Where to find the proto-dragon. Time-Lost Proto-Drake: Respawn Points to Receive Mount

Hi all!
Today I would like to talk about how to get the rarest item in the game - Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Dragon.

Part 1


1. Addons will be useful to you: _NPCScan, _NPCScan.Overlay, SilverDragon(download links will be at the end of the guide).
When a rare mob appears near the character, the addon will display a message on the screen and play a sound signal.
The routes of all rare mobs will appear on the map
Similar to _NPCScan
2. Buy a flying speed of 310%, otherwise you may miss the dragon if it flies at a distance.
3. Prepare yourself mentally for many hours of continuous waiting, the most important thing is to firmly resolve to achieve your goal.

Part 2

Time-Lost Proto-Dragon Spawn

The mob appears at one of four points once every 6-9 hours with a chance of about 1/16, that is, with a probability of 15/16 Viragos will appear. Having appeared, the dragon hangs in the air for 1 second and then begins flying along its route

Spawn points:

Brunnhildar village. Coordinates: 51,71
Bora waterfall. Coordinates: 35,77
Breath of Bohr. Coordinates: 31,69
Creators' Terrace. Coordinates: 52,35

At Bora Falls the mob appears in the air, while at all other points it appears on the ground.

Part 3


So, you decided to start searching and flew to the Storm Peaks. Now you should choose a fishing method.
1) Waiting (camping)
Constantly staying at 1 point and killing when appearing. To do this, fly to one of the indicated points, or to the intersection of routes (in the diagram above). If you find out about Viragosa’s spawn in time, you can take breaks for 4-6 hours.
2) Patrolling
Continuous flights along routes.
3) Flight from one point to another

You can also buy 3 accounts and place a character on each point.

Part 4


If you are at the spawn point, then just kill the mob and loot, but if the dragon is in flight, you need to fly into his model, and when he gets angry at you, fly to the nearest rock and kill him on it. Potions to slow down the fall and mage feathers are also suitable.
It is also important to keep a cool head, because with the introduction of the crossserver the competition has become simply enormous.
Screenshot after killing me


1. The mob has about 20,000 HP, so killing is not a problem
2. Spawn is not associated with other rarers except Viragosa
3. It is much easier to catch dragons with classes that have invisibility (robbers, druids).
4. You can also make a transfer to a PvE server with a small population.

Hello friends, today we will talk about the mount – Time-Lost Proto-Dragon, as it is one of the rarest vehicles in World of Warcraft. Why is the dragon so rare, you ask. We answer, his respawn timer can go up to 120 hours! Therefore, this miracle is constantly being hunted by both ordinary players and gold sellers.

Time-Lost Proto-Drake became the very first rare animal that has such a respawn; this has never happened in vanilla or BC, but the lich king presented such a surprise.

The respawn of the dragon depends on the respawn of another rare mob - Viragoza (respawn 6-24 hours). There are approximately 8-10 Viragoz dragons per proto-dragon lost in time. Some were luckier, and the dragon appeared after the first murder of Viragoza and they, with a calm soul, looted the reins of the proto-dragon lost in time, but this is very rare.

Here are the spawn points of the proto-dragon, by the way, they coincide with the spawn points of the dragon Viragoza:

By the way, you can see all the exact locations of spawn points in the video:

Red dot:

Blue dot:

Green dot:

Lilac point:

What to use to catch rare grass

In order to make it easier to catch rare grass, you should use my recommendations:


In order to slightly automate the process of catching a dragon, you need to download addons for searching for rare animals and. They work like this: when a rare mob comes into your field of vision, a sound warning will sound and an icon with a rare will immediately appear, then a triangle is hung on it, and you can easily kill the mobs. And the second addon will show all the movements of rare mobs, so that you can already analyze the movement of your target. By the way, the addon also works on a dead rarnik, so you shouldn’t rejoice so quickly.


Sometimes it happens that addons do not work and you fly past the rarnik... Therefore, you should install the following macros:

If you are using the English game client:

/target Dirkee
/target Vyra
/target Time
/target Skoll

If you are using the Russian VOV client:

/ts Dirkie
/ts Vira
/ts Lost
/ts Skoll

How to Catch a Proto-Dragon Lost in Time

Now let's talk about ways to catch a dragon:

First way

We simply camp it over respawn points in 24/7 mode. But this requires four accounts. We just place all the Persians above the spawn points, make the sound louder so that you can hear when the addon works and go about your business.

Second way

The second method of fishing is patrolling. We will simply fly around the dragon's entire route. But this is the most tedious way, since it takes so much time to fly the entire route manually, you can simply go crazy.

Third way

We combine the first and second methods. We will stop at the mob's spawn points for a short time and fly on. And so on in a circle.

Now you can safely go hunting for the proto-dragon lost in time, may luck be with you!)

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What is a Time-Lost Proto-Dragon?

The video shows the exact locations of mob spawns.

Waterfall ("red dot")

Frozen Lake ("blue dot")

Brunnhildar village ("green dot")

Ulduar ("lilac dot")

TLPD lifetime

In most cases, TLPD lasts from a matter of seconds to several minutes. As mentioned above, the dragon is quite popular and continues to be actively hunted. If for some reason the mob does not come into view, then it will hang around the Ridge for some time until it disappears. There is no exact information on the despawn timer, but there are assumptions that it ranges from fifteen minutes to an hour.

Addons for catching TLPD

To search for WoW rarities, enthusiasts have created several addons that allow you to automate the process. You won't have to fly around and spam macros. Addons are called _NPCscan And SilverDragon. The principle of operation is simple - when a rare mob appears within the visibility radius, an audio and visual alarm is triggered. An icon with the name of the mob appears on the screen and an alarm sounds that can wake up your neighbors. For _NPCscan there is an Overlay module that shows habitats, movement routes of rare mobs and the radius you can cover. If you decide to choose patrolling as a search tactic, then you definitely need this addon.

Be sure to install both addons. Why? The reason is simple - sometimes the same _NPCscan fails and does not see the mob at point-blank range. When I was looking for Northrend rarities, the addon did not find Gondria and Skoll. One time I didn’t see Viragoza at point-blank range. This was not the case with SilverDragon. In addition, _NPCscan is not very convenient for me. After detecting a mob, you need to clear the game cache (Cache folder in the game directory). The folder must be cleaned manually, that is, deleted using file manager. SilverDragon allows you to do this directly in the game.

So be sure to set both, but do not forget to turn on the same alarm sound. SilverDragon has the ability to turn on the “classic” _NPCscan alarm.

Important. The scanner works not only on living, but also on dead mobs.

Macros for catching TLPD

Despite the presence of addons, you will still need macros. For what? Firstly, as I already said, addons sometimes do not respond to mobs. Therefore, having an additional means to find a goal will be useful to you in any way. Secondly, you can lose sight of the mob, and the most quick way- this is to start spamming the macro. The macros are quite simple:

If you play under an English client, then this
/target Dirkee
/target Vyra
/target Time
/target Skoll

If you play localized WoW, then this

/ts Dirkie
/ts Vira
/ts Lost
/ts Skoll

Tactics for hunting the Time-Lost Proto-Dragon

The tactics for hunting TLPD depend on the following: the level of competition on your server, the number of accounts you have and, of course, the time you have. Let's start with competition.

Before getting involved in this long-term undertaking, understand how many and what kind of competitors you have. You will have them in any situation. I can tell you from experience that there is always someone in the Storm Peaks. Another question is who? Hang out in the Ridge for an evening or two and then break into the armored nicknames of those you meet at spawn points or flying along routes. The signs of strong competitors are simple - a significant number of achievement points, a large collection of mounts, the presence of BoE items in the events of the last day that fall from Viragoza or Dirke. Usually these guys are serious campers, and in order to compete with them you need to be able to actively herd TLPD for many hours on end.

If the competition is high, and you really want a mount, then transfer to a sparsely populated realm. Yes, it costs money, but perhaps you will save yourself nerves and time.

Number of accounts. The ideal case is four pieces. With so many accounts at your disposal, you will be able to cover all spawn points. The best option is two accounts. One character is placed on the Frozen Lake, and the second on the waterfall, and thus you will cover two spawn points and all four routes.

If you, like many, have one Account, then it’s not scary either. But you should know that in this case you will have to forget about all other activities in the game, because one of the key conditions for the success of this hunt is constant camping. Yes exactly. If you are hoping to catch this mob by flying into the Storm Peaks “to see” whether it is there or not, then do not waste your time. Re-read what is written above again. The mob spawns at best a couple of times a week, constantly flies over half the location and lives for a maximum of a few minutes. In such conditions, at best, you will see his corpse. Yes, you can run into one completely by accident, but you know, some people catch a sea turtle on the tenth cast of the fishing rod.

Now about capture tactics. There are three main methods: camping above the spawn points, patrolling locations and mixed method, which implies both.


The ideal option is to hover over the spawn points from four accounts and herd it 24/7. This is, of course, extreme arrogance. I think that this method will not work for the vast majority of players. In my opinion, for those playing from one account, the option of passive camping with patrolling is suitable. What I mean by passive camping is this. We place the character on the point, twist the game settings so that the alarm signal can be heard even with the window minimized (or simply switch the game to windowed mode) and do something more useful than contemplating the landscapes of the Storm Peaks. From time to time we take the character out of the AFK state.

In this case, the best places to install a camper are the so-called “the point of intersection of all routes”(indicated in black on the map) and the spawn point in the Frozen Lake area. In the video below we see the placement of the camper at the “intersection point of all routes”.

As we can see, from this place the scanner detected Viragoza on all four routes. The disadvantage of this method is that if a competitor herds a mob at one of the spawn points, then it simply will not have time to live for even a minute. Camping on Frozen Lake (blue dot on the map) allows you to cover both the spawn point and three routes followed by TLPD or Viragoza. That is, you have a 25% chance of detecting the moment a mob appears and a 75% chance of intercepting a dragon in flight. The downside to this place is that it is a popular camper spot. When I was hunting for the Lost One, most of the people were hanging there.


consists of constantly flying along the mob's routes. Pure patrolling is, in my opinion, a bad method. Firstly, you will get tired of flying over a location for hours very soon. Secondly, there is a chance that you will miss the spawn and some patient camper will beat you to it. I repeat - in the matter of catching TLPD, sometimes seconds literally count.

Mixed method

is that from time to time you move a camper from one spawn point to another and leave him there for a while. TLPD makes a full circle along most routes in about five to seven minutes, so if after this time it hasn’t flown past you, it means the routes are clear. In this case, it is best to drift from the spawn point on the Frozen Lake to the Waterfall.

The hunting schedule depends on your capabilities. If the desire to get a mount is great and you have the opportunity to camp around the clock, then go ahead to nerdiness. On a sparsely populated realm, with a couple of accounts and the ability to graze 24/7, there is a chance to ride TLPD within 2-3 weeks, or maybe less.

For people with a more eventful real life, I recommend passive camping in the evening. Let's say you come home from work, turn on WoW, turn up the volume and go about your business. Sitting in front of the computer for several hours in a row is not at all necessary, the main thing is that the alarm signal can be heard. If the computer's power allows you to play two games, then run WoW and something that is more interesting in this moment. For example, Diablo III.

Uncle Dec's Tactics

Emotional posting on the trail of the hunt along with screenshots. To avoid repetition, I will describe the dry facts here.

For the hunt, two accounts were used - the main one and the second one, which I created for myself two years ago to accelerate the leveling of craft alts. On the second account, using a new “resurrection scroll,” an 80-k was created, which was placed at the spawn point near the Frozen Lake.

Since the activity in the Storm Peaks on the Nordrassill-EU server is not too high - 4-5 five hunters, of which only two were more or less constant - the main was used to detect Northrend raiders and their subsequent elimination. Either they were killed, or tamed, or given to other Khanty. Having a Dalaran ring and a hole generator in hand, it took about fifteen to twenty minutes to complete two or three zones. After this, the maine either parked in the Ridge or in one of the Northrend locations to patrol again the next day.

Then I closed the window with the main and left the window with the camper. I myself played either SWTOR or Diablo. Camper sessions usually lasted between 22:00 - 2:00 Moscow time (21:00 - 1:00 local time).

The spawn information for Viragoza and Time-Lost Proto-Dragon in my case looked like this:

TLPD: 05/11/2012 / 00-45 (killed right before his nose);
TLPD: 05/12/2012 / 15-45 (information from another camper);
Viragoza: 05/13/2012 / 23-30 PM (killed by me);
Viragoza: 05/14/2012 / 22-15 PM (killed by me);
Viragoza: 05/18/2012 / ?-? (information from a competitor’s armory);
Viragosa: 05/19/2012 / 06-30 AM (information from another camper);
Viragoza: 05/19/2012 / 21-30 PM (killed by me);
TLPD: 05/22/2012 / 00-45 PM (killed by me).

The final part of the hunt for TLPD

Long hours of sitting (or more precisely, hanging) in ambush are interrupted by thunderous sounds of an alarm. And this time, lo and behold, it is not the disgusted Viragoza or Rotten, but an elusive ghost - the Proto-Dragon Lost in Time. The kidneys pump adrenaline into the blood, the heart begins to beat wildly, and the fingers slide over the naughty mouse. Here it is, the moment of truth that every hunter of rare Azerothian creatures dreams of. And at this moment it is easy to lose control and do something stupid.

Therefore, the first advice is not to lose your head and do the most important thing - aggravate the mob, making it inaccessible to other hunters. This is easy to do - just fly through the mob model. Further actions depend on where you did it. The best option is a section of the route that runs above the surface. The dragon flies slowly and low enough, but not so low that it can be reached from the ground. Therefore, having become aggravated, you calmly land and wait until the dragon descends towards you. If you overtake him while flying in the Ulduar area over the gorge, then the main thing is not to kill him. Most players now fly at 280% of base speed, while TLPD flies significantly slower (150%). Breaking away from him and zeroing out aggro is as easy as shelling pears. In the following video you can see how the player who spotted him in the Ulduar area acted.

Many guides advise acquiring means to slow down the fall and aggro the mob by jumping off the mount and flying through its model or casting attacking spells. This makes sense if there really are competitors nearby. Until you deal damage, the mob is not “yours” yet. If the competitors are sleeping, then it’s easier to bring them to level ground and kill them there. I repeat - the mob can easily aggro in flight, but all these somersaults can, on the contrary, lead to death or the death of your character and loss of time. However, in case of any unforeseen situations, you can acquire slowing means such as an engineer’s parachute or damage-reducing spells like the paladin dough.

Very important point . Try not to lose aggro when planting in places where other NPCs gather, for example, near the village of Brunnhildar. The dragon is aggressive by default for all NPCs, so if you lose aggro, it can be intercepted by other mobs. If you don't have time to overaggro him, then you won't see any loot.

The battle itself is very simple and even for the 80s during WotLK it did not pose any particular problems. A couple of attacks, the dragon is defeated and you are the incredibly pleased owner of the reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Dragon.

Good luck! You'll really need it.

I don’t know players who wouldn’t be drawn to all sorts of mounts. Someone wants to get a specific one and drive it 24/7, someone prefers to alternate them and show off especially rare ones in the capitals, someone simply collects all possible ones. And, of course, the rarer the mount, the more desirable it becomes for us. And today we will talk about one of the rarest, most exclusive and maddening mounts - the Time-Lost Proto-Dragon! Spoiler: at the end I explain why it is much faster to catch it now than before.

History and theory

When the famous expansion Wrath of the Lich King was released, a unique Time-Lost Proto-Drake appeared in the game. As soon as users realized that the proto-dragon with such an interesting name dropped a mount, the hunt began for it, but... It turned out to be simply extremely rare. EXTREMELY.

The thing is that the time it takes for a proto-dragon to respawn after being killed varied from a few days to a week or even more, if I remember correctly, and the hardest part is that it varied. That is, the minimum period passed after which he could appear, and from there until the maximum period the dragon could spawn at ANY SECOND at ANY POINT of his route in the Storm Peaks, and his route was quite long.

At the same time, before there was no such system that everyone who hits a mob gets loot from it, no. Only the player who killed him received loot. The situation became much more complicated on PvP servers, where, having dealt the first blow to the proto-dragon, one could go to the graveyard because others from the opposite faction had arrived.

Many players sat and caught this dragon for weeks, you know? For weeks! And he also relatively shared his rebirth time with other rare creatures in the Storm Peaks! How much time did I spend trying to catch him... but I never caught him...

When the Cataclysm expansion came out, the situation only became more complicated, since many locations became cross-server, so competition increased, and significantly.

And now a life hack

The Proto-Dragon, lost in time, is still resolved very rarely and randomly. The Time-Lost Proto-Drake remains a sought-after mount for collectors. The Time-Lost Proto-Dragon is still being hunted by players from different servers in the same cross-server group, creating fierce competition.

But now up to 5 people can receive it, if they are members of the same group! It is much easier to catch a dragon with five people if you can better control its route. But that is not all!

What if each party member catches a dragon in their own phase? That is, initially you are not united in a group, but communicate on discord, for example, and are friends on Battlenet. And then, when one of you finds a dragon, he will strike him (preferably with bare hands and without gear), so that the Proto-Dragon Lost in Time has “attached” to this player, then the finder invites the rest to join his group, you kill the mob and that’s it five get a mount.

Maybe I shouldn’t have told you about this, because I haven’t caught this animal myself yet, but... For you, our dear subscribers, I don’t feel sorry for you!

Since the release of the Lich King expansion, many players have been trying to catch the Time-Lost Proto-Dragon. Some were lucky and met him by chance, others diligently regularly caught him for weeks, and sometimes months. And someone got tired of wasting their time and decided to give up searching. We have developed a system to search and capture this proto-dragon. You won't have to waste any time or effort. Our employees will catch it for you; all you have to do is accept the invitation to the group and fly to the specified location.

How does the service work:

Our employee will add you as a friend. As soon as our employees catch the mount, you will be invited to the group and told what to do next. You are not required to be online 24/7; we work daily from 11:00 to 00:00 Moscow time. If you are not caught in the game, we will contact you using the contact information you left. The main thing is that you have the opportunity to quickly enter the game or transfer your account.

The service includes capturing a rare mob and knocking out the Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Dragon mount from it.

We guarantee the security of your account, complete anonymity and reliability of the ordered service.

Completion time: 1-3 days


  • 80+ level
  • Account transfer not required

Frequently Asked Questions about the service:
Q: I won't be able to be online, can I transfer my account?
A: Of course, we will perform the service in the way that is most convenient for you.
Q: How safe is it to transfer an account?
A: The account transfer procedure is as safe as possible; there will be no consequences for the account. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our guarantees and our instructions for transferring an account
Q: When will my order be processed?
A: Our employees regularly catch this mount and will begin catching it for you immediately after paying for your order.

This item is archived and is not for sale.

  • Qualitatively

    When ordering from us, you can be sure of meeting the deadlines and quality of support.

  • Safely

    We are an official company and have been working for several years.

  • The best prices and payment methods

    We support affordable prices and we accept all modern payment methods.