How to close an MTS Bank card? Why MTS tariff plans are being closed: reasons and alternatives Why MTS tariff plans are being closed.

Update July 20, 2018: MTS continues to close tariffs. The new party will close by August 20, for more details.

Update October 18, 2018: MTS continues to close tariffs " Super MTS", new batch - from November 1 to November 14, 2018. More details -.

Mobile operator MTS quietly decided to close the extremely profitable tariff plan “ Super MTS”, which allowed you to communicate for free without a subscription fee. We are, of course, not talking about the new unprofitable “Super MTS”, which does not provide free minutes for calls to MTS numbers (now a similar package is included in paid service“Everything is super”), and about favorable archival tariffs "Super MTS".

Mobile operators, although they sometimes do all sorts of bad things like changing tariff conditions, transfers to other archived tariffs without the consent of subscribers, usually notify their customers about changes through the website. Now, apparently, in order not to spoil its reputation at all due to the fact that the news could be widely distributed in the media, MTS decided not to publish information on its official website, but simply notified subscribers about the changes via SMS. It is also quite likely that MTS is now simply preparing the ground for loud and not very pleasant news...

So, why is transferring subscribers from archived versions of Super MTS bad? The fact is that the conditions on these tariffs are extremely good for a very large number of people. On MTS archived tariff plans there is no subscription fee and a package of free minutes (20 units per day) is provided for calls to MTS numbers in your home region. It turns out that you can call the MTS numbers of acquaintances, friends, relatives and not spend anything at all! This is extremely beneficial for not very rich people of any age and pensioners.

What does MTS do? To pay for the “Yarovaya package” we need additional income. Therefore, now many operators are changing the conditions of tariff plans, options, etc. Not long ago, MTS changed the terms of the current “My Unlimited” tariff. In some regions, the changes were even positive, for example, in, but mostly extremely negative, for example, in.

Now, in many regions, MTS will transfer subscribers from the “Super MTS” tariff, which is extremely profitable for them, to some other tariff... In its preparatory news, MTS recommends tariffs with a subscription fee “My Unlimited” and “Our Smart”, but more on that a little later .

MTS subscribers in many regions received the following message: "Dear Customer! From July 2, 2018, your tariff will no longer apply. We are now selecting a new suitable tariff for you, expect an SMS with a recommendation in the coming days! About why tariffs are being closed: or call 057033 (toll-free)"

Link in SMS – with forwarding. Here is the normal address: link (leads to a specific publication about transferring from archived tariff plans for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region). In this publication, MTS prepares subscribers for the fact that transfer from an archive tariff without a subscription fee to current tariff with a monthly fee - good. You can read the publication yourself (the link is just above), and I will offer a version with my comments in brackets. Read the publication " What is important to know about tariff closures (Technologicus version)" You can . This news does not apply to all regions of Russia, but to a fairly large part of them.

MTS notifies subscribers via SMS about the closure of their tariff plan, then sends messages with the following content:

We recommend that you switch to the “My Unlimited” tariff, with which you can customize the amount of Internet, minutes and SMS for yourself! You can find out more about the tariff and switch to it or any other in the “My MTS” application or using the command *111*58#. We remind you that your current tariff will be closed from July 2, 2018.

What will the subscribers of the archived Super MTS be transferred to? For the new unprofitable “Super MTS”, tariffs with a subscription fee “My Unlimited” or “Our Smart”? Or maybe on tariffs without a subscription fee “Red Energy” or “Per Second”?

We can only hope that MTS will publish official news closer to the point about the closure of extremely profitable archived tariffs"Super MTS"...

Closing of Super MTS tariffs in St. Petersburg

Update July 1st: link for subscribers from St. Petersburg: (link is available only to subscribers of the Leningrad region). Tariffs are closed:

  • Super MTS 2012
  • Super MTS 2013
  • Super MTS_2011

Video version of the news

The telecommunications operator MTS has long held a leading position in the competitive segment, thanks to the release of modern tariff offers and additional options. The closure of MTS tariffs is carried out solely to maintain High Quality service and providing customers with the best experience for their everyday use. A well-thought-out notification system allows you to provide users with timely information about the closure or transfer of a specific solution.

IN this material we'll consider:

  • the main reasons for changes in existing TP lines;
  • current options that are in demand;
  • the pros and cons of such a policy for clients;
  • what happens when archival tariffs are eliminated.

The operator notifies its customers about possible changes in TP lines through the news section of the official website or in mobile application"My MTS." This is relevant mainly in the case of transferring a certain tariff to the archive. News materials also contain information about current offers for everyday use. There are also options for completely removing a specific offer from the database; in this case, the client is forced to transfer to a new TP, in accordance with the terms of the concluded service agreement.

Why are MTS tariff plans being closed?

“Why are MTS tariffs being closed?” – a popular question among existing subscribers, to which there are several answers:

  1. High competition makes it necessary to rebrand and completely rework some existing offers. This may apply to both certain regions and the entire service area of ​​the telecommunications operator;
  2. a large number of active tariffs create a certain difficulty for customers, complicating the choice for everyday use. This factor also negatively affects the operation of the operator’s technical equipment.

Closing of archived MTS tariffs

The closure of archived tariff plans is accompanied by their complete removal from the operator’s database, and, accordingly, the impossibility of further use. This makes it necessary to force a migration to the new option for everyday use. The client is notified in advance by phone or SMS, which makes it necessary to self-study current options with and without a subscription fee. Such subscribers are often offered more favorable conditions. It is recommended to switch to a new TP in advance.

Bad or good?

Tariffs for MTS are being closed, how does this affect ordinary customers? Without this process the development of a telecommunications operator will be impossible, which makes the process natural for any provider mobile communications. The benefits of switching for the client are as follows:

  • improving the quality of service;
  • reduction in monthly payment;
  • the ability to use new additional options;
  • participation in special offers and receiving a discount as compensation.

The negative side lies in the need to independently study the current situation on the operator’s market and choose an option for further service.

What to switch to?

It is very important to study the current offers and choose the appropriate option to use. Among TPs with a subscription fee, the “Smart” line occupies an active position, capable of satisfying the needs of both economical and demanding customers. “Super MTS” boasts that there is no monthly fee, the cost of monthly service will depend solely on your needs. A detailed list of specifications is located on the corresponding page of the official website with the ability to select a specific service region.

Should we expect the closure of other tariffs?

As stated earlier, the operator notifies its customers in advance of all possible changes in the current line of TP. This way you can be informed in advance of the need to switch to new tariff for further maintenance.

At the end of January the bank celebrated its 25th anniversary. But it may soon cease to exist. The bank's ratings are negative. What's going on in it?

On January 29, MTS Bank celebrated 25 years since its founding. In terms of assets, it is among the TOP 50 Russian banks. However, it may collapse in the near future. A correspondent reported this. And there is evidence of this.

And most importantly, the protection of household deposits is rated very low - C4 is 304% with an acceptable level of no more than 150%. Will the bank be able to protect its depositors during the outflow of funds? And leave them alone with their problems?

Why is the bank having problems?

Here is the conclusion from the described situation with a bank card, when the client was driven to several branches in order to: “In the end, I approached MTS Bank with humor - this is not a bank, a parody. I just want to say: “You gave people a connection, keep it up, mind your own business!” How else to approach? In one place the IT people were poking around, in another the cash register was closed, in a third the employees were asking each other what to do. Without humor, you can be rude for such an attitude.

Another review concerns the bank's operating style. A person who is not his client suddenly began receiving calls from morning to night, because allegedly his phone number was indicated in the loan agreement. Result: “The last straw was a conversation with a tactless, completely ill-mannered boor... Who brazenly told me that not only me but also my entire family would have problems, and of a very unpleasant nature, after which I myself would run to them and beg them ..."

MTS Bank employees are openly rude. And it is even impossible for them to find out the last and first name of the employee in order to write a complaint.

Is the bank employee as silent as a fish?

Even in a seemingly simple situation, problems arise at MTS Bank: “I took out a loan from MTS Bank to buy a smartphone. Regretted is not the right word. I will say right away that at the MTS salon my credit was inflated many times over with numerous insurance policies. As a result, the loan amount increased by a third.”

When the client missed the loan repayment deadline by 2 days, they began to call him with threats and demand a fine of 1,500 rubles, which did not at all correspond to the amount of the fine, which was no more than a couple of rubles. The client had the impression that MTS Bank was working for a fool.

With such a level of service, it’s surprising that the bank is still afloat. In the sphere of providing any services, including banking, you cannot behave this way. And to rip off its MTS clients with high interest rates is generally unforgivable. They already bring money to Yevtushenkov.

The fish rots from the head?

It is possible that all the bank's problems lie in its leadership. The Chairman of the Board of MTS Bank is Ilya Filatov, who from 2005 to 2014 worked at Uralsib Bank. And, probably, had a direct bearing on its collapse.

Immediately after Filatov’s departure in 2015, it turned out that Uralsib needed additional capitalization of 20-22 billion rubles. Maybe Filatov was simply kicked out of Uralsib? Soon the bank came under the reorganization of Vladimir Kogan.

The owner of Uralsib, Nikolai Tsvetkov, was a representative of the sect of money fans and, according to rumors, even became its priest. At Uralsib, Tsvetkov regularly conducted trainings among top managers, to whom Ilya Filatov belonged.

Will Ilya Filatov ruin MTS Bank?

Here are the prospects Tsvetkov painted in his trainings: “You will come with me, and this is the path of light, or you choose the path of torment. You will have to leave us because you will have health problems, or your relatives will get sick, and you will have to take care of them...” Very reminiscent of the threats made by MTS Bank employees.

Ilya Filatov took the post of chairman of the bank’s board in 2015. And at the end of last year, MTS Bank already had “negative” ratings. Does this indicate that the banker is working effectively? All last year, Vladimir Yevtushenkov had no time for the bank because of the conflict with Rosneft. Could Filatov take advantage of this?

Ilya Filatov is also a member of the board of directors of East-West United Bank S.A (Luxembourg), which is part of the MTS Bank banking group. It also includes MBRR-Capital LLC, Mortgage Agent MTSB CJSC, Vector A LLC, Collection Agency “Two Capitals” LLC and Project Resolution LLC.

It is interesting that the founder of Mortgage Agent CJSC with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. are strange organizations from the Netherlands.

And here the question arises: isn’t the money of MTS Bank’s depositors and clients already floating in the direction of the Netherlands and Luxembourg?

MTS Bank observes a strange regime of silence. Over the past year, not a single news about the bank’s performance appeared on the website. And this is no coincidence. The bank's annual report has not yet been published, and only an unaudited report for 9 months of last year has been published on the bank's website

Since you are interested in how to close an MTS Bank card, it means that you have it and it is activated, and you probably have a couple more reasons to do it correctly and without consequences. The first reason why clients are trying to get rid of bank plastic can be considered already stated - because it is unnecessary. The second, most common reason is that the bank unilaterally made the tariffs or terms of service unfavorable. How to correctly refuse an MTS Bank card?

Introductory information

Without going into the reasons for your desire, we will advise you: do not read reviews about the bank and turn off your emotions. Don't read reviews because satisfied customers don't write reviews, and you won't find anything other than negativity. You should turn off your emotions so as not to rashly throw away or cut the plastic. If your card is found, then criminals can use it, even if it is cut. In addition, according to the banking agreement, any card is the property of the bank and is issued for temporary use. To correctly close a credit card, as well as a debit card, it must be returned to the bank.

That is, you need to return the card to the bank so that they can ceremonially cut it into pieces! But nothing can be done, the contract requires it - the client does it. By the way, in modern card service agreements the section “the client has the right” or something similar is completely absent, and information about your rights must be collected bit by bit. In the MTS Bank agreement (conditions and receipt of settlement and credit bank cards) the rights of the bank itself are mentioned much more often than the rights of the cardholder. However, we, as clients of the bank, have the right to terminate the contract with him, and we will look at how to do this correctly in this article.

To completely “reset” your relationship with the bank, with the most favorable outcome, it will take at least a month and a half. Surprised? Yes, exactly 45 days in advance, according to the terms of the agreement, the client must notify MTS Bank of his intention to close the card. This period is established if the parties do not have any controversial issues regarding card transactions. If such occur, then 45 days are counted from the date of resolution of these most controversial issues.

Before your first visit to the bank

To close credit cards First of all, you need to collect information about the debt to the bank. Even if you did not use borrowed funds, but a credit limit was set on the card, you need to make sure that you did not use it. Your confidence in this matter is not enough! We still need to check the bank’s “opinion” on this matter. You need to find out the debt in all possible ways:

  1. View the debt in the client bank;
  2. Order a mini-statement via SMS banking;
  3. Call the CTO (call service center).

If there is no debt, then to close the debit card or credit card you need to deal with the balance on the card account. In this case, another possibility of obtaining information is added - the corresponding receipt from an ATM. If you have money, you can transfer it to a card account in another bank, pay for any services, or withdraw it from the bank’s cash desk during a visit to an MTS Bank office.

“Automatic” closure of MTS Bank cards

So, all information about the status of the accounts has been received. Now we need to decide on further actions. If there is no debt on a plastic card and the balance is zero, then you can simply block the card and wait until it is closed. Under the terms of agreements for servicing debit and credit cards, the bank can close the card if the following set of conditions are simultaneously met:

  • there is no debt on the card;
  • zero account balance;
  • there have been no transactions on accounts linked to the card for more than 12 months;
  • The card expired more than 45 days ago.

In this case, you don’t even have to go to the bank, but simply block the card with any in an accessible way. If at least one of the listed conditions is not met or will not be met in the foreseeable future, then a visit to the bank cannot be avoided.

First visit to the bank

When visiting an MTS Bank office, you must write an application to close the card account to which the bank card is linked. In fact, the application is written to terminate the card service agreement, but the result of such an operation as closing an MTS Bank card should be the closing of accounts!

After your application is accepted, ask the bank employee to calculate all interest and fees payable. Here, most likely, you will have to wait until calculations and accruals are made. You can pay the debt using funds in your card account or in cash through the cash register. If, after paying interest and fees, there is still a positive balance on the account, then you need to request a withdrawal of the remaining funds through the cashier.

When visiting the bank you will be asked to return the card. Give it to the bank employee, but ask them to cut it in your presence so that the chip and magnetic strip do not remain intact. After leaving the bank, you should block the card through the central service center. You should definitely take advantage of this opportunity, because you are personally responsible for any transactions until the card is blocked.

Final stage

Since MTS Bank will close the card no earlier than after 45 calendar days, its holder must be prepared for another meeting with his favorite bank. The reporting period for calculating interest on the card is a calendar month. Therefore, on the 1st day of the month, which comes after you submit your application, you must visit the bank office again. This is to ensure that no interest is charged. If the bank still accrues interest and can prove the legality of such an operation, then it should be repaid immediately. This way your costs will be minimal.

Debit and credit card holders will need to visit the bank again after 45 days. By this time, the bankers will have 100% determined all the commissions that must be paid to the bank. They must be paid directly at the office, but the story does not end there. Now you should request from the manager a written confirmation of the absence of debt with the seal and signature of the office where the operation takes place. At this stage you may encounter fierce resistance, but you must be persistent.