Windows 8 touchpad does not work. The touchpad does not work: how to enable the touchpad (touchpad) on a laptop

To work with a laptop, it is not at all necessary to connect a mouse to it: modern laptops use a touchpad to control the cursor, which allows you not to carry additional devices with you. But it happens that the touchpad fails, and you are unable to work normally with the laptop. What to do if the touchpad does not work?

The touchpad is touchpad, which responds to touches and finger movements, moving the cursor along a given path. At first it may not seem very convenient, but most users quickly get used to using the touchpad and prefer it to a mouse.

But this is where the danger lies: you get used to the touchpad and stop carrying a mouse with you. And one day there may come a time when you open your laptop and discover that the touchpad does not work. What to do in this case?

Why doesn't the touchpad work?

Some users, when they say “the touchpad does not work on a laptop,” mean that it works, but not as it should: the cursor does not respond well to commands, moving too slowly, too quickly or jerkily, which makes it difficult to work. Most often the reason is touchpad contamination. Cleaning it is quite easy - you need to wipe its surface well with a soapy swab, and then with a damp alcohol wipe. You can use the touchpad after it is dry. Sometimes the touchpad doesn't work properly because your hands are wet or oily.

It happens that the problem lies in touchpad settings— the sensitivity is set too high or too low. To change sensitivity settings, you need to go to the “Mouse” item in the Control Panel. Sometimes not the entire touchpad does not work, but individual functions - for example, scrolling. This is a software problem, and it is being solved installing or updating the touchpad driver. For some touchpads, you will need to install special software to configure them.

If the touchpad does not work at all, then the reason may be software or hardware. First, let's exclude the simplest and most likely options. If the touchpad stops working, there is a high probability that it is simply disabled. There are several ways to enable the touchpad:

  • use a key combination: on most laptops, the touchpad is turned on and off by pressing the Fn function key in combination with one of the F1-F12 keys;
  • press the touchpad power off button (not available on all laptops);
  • enable the touchpad using the system utility: it is usually displayed in the tray next to the clock;
  • Disable mouse: On some laptops, the touchpad is automatically disabled when USB connection mice;
  • enable touchpad support in the BIOS: to do this, go into the BIOS and select the appropriate value for the Internal Pointing Device parameter.

If this did not help, and the touchpad on the laptop still does not work, then the reason may be hardware. Like other devices, the touchpad is connected to motherboard using a loop. Sometimes during transportation, the cable fastener opens and the cable falls out of the connector on the motherboard. It is clear that the touchpad stops working. In this case, you can disassemble the laptop yourself to connect the touchpad, or contact service center.

Also, the touchpad may not work due to mechanical damage. In this case, most likely, it will simply have to be completely changed. If after an impact the touchpad works, but the buttons have failed, you may be able to get by with a little pain by disassembling the touchpad and returning the failed buttons to their place.

If not only the touchpad, but also the keyboard and USB ports, the problem, naturally, is not in the touchpad. Most likely on a laptop motherboard is faulty. There is only one way - to the service center for diagnostics.

As you can see, if your touchpad does not work, there may be different reasons. Need to eliminate everything one by one possible reasons , starting with the simplest ones, and only then, if all else fails, take the laptop to a service center.

The touchpad on a laptop does not work, what should I do and where should I go?

First of all, you need to understand what a touchpad is and what the problem might be.

Touchpad (from the English touchpad - touch pad) is a device for controlling the cursor in laptops, netbooks, ultrabooks.

The device was invented in 1988 by George Gerfeide, but gained popularity only 6 years later, after licensing and installation on PowerBook laptops from Apple.

ABOUT possible problems with a panel for controlling the cursor and options for solving them will be discussed below.

Most laptop owners prefer to use a mouse rather than a built-in touchpad for comfortable work.

The need to disable the touchpad may arise if you have a stationary computer mouse, or if you plan to type large amounts of text.

The fact is that when typing text, there are often cases when you can accidentally touch the touchpad with your shirt cuff for hours, causing the cursor to move across the text. In some laptop models, the process of disabling the touchpad is automated, but you have to enable it manually.

Most laptop users have probably at least once encountered a situation where they don’t have a computer mouse at hand and the only option is to use the touchpad, which also refuses to work.

Below we provide a list of the most common touchpad problems and how to solve them.

90% of problems with a non-working touchpad are solved by simply turning it on. To do this, you can use a key combination consisting of the required Fn key and a system key, which may differ depending on the manufacturer and model. Here are the key combinations for the most common laptop manufacturers.

Acer: Fn + F7

Fujitsu: Fn + F4

Gigabyte: Fn + F1

Lenovo: Fn + F6

Hewlett-Packard (HP)

HP, as well as some other laptop manufacturers, prefer to move away from the standard Fn + Fx key layout and place the touchpad power button directly on the touchpad, it is located on the left top corner and for ease of operation it has a light indication.

To enable/disable the touchpad, you need to double-tap the button, which is also a touchpad.

Return to menu

The sensor may not respond to touches if the panel is dirty, or when touched with wet fingers. Make sure your fingers are dry and the sensor surface is clean.

To clean the touchpad, you can use wet wipes and then wipe the surface dry.

Return to menu

A less common phenomenon than the previous two, but also sometimes occurring, is disabling the touchpad in the BIOS.

To fix the problem, go to Laptop BIOS. You can go to the BIOS settings at the boot stage by pressing a specific key on the keyboard. The name of the key depends on the BIOS manufacturer. Usually these are the keys Del, Esc, F1, F2, F10, etc.

The moment when you should press a key can be determined by the appearance of an inscription with the name of the key to go to the BIOS. If you start pressing earlier or later, you will not be able to enter the BIOS.

Touchpad operation is possible if the value is set to “Enabled”, i.e. “Enabled”, if the value is set to “Disabled” – the touchpad is disabled.

Important! Do not forget that when changing BIOS settings, you must save the settings made, otherwise the touchpad will remain disabled. All actions in the BIOS must be performed without haste, so that when solving a problem with the touchpad, you do not create a new one.

back to menu

The sensor may not work correctly or not work at all due to problems with the device driver. This situation may occur after reinstalling the operating system.

To solve this problem you need to install required driver from the CD that came with the laptop, or by downloading it from the manufacturer’s website.

Return to menu

If none of the above tips helped, most likely we are dealing with a hardware rather than software problem with the touchpad. Such problems include poor connection of the cable to the motherboard or mechanical damage to the panel.

If you are confident in your abilities, you can disassemble the laptop and check the quality of the cable connection. Sometimes, in order for the touchpad to work, it is enough to correct the connection connector.

If you do not have experience assembling laptops or are not confident that you can do everything correctly, we recommend that you contact a qualified specialist or a service center.

In this video I will tell you how to enable or disable the touchpad on a laptop, even if you do not have a special key.

8 Grand total

That's what this material could be called. In it you will find detailed guide according to actions in case your touchpad stops responding to touches. The article briefly and to the point outlines ways to solve the problem, but if they did not help you, then you should contact the service center.

The touchpad on the laptop does not work. What to do?

Every day the popularity of laptops is increasing more and more, and there is one main reason: A laptop allows you to perform all the same functions as on a desktop computer, but without being tied to a specific workstation. The touchpad not working is one of the most common problems for laptops. This article will be devoted to this topic.

A touchpad is a touch panel that serves as a full replacement for a mouse. In most cases, the touchpad recognizes several gestures, for example, simultaneous “clicking” with two fingers on the touchpad will be equivalent to pressing the right mouse button.

Below we will look at several methods that can help fix the problem with the touchpad not working. Start from the very first and move on as needed.

First, you need to determine the nature of the touchpad's inoperability. For example, the touchpad may not respond correctly to touch, but will still work, or it may not respond at all.

The touchpad responds, but does not work correctly.

First, you need to make sure that the hands with which you touch the touchpad are clean and dry, and just in case, wipe the touchpad itself with a damp cloth to clean it of dirt.

If the incorrect operation of the touchpad is clearly not related to contamination, you need to check Windows settings. To do this, open Start and select Control Panel. Use the search in the upper right corner and open the "Mouse" menu.

In the window that opens, go to the “Pointer Options” tab, where you check the arrow speed parameter. If this parameter is too low or too high, move the slider to the middle and save the changes.

The touchpad does not respond to touch.

1. If the touchpad does not respond to your touch, you can assume that it is disabled.

Some laptop models have a special button next to the touchpad that activates the touchpad.

You can also turn the touchpad on and off using a keyboard shortcut. Typically, the function to enable or disable the touchpad is located on the F9 key (the key may vary) and is activated by simultaneously pressing the Fn key.

Try pressing this key combination once and check the functionality of the touchpad. Most often, messages will appear on the laptop screen indicating that you have activated the touchpad or, conversely, disabled it.

2. If a USB mouse is connected to the laptop when the touchpad is not working, try disconnecting it, because Some laptop models automatically switch operation from the touchpad to the mouse.

3. Check the availability of drivers that are responsible for the operation of the touchpad. To do this, open Start and click right click mouse on the "Computer" menu. In the pop-up context menu, open the “Properties” item.

On the left side of the window that opens, click on the “Device Manager” link.

Expand “Mice and other pointing devices” and check for drivers. Normally, you will just see the device name. If you cannot see the name of the device, or there is an icon next to it with exclamation mark, you should look into the drivers.

Go to the official website of your laptop manufacturer and download drivers specifically for your device model from there. Install the downloaded file and restart your computer.

If the methods described above did not help you fix the problem, then it is likely that the cause is not software, but hardware. And here you need to contact a service center, where they can replace the touchpad.

How to fix the touchpad on a laptop

When the touchpad on a laptop does not work, scrolling freezes or the cursor disappears, then in the absence of a mouse this becomes a serious hindrance. But the cause of the problem is not always a serious hardware malfunction - it is often possible to restore operation simply. Let's look further at the main causes of the problem, and also tell you what to do so that the device's touchpad can work instead of the mouse again.

Common Causes of Touchpad Problems

Obvious options should be ruled out from the very beginning. They should not be neglected, since users often take absolutely working devices to the service. So, the touchpad of devices may not work for the following reasons:

  1. The touchpad is simply too dirty, greasy - because of this, the scrolling often does not move. Wipe it with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol or a cleaning solution, after which the panel should be wiped with a cloth and allowed to dry. Remember that you cannot work on a laptop with greasy and wet hands - the panel sensor does not respond to them and the cursor will not move.
  2. Check the sensitivity settings in the settings by:

○ via “Start” go to the control panel;

○ in Device Manager, find the laptop sensor and, opening the context menu, click “Properties”;

○ make sure that the built-in mouse is not buggy, otherwise update the driver.

These are the simplest reasons why the touchpad on a laptop stopped working.

Change panel settings

Sometimes the touchpad does not work, the cursor has disappeared, does not move, or scrolling is very slow due to incorrect setting mice. To access its settings, you need to do the following:

  • go to “Control Panel” from the start menu;
  • in the list that opens, select “Mouse” (it will be more convenient if the “Small icons” option is selected in the viewing mode for devices);
  • in the “Pointer Options” tab, set the mouse movement speed - sometimes the gadget slows down precisely because of this setting, when the value is set too low.

Change BIOS settings

On many laptops, the touchpad is enabled in the BIOS. To rule out the possibility that the touchpad is simply disabled, go to the BIOS after turning on the power and check the settings. You can get into it if you press Del or the function keys F1...F12 immediately after turning on the power. More detailed information about this can be found in the specifications for each device.

If in the Advanced tab you find Internal Pointing Device or something similar, make sure that the Enabled option is set next to it.

Otherwise, activate it yourself and restart the laptop. Check how the laptop mouse works after this.

Hardware reasons for the touchpad not working

If none of the previously proposed solutions to the problem apply to your case, for example, the left button does not work well, then you are dealing with hardware faults. One of the possible reasons is that the contact between the cable and the motherboard has disappeared; sometimes it simply falls out of the connector. To restore the functionality of the panel in this case, the keyboard must be removed from the laptop.

We remove the keyboard from the laptop to check the integrity of the cable

The keyboard can be removed from the laptop by the user himself, however, before doing this, you need to read the instructions for disassembling the laptop strictly for your model. Basically, all modern laptops use special latches to attach input devices to the panel, the number of which can vary from 4 to 8. Usually the keyboard is removed in the following order:

Not all laptops have keyboards that are secured with latches. Sometimes, to remove it, you need to unscrew the screws on the back cover of the laptop. In some cases, it is secured with a pair of screws, which must be unscrewed on the front panel. However, this occurs mainly in older models.

Other causes of touchpad malfunction

If the touchpad does not work along with all USB devices (keyboard, mouse, etc.), then the motherboard is most likely faulty. Intervention in it should be carried out only in a specialized service. If the left or right button is faulty, the cursor has disappeared or is slow as a result of mechanical damage, the touchpad should be replaced.

Some of the devices lose only part of their functionality. This may result in the inability to scroll, or only finger gestures may not work. In the vast majority of cases, this is a problem with “crooked” drivers.

They will need to be reinstalled by downloading them from your laptop manufacturer’s website. If replacing the drivers does not help, there may be a physical problem. This can happen as a result of the keyboard being flooded; crumbs can also get inside, interfering with the normal operation of the device. In any case, if the touchpad malfunctions and the cursor disappears or becomes glitchy, you can use a USB mouse.

Why touchpad doesn't work

On a laptop, the mouse is replaced by a touchpad. That is, the cursor is controlled using a touch panel, which is what is called a touchpad. But what to do if the touchpad on your laptop does not work? The cursor does not move, the buttons do not work. You won't be able to control your laptop without a touchpad, especially if you don't have a mouse.

What to do if the touchpad on a laptop does not work

When checking for hardware faults, you need to pay attention to:

If the laptop's touchpad partially stops working, that is, scrolling or some gestures do not work, then the problem must be looked for in the drivers. Try updating them, or rolling back the system to the date when everything worked fine. You can also try to configure the device correctly.

Sometimes reinstalling the operating system helps if problems continue to occur and other methods do not help.

You can also remove the touchpad control device from the list of programs, or remove the touchpad itself from the list of devices. After this, we update the list of devices and all drivers and necessary programs will be installed automatically.

To check the touchpad device itself, try booting into safe mode, if it works normally, then everything is fine with the device. We are looking for a problem in programs and drivers.

Why the touchpad doesn't work updated: January 14, 2017 by:

The touchpad does not work: what to do?

To work with a laptop, it is not at all necessary to connect a mouse to it: modern laptops use a touchpad to control the cursor, which allows you not to carry additional devices with you. But it happens that the touchpad fails, and you are unable to work normally with the laptop. What to do if the touchpad does not work?

The touchpad is a touch panel that responds to touches and finger movements, moving the cursor along a given path. At first it may not seem very convenient, but most users quickly get used to using the touchpad and prefer it to a mouse.

But this is where the danger lies: you get used to the touchpad and stop carrying a mouse with you. And one day there may come a time when you open your laptop and discover that the touchpad does not work. What to do in this case?

Why doesn't the touchpad work?

Some users, when they say “the touchpad does not work on a laptop,” mean that it works, but not as it should: the cursor does not respond well to commands, moving too slowly, too quickly or jerkily, which makes it difficult to work. The most common cause is a dirty touchpad. Cleaning it is quite easy - you need to wipe its surface well with a soapy swab, and then with a damp alcohol wipe. You can use the touchpad after it is dry. Sometimes the touchpad doesn't work properly because your hands are wet or oily.

It happens that the problem lies in the touchpad settings - the sensitivity is set too high or too low. To change sensitivity settings, you need to go to the “Mouse” item in the Control Panel. Sometimes not the entire touchpad does not work, but individual functions - for example, scrolling. This is a software problem and can be resolved by installing or updating the touchpad driver. For some touchpads, you will need to install special software to configure them.

If the touchpad does not work at all, then the reason may be software or hardware. First, let's exclude the simplest and most likely options. If the touchpad stops working, there is a high probability that it is simply disabled. There are several ways to enable the touchpad:

  • use a key combination: on most laptops, the touchpad is turned on and off by pressing the Fn function key in combination with one of the F1-F12 keys;
  • press the touchpad power off button (not available on all laptops);
  • enable the touchpad using the system utility: it is usually displayed in the tray next to the clock;
  • disable the mouse: on some laptops the touchpad is automatically disabled when a USB mouse is connected;
  • enable touchpad support in the BIOS: to do this, go into the BIOS and select the appropriate value for the Internal Pointing Device parameter.

If this did not help, and the touchpad on the laptop still does not work, then the reason may be hardware. Like other devices, the touchpad is connected to the motherboard using a cable. Sometimes during transportation, the cable fastener opens and the cable falls out of the connector on the motherboard. It is clear that the touchpad stops working. In this case, you can disassemble the laptop yourself to connect the touchpad, or contact a service center.

Also, the touchpad may not work due to mechanical damage. In this case, most likely, it will simply have to be completely changed. If after an impact the touchpad works, but the buttons have failed, you may be able to get by with a little pain by disassembling the touchpad and returning the failed buttons to their place.

If not only the touchpad, but also the keyboard and USB ports do not work, the problem, naturally, is not in the touchpad. Most likely, the laptop's motherboard is faulty. There is only one way - to the service center for diagnostics.

As you can see, if your touchpad does not work, there may be different reasons. You need to eliminate all possible causes one by one, starting with the simplest ones, and only then, if all else fails, take your laptop to a service center.

Greetings, dear blog reader. website, or a random visitor who looked at this page to find out how to enable or disable the touchpad on a laptop! This article may also be useful to those who want to find out why the touchpad does not work after Windows reinstallation. As a rule, this problem is solved by pressing one or two buttons, but for each laptop model these keys can be completely different. However, the touchpad may not work for a number of reasons that require further investigation. But first things first.

How to enable the touchpad in different laptop models

In every more or less modern laptop model, the manufacturer has provided ability to quickly turn on or off the touchpad. What is it for? Well, at least so that when entering text with your fingers, you do not move the cursor by accidentally touching the touchpad with your hand. If your touchpad does not work on HP laptop, most likely it was accidentally turned off, because... A special key on the touchpad itself is responsible for this action. It is usually located in the upper left corner of the panel and is indicated by a rectangle.

In other laptop models, key combinations are usually used, among which there is always Fn (bottom left) and one of the keys F1 - F9. To determine what kind of key it is, just look at the corresponding images on them. The button should be marked with an icon (for example, a rectangle with a line through it). If there are no icons on your keyboard other than F and index, use the following hints:

  • Turn off the touchpad on a laptop Lenovo you can use the keyboard shortcut Fn+F8 ;
  • If the touchpad on your laptop does not work Acer, you can return it to working capacity by pressing the buttons simultaneously Fn+F7;
  • Input device on Asus activated by keys Fn+F9 ;
  • In laptops Samsung need to click on Fn+F5 or simply F6 ;
  • To enable the touchpad in Dell, Press Fn+F5 ;
  • Input device in models Toshiba activated by keys Fn+F

If you have a rarer brand of laptop, you can try pressing the key combination Fn + (F1-F9) alternately.

How to enable the touchpad on a laptop in Windows

The described methods for activating an input device do not work on all laptop models. At least because it’s in the laptop Sony Vaio There is no such key provided at all. However, in any model, even those described above, you can enable the touchpad programmatically in operating system Windows.

So let's go to Control Panel - Hardware and Sound - Devices and Printers. Among the shortcuts, find the name of your computer and right-click on it. From the drop-down list, select Mouse Options. A new window appears in which we need to go to the tab Device settings, then click on Enable. That's it, now your touchpad will work. Switch off it can be done in the same way.

Enabling the touchpad in BIOS and updating drivers

If you do not find a touchpad at all in the operating system, i.e. There is simply no such device, then you need to check for drivers using BIOS. To do this, at the beginning of loading the operating system, press the Del or F10 button (other keys may be used for different laptop models) to get to the Bios menu. There we go to the Advenced tab, where you need to find the item Internal Pointing Devise. Opposite the neg should be the value Enabled. If it says Disabled, then change this value.

What should we do if the touchpad on the laptop does not work even after we turned on the device in Bios? It is necessary to check Are drivers installed for the input device in Windows?. It often happens that scrolling on the touchpad does not work - this is also a consequence of the fact that the wood is crooked. Problems may appear after reinstalling Windows. To check the driver and its relevance, go to device Manager, select item Mice and other pointing devices and from the drop-down list, click on the device with the name of your laptop. In my case this is Lenovo Pointing Device.

In the window that appears, on the General tab, view the status of the device: if it works normally, then everything should be fine with the driver. If there are errors, go to the Driver tab and click on Update.

However, the system may not always be able to find the latest drivers for your touchpad. Therefore, you can do it differently - visit the manufacturer's website your laptop, find the drivers section there, select the desired laptop model, download the driver and install it on your computer.

Another reason why scrolling on the touchpad does not work is that the input device settings have been changed. To check this, go to the panel in Device Settings in Mouse Properties, as we did in the chapter How to enable the touchpad on a laptop in Windows , and instead of Disable or Enable, click on Options. There we put a tick next to the item Virtual Scroll Feature.

What to do if the touchpad on your laptop starts to work poorly? It is not always advisable to take a laptop computer to a repair service to fix the problem. The essence of the problem may lie in hardware malfunctions of the touch panel. In some cases, driver malfunctions, ordinary surface contamination, and software problems occur.

What to do when the touchpad on a laptop does not work well? There are several ways that make it possible to “reanimate” the sensor. Every user can cope with restoring the functionality of the functional panel.

About the reasons

Why does the touchpad on a laptop work poorly? The sensor may not respond to touches, refuse to recognize user gestures, and demonstrate a decrease in sensitivity. If the cursor slows down when you touch the panel with your finger, jumps chaotically or does not work at all, the problem may be caused by the following:

  • the touchpad is covered with an impressive layer of dust, sticky dirt, and greasy stains;
  • there is a physical break in the loop, disconnection of contacts is noted;
  • the sensor is disabled in the settings;
  • system utilities are outdated and need updating.

Enabling the touchpad

Oddly enough, the problem is often eliminated by simply activating the touchpad. To enable the touchpad, just hold down the Fn button on the keyboard, and then add a system key to the combination. Its role can be played by F1, F7, F12. It all depends on the model and manufacturer of the laptop. In some cases, turning off the mouse helps. The solution makes it possible to eliminate the conflict of devices for cursor control.

Some laptop manufacturers place the power key directly on the sensor. Typically, this button is located at the top left of the panel. To turn on the touchpad, briefly press the key several times.

Removing mouse drivers

If the touchpad does not work well on an Asus laptop or a device of another brand, the reason probably lies in the simultaneous operation of a whole mass of drivers for various models mice. There are utilities that can independently disable the touchpad.

When the touchpad on your laptop is not working properly, open Device Manager. Press the key combination Win+R on your keyboard. As a result, a line for entering text will be displayed. Write here special team- devmgmt.msc. In the expanded menu, find the lines indicating the connected mice. Remove the corresponding drivers one by one. At the same time, check the touchpad for functionality. When everything is in order, close the Device Manager window, and then reboot the system.

Fixing the problem through the BIOS

What to do if removing mouse drivers does not work? The touchpad can be disabled in the BIOS. To enter the service procedures system, restart the laptop. During the OS startup, click on the Delete key. There are laptops where you need to press the F1, F2 or F12 buttons. The correct option for your device model is usually highlighted on the screen during boot.

After entering the BIOS, follow this pattern:

  • Find the Advanced tab.
  • Go to the Internal Pointing Device option, which controls the functionality of the touchpad.
  • The Disabled mark next to the option indicates that the touchpad is disabled.
  • Click on the function, changing the setting to Enabled.
  • Exit the Advanced tab, save your changes and restart your laptop.
  • As a result, the sensor should work.

Mechanical damage

If the touchpad on a laptop does not work well, the reason may lie in the hardware. Carefully remove the cover from the laptop computer. Check how well the cable from the sensor to the motherboard is connected. Contacts often fall out of their sockets during shaking when transporting devices.

When the touchpad on a laptop does not work well, the problem may be due to mechanical damage to the panel itself. In such situations, the sensor needs to be replaced. Install the new touchpad yourself or contact specialized services.


Typically, a set of the above measures allows you to restore proper operation of the touchpad. Please note that the sensor may not respond correctly to commands if touched with dirty or wet fingers. Make sure the panel surface is clean. Perhaps it's time to go over the touchpad with a slightly damp cloth and wipe the surface dry.

Of course, few people use touchpads. Most people who own laptops prefer to use wireless mice - they are compact and can be easily taken with them. Moreover, for some they are much more convenient than touch panels. And this is true, because not all laptops have touchpads that can be called successful. While some people can recognize up to five fingers, others can somehow cope with just one. As a rule, such touchpads are disabled in automatic mode when connecting a mouse, but you have to activate them manually. What to do if the touchpad (touchpad) on the laptop does not work, and there is simply no mouse at hand? Let's find out!

The touchpad (touchpad) on the laptop does not work

About ninety percent of problems are solved by activating the touchpad. You probably know that your laptop has a multifunctional Fn key, which, together with other keys, allows you to adjust the brightness of the display, switch tracks in the player, decrease and increase the volume and, of course, enable/disable the touchpad.

There is a small problem - on all laptops different key combinations are responsible for enabling/disabling the touchpad. In laptops from:
- Acer: Fn + F7;

- Asus: Fn + F9;

- Gigabyte: Fn + F1;

As for the no less popular laptop manufacturer HP, their touchpad is turned on/off completely differently. Take a closer look at your pet; in the upper left corner of the touchpad there is a light indicator, also known as a touch button. Just press it twice with your finger and the touchpad will be activated.

Cleaning the touchpad on a laptop

If the touchpad is too dirty or greasy, it may not respond to your touch. A similar situation will occur if you try to work with it with wet hands.

Ordinary wet wipes work best for cleaning. After this, the panel should be wiped dry and its functionality checked.

The touchpad does not work - we solve the problem through the BIOS

It is extremely rare that the touchpad could be disabled in the BIOS. To get into the depths of your laptop, you need to use one of the following keys: Escape, Delete, F1 - F12.

How to get into the BIOS and what to do:

Installing drivers for a laptop touchpad (touchpad)

Nothing complicated here either. It is enough to know the model of your laptop - you can look at it on the box under the device or under the battery.


If this does not work, most likely the problem is a damaged touch panel and that is why it does not work. There is only one way out - contacting a service center. On the other hand, after reinstalling the drivers, you can try repeating the very first tip - activating the touchpad using the keyboard, which often works precisely after reinstalling the software.