How to convert a document from xls to word. How to Import Data from Excel to Word

Word is a very powerful editor for working with text. But sometimes we have to use two programs at once - create tables in Excel and continue working in Word. In this article we will look at how to convert Excel to Word. It is worth noting that Excel cannot save a book in docx format. Even if you try to do this through export, you still won’t succeed. But there are many other methods that work. Let's look at the most basic of them.

There are several options for copying information in the Excel editor. Let's look at them in more detail.

Using the context menu

In order to use this method, you need to follow these steps.

  1. Select the entire amount of data.
  1. Right-click on the selected area. In the menu that appears, select “Copy”.
  1. As a result, the table will be highlighted with a dotted line.
  1. Go to Word.
  1. Press the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + V. The result will be as follows.

As you can see, everything was copied very well. But during the transfer, the original size of the lines was lost. More precisely, the column width remained the same, but the text did not fit. The fact is that Word adds indents that were not there in Excel. That is why it is not recommended to make the text as close to the edges as possible, since everything can move out.

  1. Return to Excel and slightly increase the size of the “Name” column.
  1. Now repeat the previously described steps again. This time everything should look much better.


You can copy the desired range of cells in another way. At the same time, it is much faster.

  1. Select the table.
  1. Press the hotkeys Ctrl + C. As a result, a dotted frame should appear around the table, which will move clockwise. This is a sign that you did everything right.
  1. Go to Word. Click on the key combination Ctrl + V. As a result, exactly the same transformation will occur.

It doesn't matter how you copied the cells. When you press Ctrl +V you will always get the same result.

Please note: in both cases you can edit the data that is in the table.

Using the toolbar

If you can't remember the key combination or you don't feel comfortable calling up the context menu all the time, you can always use the buttons on the main panel.

  1. Click on the "Copy" icon. This will result in two options. When you select the first of them, the same thing will happen as was said above.
  1. But if you click on “Copy as picture”, you will see a completely different result.

Let's look at these parameters in more detail.

If you select this item, you will see all the cell lines during insertion. Even those who had no boundaries. On a small scale they are not immediately noticeable. Especially if there are very few such cells. Therefore, we will show it in enlarged form.

If you use this copying method, you will not see anything like this. However, you will not be able to select “Image Format”.

After pasting you will see the following.

Empty cells have no contours. But at the same time, the table itself became not very beautiful.

Please note: in both cases, editing the data is now impossible, since it is a picture and not a table.

Therefore, before converting data and moving it into a Word document, think several times about what format to do this in. Try to use ones in which you can make some changes in the future.

Importing data into Word

In all the cases described above, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V was used when inserting a table. But this is not the only way. In order to see other options, you need to do a few simple steps.

  1. Select the desired range of cells. Copy the table using the hotkeys Ctrl + C.
  1. Go to the Word editor and click on the “Insert” icon. It is located on the "Home" tab.
  1. The same thing will happen as if you pressed Ctrl + V .
  1. Now click on the small triangle under the “Insert” icon. As a result, you will see a large list of different insert options.
  1. When you hover over each icon, you will see a preview.

You will need to click when you have made your choice.

The number of icons depends on what exactly is on the clipboard. Such a large set is only possible if there is a table there. If it’s just a picture, it will look something like this.

In order to open this window, you need to complete the following steps.

  1. Go to the Home tab. Click on the “Insert” icon. Select the appropriate menu item. Or press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + V.
  1. Immediately after this, the Paste Special window will open. In this case, the number of different options also depends on the contents on the clipboard.
  1. Once you have made your choice, you will need to click on the “OK” button.

Differences between Word editor versions

The instructions described above are only suitable for modern Word (2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016). The old version from 2003 has much fewer features, but it cannot be discounted.

If you press the key combination Ctrl + V (after copying the table to the clipboard), you will see the following result.

The table turned out very beautiful, but at the same time the borders of empty cells were displayed. By default, in Word 2003, tables have a grid display enabled. In order to disable it, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Click on the main menu "Table". Select Hide Grid.
  1. After this, all unnecessary borders will instantly become invisible.

As a result, the result became even better.

The outdated version does not have different icons for inserting in different formats. Nevertheless, this item is already present, but it is located in the “Edit” section.

The list is almost exactly the same as in Word

Online services

If you do not have a modern Word editor at hand or are unable to take advantage of its capabilities, then in this case various online portals that specialize in this area come to the rescue.

If you open a search engine and enter the query “Excel to Word converter”, you will see the following result.

Let's look at some of them. Keep in mind that not everyone can cope with their task. Especially if your file has a complex structure. For example, several merged cells or the use of text wrapping in them. Only a few sites can convert this. If the converter gives an error or a blank page in the final file, then this service will not suit you.

You can download the file in several ways:

  • from a computer;
  • from the cloud “Drop Box” or “Google Drive”;
  • provide a link to the document.

We will use the first method.

  1. Click on the "From Computer" link. In the window that appears, select the book you need. Then click on the “Open” button.
  1. Immediately after this, this document will appear in the list (you can work with several copies at the same time). Click on the drop-down list next to the word “to”.
  1. Select the "Document" category. Then the item “DOC” or “DOCX”.
  1. After that, click on the “Convert” button.
  1. Wait until the translation into the desired format is completed.
  1. Once “Finished” appears, the file can be transferred to your computer. To do this, click on the “Download” link.
  1. In order to export a file, you must specify the desired directory and the desired document name. Then click on “Save”.
  1. As a result of this operation you will receive the following.

As you can see, the contents of the book were transferred correctly. But the borders turned out to be completely different. Please note that there are empty cells to the left and at the top of the table. The thing is that during the conversion, all cells from 1 to the last (where your information ends) are converted, and not from where the filled cells begin.

Finally, let's look at the English-language portal ZamZar. It also looks quite simple. And it won’t be difficult for even a novice user to figure it out. The main thing is to understand basic words in English.

The good thing about this service is that it is free and can convert almost any format. Including in a Word document.

In order to take advantage of its capabilities, you need to do the following operations.

  1. Click on the “Choose Files” button.
  1. Select the required document.
  1. Immediately after this, the “Files to convert” section will appear. That is, you can work with several files at the same time.

Another error is also possible.

Additional software

On the Internet you can find a large number of different applications that can cope with this task. However, most of them are either paid or do not work correctly. And some do not work with modern formats at all.

As an example, consider the Total Excel Converter program. You can download it from the official website of the developer.

This utility opens the desktop contents by default. A directory tree also appears.

Using this software is very simple. Just check the box next to the desired item and select the final format.

Immediately after this, a window will appear in which you can specify the file name and its location. To continue, click on the “Start” button.

However, some of the data did not fit the width of the page. In this case, you will have to manually reduce the width of the columns. You will also have to delete empty cells that were in the original workbook before the table.


In this article, we looked step by step at how data is converted from Excel to Word. At the same time, the capabilities of both Word itself and third-party applications, including online services, were demonstrated.

If you can't do something, you're probably missing something. For example, you select the wrong cells. Or you don’t highlight anything at all. Try repeating the above steps again, but this time more carefully.

Video instruction

If for some reason things still don’t work out for you, then don’t despair right away. All is not lost yet. Below is a video in which the described methods are discussed with additional comments.

Insert excel table into word. You created a report in an Excel spreadsheet, but your boss didn’t like it and ordered you to urgently transfer it to Word. You try this way and that, but for some reason, even if the table is transferred, then all the data is shifted somewhere, or something completely unclear happens. My nerves are already on edge, but as luck would have it, the table doesn’t come out. What if he later has the urge to change some numbers? What then? Start all over again? Once upon a time I also faced such a problem and did not know how to get out of this situation. It was after this that I began to study Microsoft Office. Now, of course, this is not a problem for me. Read this article, and you won’t have them anymore either. In addition, all changes that you subsequently make in Excel will automatically change in Word.

Method for office suite 2010

Select the table in Excel, which we need to transfer to the document Word. For example, I’ll take this simple sign.

Select it with the mouse, and in the feed - File- select the icon Copy- . You can simply press the keys at the same time Ctrl +C on keyboard.

You can right-click on the selected table and select from the drop-down menu Copy- .

Now let's go to the Word document. Place the cursor where our table will be placed and select in the ribbon - File- icon – Insert-. And in Paste options - select the icon Link and use final styles - .

And right there in the document we had our table from Excel.

If you do not need a table frame, then select the icon Link and keep original formatting - .

ForWord 2007

We also select and copy the table into Excel. Go to the Word document. Select on the ribbon homeInsertSpecial insert- .

In the window that opens Special insert- , set the switch to the item – To tie-, and in the window - How:- select the item - Sheet MicrosoftExcel (object)-, and press the button - OK -.

IN Word 2003 we go to the menu - Edit- and choose - Insert- .

The result will be the same. Now, I hope such manipulations will not scare you.

Video: Insert excel table into word:

Can link Excel and Word tables so that data from one table flows into another.Here we will consider, how to transfer table data from Excel to Word. For example, we need to produce export table fromExcel to Word so that when you change data in an Excel table, the data in Word changes.
So, how to transfer a table from Excel to Word.
Let's make a table in Excel. Filled the Excel table with data - column names, formulas, etc. We’ll make exactly the same table in Word, with the same number of rows and columns, but empty. Column C contains formulas. Now you need to configure the relationship between table cells.
To do this, right-click on the first cell in the Excel table. From the context menu that appears, select the “Copy” function.
Let's go to the Word table. Click on the same (first) cell and on the “Home” tab, click the “Insert” function button. Select the “Paste Special” function from the list. In the dialog box that appears, check the box next to the words “Link”. In the “How” window, select “Unformatted Text”. Fill out the dialog box like this.
Click the “OK” button. It turned out like this.

In an Excel table, remove the pulsating frame of the copied cell using the “Esc” button. This is how we link all the table cells. The result is a table like this in Word.

To update data in Word table, when changing data in an Excel table, you need to select the Word table (click on the arrow sign at the top left of the table).

From the context menu, select the “Update connection” function.

Or the “Data” tab - “Connections” - “Update all”.
Let's check how the connection works. Let's change the numbers in the first column. Let's update the Word table. It turned out like this. The cells in the first column were updated and the data calculated using the formula in Excel changed in the third column.
Attention! This feature may not work in merged cells.
Also in the context menu (first select the Word table) there is a function “Linked Worksheet object”. ZHere you can open an Excel table that has a Word table linked to it. Make changes to an Excel table, etc.
Change connection– function in the “Communications” context menu - configure communication update parameters, etc.
Attention! When the table structure changes, connections are interrupted, e.g. You need to configure the connection in ready-made tables.
The function of transferring an Excel table to Word can be used when creating other documents and forms. For example, create a calendar in Word for many years, which will be automatically updated. See the article "Calendar in Word"

There are situations when text or tables typed in Microsoft Word need to be converted to Excel. Unfortunately, Word does not provide built-in tools for such transformations. But, at the same time, there are a number of ways to convert files in this direction. Let's find out how this can be done.

There are three main ways to convert Word files to Excel:

  • simple data copying;
  • use of third-party specialized applications;
  • use of specialized online services.

Method 1: Copy data

If you simply copy data from a Word document to Excel, the contents of the new document will not look very presentable. Each paragraph will be placed in a separate cell. Therefore, after the text has been copied, you need to work on the very structure of its placement on the Excel sheet. A separate issue is copying tables.

As you can see, the text has been inserted, but, as mentioned above, it has an unpresentable appearance.

In order for it to take the form we need, we move the cells apart to the required width. If necessary, we further format it.

Method 2: Advanced Data Copy

There is another way to convert data from Word to Excel. It is, of course, significantly more complicated than the previous version, but, at the same time, such a transfer is often more correct.

  1. Open the file in Word. While in the tab "Home", click on the icon "Show all characters", which is located on the ribbon in the “Paragraph” tool block. Instead of these actions, you can simply press the key combination Ctrl+*.
  2. A special markup will appear. There is a sign at the end of each paragraph. It is important to ensure that there are no empty paragraphs, otherwise the conversion will be incorrect. Such paragraphs should be removed.
  3. Go to the tab "File".
  4. Select an item "Save as".
  5. The file saving window opens. In the parameter "File type" select the value "Plain text". Click on the button "Save".
  6. You do not need to make any changes in the file conversion window that opens. Just press the button "OK".
  7. Open the Excel program in the tab "File". Select an item "Open".
  8. In the window "Opening a Document" in the open files parameter set the value "All files". Select the file that was previously saved in Word as plain text. Click on the button "Open".
  9. The Text Import Wizard opens. Specify the data format "With delimiters". Click on the button "Further".
  10. In the parameter "The separator character is" indicate the value "Comma". Uncheck all other items if available. Click on the button "Further".
  11. In the last window, select the data format. If you have plain text, it is recommended to select the format "General"(set by default) or "Text". Click on the button "Ready".
  12. As you can see, now each paragraph is inserted not into a separate cell, as with the previous method, but into a separate line. Now we need to expand these lines so that individual words are not lost. After this, you can format the cells as you wish.

Using approximately the same scheme, you can copy a table from Word to Excel. The nuances of this procedure are described in a separate lesson.

Method 3: Using conversion apps

Another way to convert Word documents to Excel is to use specialized applications for data conversion. One of the most convenient of them is Abex Excel to Word Converter.

After this, the conversion procedure occurs. Now you can open the file in Excel and continue working with it.

Method 4: Conversion using online services

If you do not want to install additional software on your PC, you can use specialized online services for converting files. One of the most convenient online converters for Word – Excel is the Convertio resource.

After this, the Excel document will be downloaded to your computer.

As you can see, there are several ways to convert Word files to Excel. When using specialized programs or online converters, the transformation occurs in just a few clicks. At the same time, manual copying, although it takes more time, allows you to format the file as accurately as possible to suit your needs.

If you ask any user which program is best to use to build tables, he will answer “Excel”. And that's exactly how it is. But no one will argue that in another office program - in Word - sometimes you also need to create tables. Fortunately, it is possible to move this element from one program to another.

This article will discuss how to transfer a table from Excel to Word. The three most popular methods of this operation will be discussed. They are all quite different from each other, so it is recommended to read the article to the end to determine for yourself which method is best to use.

Moving a table from Excel to Word

Before moving on to a detailed analysis of all three ways to transfer a table from Excel to Word, let’s briefly go over their essence. Below are three methods:

  • normal copying;
  • copying using paste special;
  • insert from document.

The first method will allow you to quickly move a table from Excel to Word. However, to do this you need to open each program separately. There are also more significant disadvantages, which we will discuss directly in the analysis of the method itself.

The second method also uses two programs, but with its help you can link an Excel table with a Word table. How this is and why it is needed will be discussed in the analysis itself.

The third method, on the contrary, allows you to work only in Word and insert a table from Excel without opening the table editor itself. But it also has both advantages and disadvantages.

Now we will begin to analyze ways to transfer a table from Excel to Word, and you will find out which one is best for you.

Method one: normal copying

So, first of all, let’s look at the easiest way to transfer a table from Excel to Word:

  • First of all, you need to open the Word document into which you want to insert the table, as well as the Excel program with that very table.
  • Now in Excel, select the fragment that you want to move to Word.
  • It must be copied. There are three ways to do this. The first is to right-click (RMB) on the selected area and select “Copy” from the context menu. The second is to click the corresponding icon on the toolbar, which is located in the “Clipboard” area. You can see its exact location in the image below. The third method is the simplest - you need to press the key combination CTRL+C.

  • After the element has been copied, go to the Word document. First, left-click (LMB) in the place where you want to insert the table.
  • Now it needs to be inserted directly. This can be done in three ways. Open the context menu by right-clicking and select “Save source formatting” from the menu. Click the corresponding icon on the toolbar. You can also see its location in the image below. The third involves using hotkeys, only this time CTRL+V.

As a result, the table will be inserted. This was the first way to transfer a table from Excel to Word 2007. By the way, these instructions will be suitable for other versions of the program, albeit with some changes.

Method two: copy using paste special

Now we will look at how to transfer a table from Excel to Word 2010. It’s also worth noting that this method is also suitable for other versions of the program:

  • So, again you need to open two documents - Excel and Word. In Excel, select the desired area and place it on the clipboard using one of the methods described above.
  • After that, go to the Word program. You need to open the Insert tool drop-down menu. To do this, click on the arrow below it.

  • In the menu, select "Paste Special..." - a window of the same name will open. In it you need to switch to the “Link” item and in the “How” field select “Microsoft Excel Sheet (Object)”.
  • After completing the steps, click "OK" - the table will be inserted into the document.

You may notice that the table is inserted as a picture - this means that you will not be able to edit it by making any changes. Of course, this refers to the disadvantages of this method. However, there are also advantages - the table will automatically shrink to a size that fits perfectly into your document.

Third method: paste from document

Using the third method, you can generally transfer a table from Excel to Word without using the Excel program itself. This is done very simply:

  • In Word, you need to go to the "Insert" tab.
  • In it you need to click on the “Object” icon, which is located in the “Text” area.

  • In the window that opens, go to the “Create from file” tab. There, click the "Browse" button and select the Excel file in the explorer that opens.
  • As a result, all that remains is to click on the “OK” button, and the table will be inserted.

This method has only one drawback, besides the fact that the table will be inserted in the form of a picture, it will be inserted entirely, that is, you will not be able to select the area you need.


As a result, there are three ways to insert a table from Excel into Word. They are all good in their own way and each has its own disadvantages and advantages. But which method to use is up to you.