responsible for what? In this case, it is worth going through all the options on the computer, alternately connecting to each socket. The same goes for headphones. It is interesting to know that in almost every computer, after connecting headphones, the sound is turned off automatically.

Power check

The speakers may simply not be connected to the power supply, so there is no sound for physical reasons (no current). Naturally, you need to connect the speakers to the network, and the speakers will start playing sound. The same applies to the controls through which the speakers increase and decrease the volume. Often on laptops the volume control is turned to minus, so that small speakers simply cannot be heard.

You need to open the volume through the following path:

  • Click the Start menu;
  • Then select Control Panel;
  • Click Hardware and Sound;
  • Next is Sound;
  • Finally, adjust the volume.
  • Then the volume slider needs to be raised up.

It is important to ensure that the sound is not completely muted in the mixer. Also, some laptop models have external wheels in order to regulate the sound sent to the speakers. This wheel needs to be checked.

Checking programs

But what if, after all these manipulations, you still couldn’t configure it? It's okay, you just need to check the volume level in the programs installed on Windows. Perhaps it simply does not reproduce anything there. Each program has its own controls so there is no need to switch to Windows installations, and quickly turn down or turn up the volume. So it’s better to check the settings everywhere (speakers, headphones, settings) in order to eliminate all the reasons for the lack of sound on the computer and then restore normal operation.

Various operating system errors directly depend on users. It is enough to download a malicious program that attaches itself to free files on the network, and problems with normal operation will begin. However, if you keep track of everything software, which is installed and uninstalled, you can keep the system under control. This is how the speakers will sound, the picture will be displayed correctly, and the programs will function correctly.

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This can happen to anyone when, when you turn on the computer, instead of the usual melody, you hear only the noise of the system unit. No sound on the computer! Why did the sound disappear, what should I do? All that remains is in the silence and silence of the speakers, go to the Internet and ask the question: “Why is there no sound on the computer?” Here we discuss the most common reasons for the lack of sound on the computer and ways to eliminate them.

The reason for the lack of sound on a computer can only be in the software or hardware environment (). That is, it turns out that you have problems with the system settings or programs, or the computer components (speakers, sound card) are faulty. This does not directly depend on what is installed on the computer operating system. This can happen both with Windows XP and Linux, and even in the new operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8. Even if the speakers and headphones used and the installed sound card are the most modern and expensive.

How to restore sound?

First you need to find out the reason for the lack of sound. You can find out different ways, but first you need to try the simplest thing.
So, step-by-step sound restoration. Each step you take will bring you closer to the desired result.

1). Try restarting the computer; there is a possibility that the sound will appear at startup after restarting the operating system. This happens when drivers for a sound card are updated.

2). Check that the speaker plug is firmly inserted into the power outlet, if at all. Check whether the speakers themselves are connected to the computer and whether the plug is inserted well. If you find these problems, correct them.

3). Check the switch on the speakers, it may be in the “off” position. Turn on the speakers, turn the volume control to increase. If everything is in order, then the LED on the column where the regulator knob is installed (present on almost all models) should light up.

The speakers must be turned on - the power light on one of them must be on.

4). On the taskbar, find the speaker icon. It should not be crossed out. If it is turned off, then you just need to turn on the sound by clicking on the “Turn on sound” button.

If the desktop icon appears as disabled. You need to click on the speaker logo.

5). There, on the taskbar, check the set speaker level; it may well be that it is reduced to a minimum or to zero. If so, increase the volume by raising the slider to the desired level.

6). It is worth checking the speakers for performance using any other sound source. On your phone, player or other computer.

7). Check Device Manager for any unknown devices. Such devices are designated exclamation point.

Open “Device Manager” like this: Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security. In the "System" section, find the inscription "Device Manager". All devices displayed there must be recognized, i.e. There should be no exclamation point icons. An icon with an exclamation point indicates that the device is not working correctly; you need to install drivers for it. If such an icon is on the sound device, then you need to fix it.

The reason for the lack of sound can be found in the task manager.

8). Install all required drivers for your sound card. The sound processor can be installed on a separate sound card or built into the motherboard. Download the necessary drivers for the sound card from the manufacturer’s website and install them.

9). Try installing another sound card into the system unit, one that is known to work, for example, from another computer that has sound. You can ask your friends. If after these steps the problem is solved, you will have to buy a new sound card for your computer.

10). Try using System Restore to return your computer to its previous operating system state. “System Restore” in Windows is located in the “Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore” menu. This can help if the sound has disappeared after installing some third-party program by returning the system to the state before installing this program .

eleven). All that remains is to try reinstalling the operating system. And first of all, install the drivers for the sound card, naturally after installing the drivers for the computer’s motherboard. There may have been a hardware conflict. If the sound appears, you can continue installing programs and applications.

The sound can disappear at the most unexpected moment. This could be either a software conflict or a hardware conflict.

12). If none of the above helped and there is still no sound on the computer, then there is only one option left - contact a specialist or take the computer to a service workshop.

Before you do anything if there is no sound or its quality is poor, remember what you did, for example, yesterday, when there was still sound on the computer. What additional programs have you installed? Surely the problem will be solved if you remove this program. Or maybe you deleted some necessary file from your computer. If you have not installed anything, then try the 12 steps described above to fix no sound. Surely something suggested will help you.

You can also use the Help and Support section in the Start menu.

The Help and Support section -> Music and Sound can help you find and fix the reason for the lack of sound.

If the sound is wheezing, or quiet, or something else is wrong with it, then try using the sound settings in the program. It may well be that you added some kind of effect to the sound reproduction, so the sound quality is terrible.
If there is no sound only in a certain program, then look at the settings of that program. It happens that errors occurred during installation and after reinstallation, sound appears.

Do not despair. Any problem can be resolved. Today you can buy a sound card, it doesn’t have to be fancy, sometimes something simple works much better.

IN Windows system 7 sound may disappear for several reasons:

  • adjusting or disabling volume controls;
  • the device is not connected or is not set as the “Default Device”;
  • settings failure in BIOS;
  • problems with the audio card;
  • driver problems;
  • problems with cables.

Volume controls

The first thing to check is the regulators. They are located on the taskbar, usually in the lower right corner of the screen, next to the date and time. When active, the sound icon looks like a speaker with sound waves emanating from it.

There are 2 options possible:

To solve the problem:

Playback devices

Often several devices are connected to the computer that can reproduce sound. For example, speakers and headphones. And if the output is configured through headphones, then the speakers will be silent. Or for some reason all audio devices were disabled.

Step-by-step instruction:

BIOS settings

The sound may disappear because factory BIOS settings gone wrong, and the audio card, enabled by default, is disabled. To correct the situation, you need to enter the BIOS:

Audio card

Confirming that your audio card is installed correctly is one of the important troubleshooting steps:

For your information! It doesn’t hurt to check the dustiness and cleanliness of the contacts.


If the computer writes a message that “Speakers are not connected,” then you need to check all the cables. Make sure they are connected correctly and the speakers are receiving power:

  1. Try turning on the speakers on another computer and check their functionality. Perhaps the problem is in the cable connecting the PC and peripheral device sound output (this can also be a connection between a computer and a TV via hdmi).
  2. If there is also no sound, then replace/repair the cable.

What to do if there is no sound

On the front panel

Algorithm of actions:

After updating drivers

Go to the audio card settings, “Driver” section, click on “Roll Back”. The system will restore the previous working version. This method will help restore the sound.

On headphones/speakers

This problem may be due to several reasons:

  • Playback settings. You need to set the desired output source (default device) in “Playback Devices”.
  • Selecting the Audio Output Panel(front or back). Above we gave the answer to how to choose the front panel. This problem usually does not occur on a laptop, since there is only one panel.
  • Faulty headphone/speaker cable. Check if the device is really connected. If everything is in order from a software point of view, it is most likely the cords that are damaged.

The computer says: speakers are not connected

You need to make sure that the speakers are properly connected to the PC and the wall outlet (power source). Playback devices are completely disabled. The sound icon when hovered will say “Headphones or speakers are not connected.” You must enable them by following the instructions in the “Playback Devices” section.

After reinstalling Windows

The user may experience no audio playback after Windows reinstallation 7 Ultimate. You need to do the following:

Why did the sound icon disappear?

It may have been accidentally moved to hidden icons on the taskbar. Check this by clicking on the small triangle in the lower right corner.

Another option is that the icon was hidden. To put it back in place, do the following:

Hello, friends. Frequent requests from users on information forums with the question: - “I installed Windows 7 and there is no sound! Why?” - prompted me to write this article for you. Let’s not get carried away now and move directly to the main ones. technical issues preventing sound from being produced on your axis.

It happens that after installing Windows 7, your computer stopped working normally with the sound card, as a result of which the sound is either completely absent or reproduced with a significant amount of distortion: crackles, noise, or simply intermittently.

First of all, you need to determine the model of your sound card. If you know it, then you can immediately start searching for drivers that match your model, otherwise, let’s start determining the type of sound controller. If your motherboard is equipped with a built-in controller (in most cases, multi-channel: from 5.1 to 7.1) and you use it as the main one, then in 90% of situations you can almost definitely say that this is a Realtek product – the AC’97 audio codec. Specify this information in the Device Manager of the Windows 7 Control Panel, this codec will be called “Device that supports High Definition Audio.” If our assumption turns out to be correct, then you will need to install a driver called Realtek AC’97 Audio Driver, which can be downloaded from the official Realtek website.

However, Realtek AC'97 Audio can be designed as a separate sound card and not physically located on motherboard. In this case, the drivers will be different from those suggested above. You will not need Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver, but Realtek HD Audio Driver. Be careful not to confuse them!

If your actions did not lead to a satisfactory result, then try installing an older version of the drivers “Realtek AC’97 Audio Driver A4.06”, which will need to be run in compatibility mode with Windows XP SP3.

In the remaining 10% of cases, your audio controller will be from another manufacturer of audio equipment, and to find a driver for it, you will have to search the global Internet using the equipment identification code. You can find out the ID of your sound card by launching the device manager from the control panel, selecting the sound device from the “sound, video and gaming devices” section. By double-clicking on the required device, you can open its properties settings and in the information tab, selecting “Hardware ID” as the property, obtain the information necessary to search for a driver.

Is your sound controller still refusing to play sounds correctly? Then, to eliminate the problem with the drivers, we will remove all previously installed sound card drivers and install them again. You should not neglect rebooting after removing and installing drivers, as this can prevent additional problems from occurring.

The performance of the sound card may be impaired during the process of overclocking the computer's central processor; in this case, returning to the settings provided by the manufacturer of your equipment will lead to the complete disappearance of all problems with the equipment.

For those who do not know how to set up sound on a computer in Windows 7, we recommend watching our video clip to play it properly. Good luck.

No sound on your Windows 7 computer? Many people face this problem, and today we will look at a number of ways that can fix the lack of sound.

Missing sound can be the result of several reasons at once, and in order to get it back, you may need to sequentially find ways to fix each of them.

If all the methods we have listed do not help, it is best to take your computer in for repair - let the specialists do it.

By the way, to detect the problem, they will probably repeat all the steps described below.

What is the reason for the loss of sound?

Sometimes the reason can be so simple that users cannot even think about it. But it's worth starting with the obvious, so first try this:

  • Restart your computer. It is quite possible that some components of the operating system simply did not load due to its “age” or congestion with other processes. You can do this by clicking the button on system unit or by clicking the “Restart” button in the “Start” menu.

  • Check your speakers to see if any wires have come loose, if switches are turned off, and in general, if there are any other defects or damages. It is possible that you will need to disconnect all the wires from the speakers and connect it all again. See if the LED lights up, which indicates that the speakers are working, if they have one.
  • Click the Volume icon(it is marked in figure No. 2). There you need to check if the sound is muted. A red circle means that the sound has turned off for some reason. In this case, you just need to raise the volume slider up or even just click on the red circle itself. Then the system will automatically turn on the sound.

These are the most simple solutions Problems with sound not working. All of these should be tried first. And only then apply all the methods described below.

Important! Make sure your speakers or headphones are working properly - test them on other devices before looking for a problem with your computer.

Driver problem

One of the most common reasons for the problem of sound not working on a computer is driver failures.

It's very easy to check if this is true in your case. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Open the Start menu and click on Control Panel, as shown in Figure 3.

  • In the search bar (highlighted in Figure No. 4) green) you should write “Device Manager”. After this, you need to open the device manager, which is located in the “System” section.
  • Try playing different files. Perhaps there is no sound only when playing a certain type of file. In this case, most likely there is a problem with the codecs. How to solve it will be described below.

Important! You need to open the device manager in exactly the same way as described above. As we can see, dispatchers in Windows 7 a large number of and they all look the same, but the functions in some of them may differ, albeit not by much.

After this, in the window that opens in the “Device Manager” we need, we need to see if there are any exclamation marks in the list.

We are especially interested in the section called “Sound, video and gaming devices.”

Exclamation marks indicate that the drivers are too outdated, do not work correctly, or, to put it simply, have “flown”, that is, disappeared from the system due to its failure.

Even if there are no exclamation marks, it would still be useful to update the drivers.

It is quite possible that one of them has started to work incorrectly, it’s just that the system “doesn’t know anything” about it yet.

Driver update process

First of all, you need to update the drivers for those devices in the “Sound, video and gaming devices” section whose names contain the words “Audio” or Audio.

However, updating drivers for all other devices won't hurt either. The update process looks like this:

  • You should right-click on a specific device and select “Update drivers...” from the drop-down list of options.

Rice. No. 5. “Update drivers...” item in the drop-down list when clicking on an audio device

  • In the window that opens, select “ Automatic search updated drivers." Then the system will begin searching for new versions of drivers on the Internet, including on the website of the developer of previous versions. This is the best option in terms of ease of use.

After the search is completed, a list will appear in the same window available options driver updates. You should click on one of them and continue the installation by clicking the “Next” button.

There may be a message saying that this device does not need to update drivers - then you don’t need to do anything.

If the drivers require updating, but an auto search on the Internet did not find any suitable ones, you need to go to the developer’s website and find the latest driver for desired device, download and install manually.

To do this, you need to select the second option in the window shown in Figure 6.

The problem is in the codecs

There is one easy way determining that there is a problem with codecs on the computer.

It consists of playing different files and checking whether all types of files are played or only some.

But this problem can manifest itself in another way - completely turning off the sound on the computer.

To install a full set of codecs, it is best to use the option offered by the KM Player development team.

It's called K-Lite Codec Pack and it's a complete set of codecs necessary for normal computer operation.

Interestingly, installing codecs is not as simple a process as it might seem at first glance.

Errors may occur already at the download stage. Therefore, the process of downloading and installing the K-Lite Codec Pack will be described below. It looks like this:

  • Codecs can be downloaded from the official K-Lite website; other sources may contain malware.

  • In the “Mega” section, find the Download Mega button. Only this package has a full set of codecs. When installing other packages, some may be missing.

  • On the next page there will be two links available for downloading the K-Lite Codec Pack - Mirror 1 and Mirror 2. Users often write on technical forums that the second link is better suited for Russia and other countries of the former USSR. After downloading, you should run the file to begin installing the codec package.

Important! If you already have an old codec package installed on your computer, at this stage a pop-up window will appear on the screen - the system will offer to remove it. Agree, because you have already downloaded the new version.

  • Next, the installation window will open. There will be installation options, among which you need to select Advanced, as shown in Figure 9, and click the “Next >” button at the bottom of the page.

  • In the next window, you should also click the Next > button, and after that a window will appear in which you can select installation components, that is, codecs. It is best to choose Profile 9, which contains the largest number of them. When finished, click Next > again.

  • In the next few pop-up windows you should just click Next >, we are not particularly interested in them. This must be done until the file extension selection window appears, shown in Figure 11. We recommend selecting Select all video and Select all audio so that any audio and video files can be opened by KM Player.

  • Now click “Next >” several times again and wait for the end of the installation, which will be indicated by the “Finish” button.

The above methods for solving audio problems help eliminate several of the most common causes of problems.

In the video below you can see several more options for solving the problem.