Who is an electronic computer operator? Computer operator (electronic computers)

Computer's operator- specialist in entering and processing information using a computer. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Another name for the profession is digital information processing master.

The information this employee works with can be in a variety of formats. And it can work with both text and audio, video and graphic editors, viewing and playback programs, Internet information resources, etc. You can also enter information into the computer different ways: type text on a computer, scan (i.e. digitize) text or image, transfer ready-made materials from another medium (disk, flash drive, etc.).

The field of activity of a computer operator depends on the place of work. One of the options is to enter data into the electronic database of goods in a trade organization. This is a very responsible duty, although quite routine.

More creative work for employees of publishing houses, editorial offices of print and Internet projects. There, responsibilities can range from regular typing, to processing audio and video files, creating slide shows, etc. for posting on the site.

The profession of a computer operator can be classified as a starting one. Firstly, to master it, it is enough to receive primary vocational education. Secondly, a digital information processor is a PC user who knows several programs at a professional level, the basics of building information systems. This good base for further education in this area.


A computer operator can work in banks, insurance companies, trading and industrial firms, Call centers, publishing houses, companies involved in the development and maintenance of websites, archives, etc., etc.

Important qualities

The profession of a computer operator requires such qualities as responsibility, diligence, perseverance, the ability to concentrate, and communication skills.

Knowledge and skills

The operator must be able to work with office software packages ( Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org), use the Internet, by email. Knowledge of graphics programs (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc.). The ability to type quickly and competently (preferably blindly) is considered a great advantage. In addition, the operator must confidently handle the scanner, printer, etc. peripheral devices. Understand the principles of building computer networks.

Profession computer operator

The work of a computer operator or, as they more often say, a PC operator is directly related to entering various data into the computer. This can be either text or graphic information. The operator is tasked with compiling tables, grouping information into catalogs and more - the complexity of the work and the range of responsibilities depends on the requirements of a particular company.

The profession has gained relevance quite recently. Before the advent of computers, there was no need for it. Then all information was stored in folders, written down in notebooks, and complex calculations were carried out by scientists. Nowadays no one bothers familiar professors to calculate any formulas - there are computers and computer operators...

Many people do not take the profession of a computer operator seriously. Although the benefits from the work of this professional are sometimes more significant than from the managerial level. Managers do not know how to repair equipment or work with “sophisticated” software products. They use the information provided by the operator in in electronic format, when making important business decisions - for example, reports or diagrams.

The PC operator must know where to look for the necessary information in local network, also accounting programs, Word, Excel, basic document management, be able to touch type. He will have to work with office equipment - scanner, printer, fax and fix minor breakdowns. It is not enough to be able to quickly type texts; you need to be able to build complex graphs and tables, and work with databases.

This profession has several significant disadvantages - vision deteriorates from prolonged work at the computer, and there is a risk of curvature of the spine. You need to be constantly focused and attentive when entering data, since one incorrectly entered number can lead to unpleasant consequences. This type of work is suitable for those whose efficiency and attentiveness do not decrease during 8 working hours even from monotonous work.

The specialty “PC Operator” can be obtained at the school. But employers do not require a diploma, but knowledge. A diploma is not yet an indicator of knowledge in the field information technologies, you can be on friendly terms with the computer without it. There are also numerous courses for operators where you can gain basic knowledge of MS Office programs and the Internet.

Computer operator and his job responsibilities

A computer operator is a specialist involved in entering information into a computer, storing data and processing it. The vacancy itself is usually called “computer operator” (computer is an electronic computer) or “PC operator” (PC is Personal Computer). These names describe the activities of the same specialist.

However, in order to work as a PC operator, it is not enough to be an experienced computer user. This position requires skills in using a variety of operating systems, programs and databases. In addition, the specified specialist must know the basics of document management, accounting and personnel work.

Using existing knowledge, the PC operator enters information, monitors the correctness of its display, draws up various tables, fills out logs, statements, etc. The specific job responsibilities of a computer operator are established by the employer in a job description, which each organization develops independently, taking into account the characteristics of its work and direction activities.

Job description structure for a PC operator

The legislation does not establish a unified form of job description for a computer operator, however, when employers develop this document, they usually try to use the structure generally accepted in personnel records management. This structure allows you to take into account all the main points that determine the work activity of a PC operator.

Traditionally, a job description consists of the following sections:

Don't know your rights?

  1. General provisions. This part of the document establishes the basic requirements for a PC operator, such as:
    • education;
    • experience;
    • professional skills.

    In addition, this section lists regulatory and local documents that a specialist must be familiar with before starting work, determines the procedure for his acceptance, dismissal and replacement, indicates the place of the staff unit in the overall organizational structure and the employee’s immediate superior.

  2. Job responsibilities and rights. This part of the job description is the main one, since with a careful approach in the process of developing the document, it allows you to take into account the entire range of powers of the specialist.
  3. Responsibility. This section establishes a list of labor violations for which an employee may be punished and may directly determine penalties. However, it must be remembered that labor legislation prohibits tightening the employee’s responsibility in comparison with the norms of the law. However, in many cases, the entire content of the section comes down to general phrases that the employee can be held accountable in accordance with current legislation.

Basic requirements for a PC operator

As a rule, there are no high requirements for the education of a PC operator. In most cases, general secondary or secondary specialized education with the ability to work with certain programs and bases is sufficient. True, at the same time, a candidate for the position of a computer operator, depending on the field of activity of the organization, may be required to have any additional professional skills (for example, knowledge of a foreign language, basic accounting or personnel records).

Requirements for a specialist’s work experience are determined by the employer based on specific circumstances. So, if it is expected to perform simple work or work in a program specially developed at the enterprise, the applicant may not be required to have any work experience at all. If the work of a PC operator involves any additional job functions (formation of documents, data analysis, etc.), work experience from 1 to 3 years may be required.

Typical job responsibilities and rights of a computer operator

When determining the job responsibilities of a computer operator, each employer proceeds from its own realities, however, there are also a number that are characteristic of almost any organization.

In most cases, the job responsibilities of a computer operator include:

  • technical preparation of documentation for current work organizations;
  • making copies of documents using copying equipment;
  • typing text information in compliance with spelling and punctuation rules;
  • entering into various databases information necessary for the operation of the organization;
  • working with email;
  • printing and organizing documentation;
  • monitoring the condition of the equipment used and timely informing management about the need for its repair or replacement.

The labor rights of a computer operator are inextricably linked with his duties, since their purpose is to facilitate the employee’s performance of his functions. The main job rights of this specialist include:

  • the right to receive work information related to the performance of job duties;
  • the right to interact with other services of the organization within the framework of the functions performed;
  • the right to a place of work that meets safety and legal requirements.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that a reasonably defined range of job rights and responsibilities of a computer (PC) operator will allow the employee to carry out work activities effectively and efficiently, therefore this section requires the most careful study, taking into account all the features of the enterprise. Particular attention should be paid to this section during development also because the employee has the right not to carry out any other assignments other than those defined by his job responsibilities in the employment contract and job description.

Job description
computer operator[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A computer operator belongs to the category of technical workers.

1.2. A person with [enter the required] education and work experience of at least [value] years is appointed to the position of computer operator.

1.3. Appointment to the position of computer operator and dismissal from it are made by order of the manager upon submission of [fill in what is required].

1.4. The computer operator must know:

Orders, directions, instructions, instructions and other regulatory documents regulating the work of a computer operator;

Rules for computer operation and copier maintenance;

Rules for the preparation of documents, including business documentation using standard forms;

Spelling and punctuation rules;

Rules of record keeping;

Software (rules for working with Windows, Microsoft Office, etc.)

Facilities computer technology, communications and communication;

Work culture and ethics of business communication;

Fundamentals of labor and labor protection legislation of the Russian Federation;

The charter of the enterprise, its staffing table, internal labor regulations;

Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.5. The staff computer operator reports to [fill in as appropriate].

2. Job responsibilities

Computer's operator

2.1. Carries out technical preparation of documentation necessary in the course of the company's work.

2.2. Copies documents using a copier.

2.3. Types various texts in compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation, as well as standards for the design of organizational and administrative documentation.

2.4. Handles email and receives incoming messages emails and ensures that outgoing messages are sent on time.

2.5. Prints and organizes necessary documents.

2.6. Enters various information into computer databases that is important and necessary for the operation of the company.

2.7. Monitors the condition of the computer and copy equipment.

2.8. Timely informs management about the need to purchase materials directly related to the production process.

2.9. The computer operator is obliged:

2.9.1. respond to requests from other employees in a timely manner professional activity, provide the required information in full;

2.9.2. comply with established deadlines for completing tasks and instructions;

2.9.3. provide assistance to work colleagues in solving problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance results;

2.9.4. honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him;

2.9.6. keep official and commercial secrets;

2.9.7. comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3. Rights

The computer operator has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management relating to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by this job description for management's consideration.

3.3. Interact with employees of all structural divisions.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees of other divisions of the company information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility

The computer operator is responsible for:

4.1. failure to perform or improper performance of one's job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.2. offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.3. causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document]

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Computer's operator- specialist in entering and processing information using a computer. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Another name for the profession is digital information processing master.

The information this employee works with can be in a variety of formats. And it can work with both text and audio, video and graphic editors, programs for viewing and playback, information Internet resources, etc. You can also enter information into the computer in different ways: type text on the computer, scan (i.e. i.e. digitize) text or image, transfer ready-made materials from another medium (disk, flash drive, etc.).

The field of activity of a computer operator depends on the place of work. One of the options is to enter data into the electronic database of goods in a trade organization. This is a very responsible duty, although quite routine.

More creative work for employees of publishing houses, editorial offices of print and Internet projects. There, responsibilities can range from regular typing, to processing audio and video files, creating slide shows, etc. for posting on the site.

The profession of a computer operator can be classified as a starting one. Firstly, to master it, it is enough to receive primary vocational education. Secondly, a digital information processor is a PC user who knows several programs at a professional level and the basics of building information systems. This is a good basis for further education in this area.


A computer operator can work in banks, insurance companies, trading and industrial firms, Call centers, publishing houses, companies involved in the development and maintenance of websites, archives, etc., etc.

Important qualities

The profession of a computer operator requires such qualities as responsibility, diligence, perseverance, the ability to concentrate, and communication skills.

Knowledge and skills

The operator must be able to work with office software packages (Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org), use the Internet, and e-mail. Knowledge of graphics programs (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc.) may also be required. The ability to type quickly and competently (preferably blindly) is considered a great advantage. In addition, the operator must confidently handle a scanner, printer, and other peripheral devices. Understand the principles of building computer networks.