How to refresh a page on your phone. Update the web browser on your smartphone

Every browser needs updating. New functions, interface, performance become available to users only in updated versions software. Internet users spend most of their time in browsers; for comfortable use, it is recommended to promptly monitor and install updates issued by developers.

Instructions for updating your browser

Developers offer many browsers. They differ in interface, performance, and additional features. The update methods also differ.

Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge

Internet Explorer preinstalled on all operating systems Windows systems. It is rarely used for its intended purpose, but the browser is necessary for the correct operation of many programs. Microsoft Edge used on corporate computers, updated in a similar way.

To update Internet Explorer, you need to go to the official download page. This can be done through any convenient browser. This page stores the latest version of IE.

The system will automatically start installing the update after downloading. When the installer completes, you will need to restart your computer.


The Opera browser supports automatic updates. If for some reason the automatic update does not start, you can do it manually. Manual updating is carried out after starting the program. On the right top corner you need to call the menu using the corresponding button. Then go to the “About” section.

Find the "Version Information" section. The current version of Opera is displayed here. The program will report the presence of uninstalled updates, if any.

By clicking on the update button, the user will start downloading and installing the necessary files. You will need to restart Opera once the procedure is complete.

Mozilla Firefox

This browser also updates automatically, but there is a manual update option. You need to call the settings menu Mozilla Firefox. It is located in the upper right corner and looks like 3 horizontal lines. In this menu you need to select “Help” and “About Firefox”. The user will be directed to the information page.

If there are uninstalled updates, the information page will have a button that says “Restart Mozilla Firefox to update.” By clicking on it, the user activates the download and installation of files.

After restarting Mozilla Firefox, the program will be completely updated.

Google Chrome

IN Google Chrome notification of available updates is provided. A bright indicator appears in the upper right corner. If the user does not refresh the browser for a long time, the color of the indicator changes.

To update, you need to call the context menu in the upper right corner. Hover your mouse over the “Help” section. An additional context menu will appear where you need to select “About” Google browser Chrome".

In the information window there will be a warning about using an outdated version and a suggestion to update Google Chrome. By clicking on this menu, the user will refresh the browser. When fully updated, Google Chrome says "The latest version is already installed."


This browser runs on Apple operating systems. If an update is released, the device displays the message “This version of Safari is no longer supported” when you try to turn on the program. You need to open the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen and select the software update section.

The user is automatically redirected to a page where a list of all available updates for installed programs. You can download and install the new version of Safari by clicking on the confirm action button.

After restarting, the Safari browser will stop giving you a reminder about the outdated version and will update itself.


Designed for Linux operating systems – Chromium, almost a complete copy of Google Chrome. Chromium does not automatically update. The user needs to run several commands:

sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree – install

If there are new versions of Chromium. They will be installed. In the browser itself, you can only view the current version.

Yandex browser

Yandex software is updated as standard through the settings menu. You can call the menu using the button in the upper right part of the screen.

In this menu you can select additional settings and the item “About Yandex”.

In the window that opens, information about available updates and the version of Yandex software used will appear. If there is an “Update” button, you need to click on it and wait until the updates are completely downloaded and installed. After restarting the program, the changes will take effect.


The Amigo browser is very similar to Google Chrome and Yandex. Updated using a similar system. You need to call up the settings menu in the upper right corner. Hover your mouse over the “Advanced” tab and select “Help”.

A window with information about Amigo will open. If updates are available, you need to click on the download and install button and restart the program.

How to update Yandex.Browser to latest version? This question is especially often asked by those whose web browser, for some reason, does not update on its own. Therefore, you need to update it manually.

Most often, automatic updating is disabled due to a failure of the web browser itself, some kind of system error, or due to inept user actions. However, don't despair.

There is a way to manually update . And not alone. The simplest is to use the settings of the web browser itself. But sometimes it doesn’t work and then more radical measures have to be used.

IN this material we'll talk about all the options. And we’ll even talk about how to update the Yandex browser for free on your phone. But we will start, of course, with the desktop version. It's much simpler and clearer this way.

Built-in function

So, first we will try to update this interesting web browser using its settings menu. If automatic updating is disabled for some reason, then this option is the simplest and safest.

However, you need to know where the required parameter is located. Let's say right away that it is hidden in the very depths of the browser. But we will help you find it. Here detailed instructions, telling you how and what to do:

The new version will begin downloading and installation. During this procedure, the web browser will be restarted. And after the restart you will receive a completely new version with all the changes, additions and improvements.

Updating via reinstallation

This is the most radical method, which is used only in cases where the standard (and most correct method) does not work. However, in this case, the user will lose all data, bookmarks and passwords if the browser is not synchronized with the account.

So, how to update Yandex Browser for free on your computer? To do this, you will need to uninstall the program and then install it again. So it is recommended to download the installation file with the new version from the official website of the developer in advance. And the instructions are like this:

After completing the installation wizard, Yandex.Browser will prompt you to basic setup. It's worth agreeing. After all, it’s much easier than digging through the parameters later. After setup, you can use the web browser as normal.

Instructions for mobile devices

Users mobile version Yandex.Browser often does not know how to update their web browser. But in reality there is nothing complicated about it. It's even easier than the same process on the PC platform:

The process will begin immediately. And it will restart during this procedure. It's worth noting that if you use current version, then the above button simply will not exist.


So, above we looked at the question of how to update Yandex.Browser on a computer and mobile platform. Now let's summarize and draw appropriate conclusions. There are several ways to update your web browser.

The most correct and safe option is to use the capabilities of the browser itself for this. If for some reason this method does not work, then you should move on to the most radical option - a complete reinstallation.

The web industry is developing so rapidly that it is sometimes very difficult to keep track of all the new products that web specialists offer. It is even more difficult for a person who is far from the Internet industry to navigate the issue of whether it would be better for an Android-based tablet. Owners of iOS tablets are in the same bewilderment.

Of course, you can make the right decision on your own, having tried a sufficient number of different different browsers, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages in a practical way. However, in this case, you will have to spend a lot of time, and sometimes even damage your nervous system if you come across a terrible option. To save your nerves and save time, we recommend that you first read practical advice from experienced users on which browser is best to download and install for your tablet.

Choosing a browser for a tablet.

It is possible to list all the browsers that can be installed on Android or iOS, but this will only make you tired, your attention will dull, and the risk of missing out on valuable information will increase several times. It is for this reason that we are forced to list only those options that can legitimately claim to be the “best browser” for a tablet. The main purpose of a browser is to open Internet pages. The best option is considered to be the one that provides quick opening of the required web resource and is also endowed with additional useful features. Based on the opinions of the majority of users, there are several browsers that are popular among the general public of Internet users, so they can be considered the best. Among them:

Most of the undoubted leading browsers have one thing in common. All of them are built on the Chromium engine. By the way, many people immediately notice a slight coincidence in the name of this engine and the Chrome browser, believing that they are essentially the same thing. In fact, it's not like that. Confusing an engine with a browser is unnecessary and stupid. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of top browsers, and after that, every web surfer will be able to independently choose the best browser for themselves.

Ten years ago there weren’t so many browsers. Basically, Internet Explorer was used to access the network. The main and practically the only competitor for Internet Explorer at that time was Opera. Developers to win the hearts of web surfers by providing faster connection speeds. Currently, Opera also holds its position undoubtedly fast browser for tablets. High speed is ensured by fast processing of special code on an intermediate server. At the same time, rapid processing does not require increased processor power.

It is also important to know that Opera Mobile/Mini can independently disable the 3/4G connection in cases where it can detect an available Wi-Fi access point.

It is not surprising that a significant number of Android tablet owners prefer the Opera Mobile/Mini browser. The developers also did not deprive owners of iOS tablets. The next version of Opera, Opera Coast, was developed specifically for iOS. Tablet owners are pleased that the browser makes it easy to manage bookmarks, create and add shortcuts.

However, Opera deserves more than just praise. She was not without flaws. In particular, many users are not satisfied with the interface, which is characterized by excessive cumbersomeness. It is also depressing that there is no way to provide full access to individual web resources.

If you, as a tablet owner, are interested in the Opera browser, you need to visit Google Play, where you can easily download the browser version for Android tablets. If you want to download the Opera browser for tablets on iOS, then you need to visit the AppStore. On both the first and second resources you will be offered a free version for downloading.

Chrome is a surfers dream. This browser provides full compatibility with Google products. Using it is amazingly quick and easy.

When conducting a survey regarding the best browser on Windows 10, Android, iOS Chrome browser always demonstrates impressive performance. Tablet owners are pleased that Chrome provides the ability to use a built-in translator, incognito mode, and successfully control traffic.

Dolphin Browser is an excellent browser that has managed to quickly attract the attention of many users. It even outperformed Chrome when it came to understanding older web technologies. In addition, Dolphin Browser is equipped with an interface that is very easy to understand. If you want to get a bunch useful plugins, you can easily download them from Play Market. By the way, many web users use Dolphin Browser due to its external similarity to the familiar Chrome. Many people like Dolphin because on any tablet, regardless of the display characteristics, you can display any web page in full mode. Other web browsers provide this feature only on ten-inch displays. Dolphin Browser is suitable for both Android and iOS tablets.

Another web browser, FireFox, previously successfully competed with Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, in recent years he has lost ground a little, but nevertheless still has a sufficient number of fans at the moment. FireFox developers managed to:

  • improve the Java Script engine;
  • provide full optimization with HTML 5.

Unfortunately, this browser also has some disadvantages:

  • there is no possibility to enter relative to the window size;
  • Pages load slowly;
  • Sometimes error messages pop up.

  • clear cache in automatic mode;
  • work in full screen mode;
  • launch for local port proxy;
  • creating shortcuts on the desktop.

If you study the download statistics of various browsers, you can conclude that UC Browser is one of popular browsers, since the number of those who have already downloaded it has exceeded 400 million. UC Browser is actively used by residents of 150 countries. No wonder it was recognized as the best web browser for Android. UC Browser is equipped good manager downloads The opportunity to watch videos offline is also welcome. The browser runs on a specially developed U3 engine.

In 2010, UC Browser was also adapted for tablets on the iOS platform. Users instantly appreciated the compression algorithm implemented by the developers, as well as the successful speed optimization.

So, if you don’t want to use a weak browser, you can give preference to one of the listed web browsers, the advantages and disadvantages of which will suit you as a user.

Many people who are just starting to learn new technologies do not know what a browser is for. They may also not be aware that all utilities, including browsers, should be updated regularly. How and why to do this on different devices?

What is a browser and what is it for?

A browser is a special utility for a PC, tablet or phone, thanks to which every user can open pages on the Internet if there is a network connection. An Internet page is a text document (source code) written in HTML language. The browser, or as it is also called the “browser,” processes and converts this text into graphics (pictures, inscriptions, links, etc.) and provides interactivity on sites (the ability to scroll through pages and perform any actions on them).

Thanks to modern browsers, we see a graphical version of sites, which are essentially texts written in HTML.

Each user has the right to look at the source code of the page - through the corresponding option in its context menu (called by right-clicking on a field free of icons). For many browsers, the Ctrl + U key combination to call the code works.

Click on “Show page code” in the context menu

The text in this document is, of course, incomprehensible to the average user, but for IT specialists it is a working tool.

The average user will not understand the text source code pages on the Internet - it will be understandable only to programmers

Using Internet browsers, you can do the following:

  1. View and listen to the contents of pages: text, video, images, audio.
  2. Move between pages of one site.
  3. Download files in various formats.
  4. Save passwords from accounts on resources.
  5. View your browsing and search history.
  6. Save page addresses as bookmarks for quick access.
  7. Open several pages at once due to the ability to create a large number of tabs and much more.

Well-known third-party browsers are Yandex.Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Hola, Safari, Orbitum, Amigo, Tor Browser and others. Browsers such as UC Browser, Harley and Dolphin are also common on mobile gadgets. Windows has a built-in standard browser called Internet Explorer, and for the “ten” - Microsoft Edge. However, most users prefer to download and install utilities from other developers.

People generally prefer to use third-party browsers rather than the standard Internet Explorer

Why do you need to update your browser and how to find out the current version

You need to regularly update your browsers for the following reasons:

You can find out the current version of the browser in its special section “About the browser” or “About the program”. How to open it, for example, in Google Chrome, we will describe in the following instructions:

Ways to update different browsers on PC and laptop for free

Modern utilities for “surfing” the Internet are updated independently in background, if they find a new version on the network, since the developers understand that not all users will update themselves.

For this purpose, a special Update service is created that monitors the situation. It may, however, be disabled for some reason. It may also fail to download and install updates automatically, so it's important to be able to download a browser update manually and constantly check to see if the program needs it. It's free and doesn't take much time. To analyze the methods, let's take Yandex.Browser, Mozilla Firefox and standard Internet Explorer.

Via the browser's official website

This method consists of installing a new version of the browser over the old one by downloading and running the program installer file downloaded from the developer’s official resource. Let's start analyzing the procedure with a description of the Yandex.Browser update:

  1. Let's go to Yandex browser. On the page you will immediately see a yellow “Download” button. Click on it to download the installer. The download will be fast.

    Click on the “Download” button - the installation file will be downloaded

  2. On the page you will be notified that Yandex Browser is already installed on your PC, but you can run the file to update the software. Open the installer through the “Downloads” panel.

    Open the installer you just downloaded through the downloads panel

  3. If desired, leave a checkmark next to the item “Set as default browser” if you use the program often. Click on the “Install” button in the bottom right corner.

    Click on the yellow “Install” button to start the procedure

  4. We are waiting for the installation process to complete. When it finishes, the browser will automatically restart. Don't worry - your tabs will not disappear anywhere - when you launch it again, the same pages will open in the same order.

    Wait until the installation procedure for the new version is completed

To update Mozilla through the developer resource, follow these instructions:

Finally, let's look at updating the classic Windows applications Internet Explorer up to version 11 in "seven". It is version 11 that is the latest, safe and works optimally. It is important to update the standard IE browser, even if you do not use it at all, since the operation of some other programs that need Internet access, for example, Skype, depends on it. Let's move on to the instructions:

  1. Let's go to this official Microsoft resource. Scroll the page with the wheel to the “Russian language” column. You can download another one language pack, if you want to. In the line in the last cell, select between the 32- and 64-bit version. Click on the appropriate link to download the installer.

    Find the Russian language and download the version for “seven” or “eight” with the required bit depth

  2. We find it in " Windows Explorer" Usually all files are downloaded to the “Downloads” directory, but if you have previously installed another one, look for the file in it. Right-click on the file and select “Run as administrator” from the list of options.

    Click on “Run as administrator” in the context menu

  3. Click “Yes” to allow the installer to make changes on your device.
  4. The automatic installation of the product will begin (the new version over the old one). You will not need to perform any action. We are waiting for the process to complete. During the procedure, the device will reboot several times.

    Wait while the system installs the Internet Explorer 11 language pack

  5. When the last restart occurs, a notification will appear on the screen indicating that the program has been successfully updated. Launch IE and check its version: click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the window and select “About”.

    Click on the last item “About” in the IE 11 menu

  6. In an additional small window, pay attention to the version number - the number 11 must be present.

    Make sure your PC has the latest version of the standard browser - IE 11

Through the browser itself

The update can be carried out in the program itself, in particular, in the section with general information about her, where her version is indicated. Let's look at the upgrade again using Yandex Browser as an example:

  1. Left-click on the “hamburger” icon in the upper right corner. In the list of various sections, hover over last point"Additionally". In the menu that appears to the left of the main one, click on the “About Browser” option.

    In the “Yandex.Browser” menu, select “Advanced” and then “About Browser”

  2. A new tab will open in the browser window with the version number. If the utility requires an update, you will see the corresponding “Update” button. Feel free to click on it.

    Click on the “Update” button if it is in the section

  3. Now we wait for the browser to download the new version and then install it.

    Wait while the browser downloads and installs updates

  4. During the installation process, the system will ask for permission to make changes. Click on “Yes”.

    Click “Yes” to allow Yandex.Browser to make changes on your PC

  5. When the procedure is completed, the “Restart” button will appear. Be sure to click on it. Without a reboot, the changes will not take effect.

    Click “Restart” to close the browser and then restart itself

  6. When the browser opens again, at the top left in the same internal “About Browser” tab you will see the new version number.

    Check if your browser no longer needs to be updated in the “About” tab

Finding the appropriate “About the Browser” section in Mozilla Firefox is no longer so easy, so we will describe the update process for the program using this method:

  1. We open the program menu through the already familiar icon with three parallel lines. In the menu, click on the penultimate item in the list “Help”.

    In the Mozilla menu, click on “Help”

  2. On the next page, click on “About Firefox”.

    In the next list, click on “About Firefox”

  3. An additional window will open on top of the main window with information about the utility. The system will begin searching for an update. We are waiting for its completion.

    We are waiting for Firefox to finish searching for updates.

  4. If it is available, it will begin downloading immediately. We don’t do anything - the program will do everything itself.

    If there are updates on the network, the browser system will immediately begin downloading them

  5. When the download is complete, click on “Restart Firefox” to update.

    Click on "Restart Firefox to update"

  6. When you turn it on again, the installation of downloaded updates will begin. We are waiting for it to end.

    Wait while the browser installs and configures Mozilla updates

  7. When Firefox starts again, immediately go to an additional window to make sure that the browser no longer needs updates. The phrase “The latest version of Firefox is installed” should be present.

    If “The latest version is installed” appears in the window, then there is no more update for this browser on the network

Video: how to quickly update Yandex.Browser

Via "Update Center"

In the Update Center you can only get an update for built-in Windows components, so here the update is only possible for Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Let's look at upgrading IE in the center using the Windows 7 environment as an example:

  1. Open the “Start” panel by clicking on the window-shaped icon at the left end of the “Taskbar” (through it you turn off the PC). IN search bar search for "Update Center" and open the section in the results.
  2. In the center window, click on “Search for updates” and wait for the system to find one available in this moment update

    Wait until the system finishes searching for updates for the operating system

  3. After that, click on “Important updates”.

  4. In the list, look for the presence of an item about Internet Explorer. If it is present, then it is really time for the program to update. It is advisable to leave all items checked. Click on OK.

    See if Internet Explorer updates are listed and click OK

  5. Now click on “Install updates”.

    Click on the “Install updates” button

  6. The Center will require you to accept the terms of the agreement. Place a checkmark to the left of the corresponding item and click on “Done”.

    Accept the terms of agreement to start updates

  7. First, the system will independently create a restore point, which will allow you to immediately roll back to the previous version of the system in case of an unsuccessful update.

    The system will first create a restore point in case of problems.

  8. After this, the installation will begin - we are waiting for completion and further instructions from the operating system.

    The installation process for system updates will take some time.

  9. When the procedure is completed, the system will ask you to reboot the device. We do this using the corresponding button in the window or through the Start menu.

    Restart your PC using a special button or through “Start”

  10. During the restart, updates will be configured. The process will take some time. When the system starts, check that the standard browser version is up to date.

How to update the browser on your phone and tablet

Tablets and smartphones can work on different platforms: Android, iOS, Windows different versions. In the latter case, updating the browser is no different from updating on a regular PC - you can use both the official website and the “About the Browser” section. It is also convenient to update your browser through the Windows Store, if it is available there (some browsers are not included in the store, such as Google Chrome).

For Android devices

Android gadgets have a built-in store Play applications Market - the official source of all mobile programs for this "OS". It is from this that it is recommended to download all utilities, including browsers.

Like all other programs on Android, browsers are recommended to be downloaded through the Play Market

However, the store allows you not only to download and install applications, but also to regularly update them, even automatically. If you do not have an automatic update installed, do it manually as follows:

Video: how to update any Android application in the Play Market

For gadgets from Apple

Ions and iPads also have their own store with programs - App Store. It allows you to upgrade mobile utilities both automatically and manually:

Almost all modern browsers can update themselves without user intervention. However, sometimes the automatic update process may fail. In this case, it is still recommended to check from time to time whether the browser needs updating or not. The upgrade itself is not difficult - there are several ways to different devices. On a PC, you can do this in the “About the Browser” section of the browser itself or through its official website (installing a new version over the old one). The Play Market and App Store app stores are available on Androids and iPhones, respectively. In them, applications are not only downloaded, but also updated, and it is possible to set up an automatic update for all installed programs.

On mobile systems updates are mostly installed through built-in app stores. But there are exceptions - for example, on iOS you must update the system to update Safari, but on Android you can do without Play Store A.

We looked at the main features of updating browsers on different OSes and devices.

Update on Android

On Android, the main source of app updates is the Play Store. This even applies to pre-installed programs like Google Chrome. In the settings of the browser itself, you can only view the version of the application.

To download updates, do the following:

You can go the other way: launch the Play Store, find Google Chrome and click “Update”. If there are no updates, then there will be no such button. Other web browsers for Android are updated in a similar way: Yandex Browser, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, etc.

If your device does not have the Play Store or for some reason you do not want or cannot use it, there is another way to get the latest version of the browser - install it from an APK file. But first you need to do a little preparation:

  1. Check availability on your phone file manager- for example, Total Commander.
  2. Allow installation of applications from third-party sources.

To solve the second problem on Android 7.1.2 and below, open the “Security” section in “Settings” and check the “Unknown sources” option.

On Android 8.0 and higher you will have to perform a little more steps:

After this, all that remains is to upload the APK file with the latest version of the browser into the phone’s memory and start its installation.

Features of updating on Samsung devices

On smartphones and Samsung tablets There is a set of built-in applications, including the proprietary Samsung Internet Browser. Updates are also released for it, which are downloaded from its own store Samsung applications- Galaxy Apps.

How to update your browser on Samsung devices:

  1. Launch Galaxy Apps.
  2. Expand your store settings.
  3. Go to the "My Applications" list.
  4. Find Samsung Internet Browser and click Update. If there are no updates, the list will be empty.

By the way, since 2017, Samsung Internet Browser is available for any Android device. You can now install and update it through the Play Store.

Update on iOS

On Apple devices with operating system iOS or iPadOS also has a built-in default browser - Safari. Unlike Google Chrome on Android, it is updated along with the system. And the easiest way to update the system is to connect to Wi-Fi and download the available update.

How to do it:

  1. Connect to iPhone or iPad Charger.
  2. Enable your Internet connection via Wi-Fi.
  3. Open “Settings”, go to the “General” section and click on “Software Update”.
  4. Tap "Download and Install". You can choose the installation time (right now, later, tonight) or ask the system to remind you about the availability of an update.

On devices with iOS version 12 and higher automatic updates are available. To enable it:

  1. Open the General section in Settings.
  2. Go to the "Software Update" menu.
  3. Click on "Auto update".

Now available system updates will be installed automatically. However, some of them will still have to be installed manually. This is true for both iOS and iPadOS.

If it is not possible to connect mobile device to Wi-Fi, then update the system, and with it the Safari browser, using a computer. On macOS Catalina 10.15, this can be done through the Finder. On macOS Mojave 10.14 and earlier and on Windows computers, you will need iTunes program.

To update Safari using your computer:

  1. Connect your smartphone or tablet to your computer.
  2. Find your mobile device in the system.
  3. Open the "Settings" or "General" section.
  4. Select "Check for updates".
  5. Click "Download and Update".

To update third-party browsers like Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser on iOS and iPadOS, use the store Apps Store. The principle here is the same as in the Play Store on Android:

  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. Go to the Updates tab.
  3. Find your browser in the list and click Update.

If there are no updates, then the application will not be in the list for update.

Update on Windows

On Windows for Nokia phones and other brands also have an application store through which browsers and other programs are updated. Essentially it's the same Microsoft Store, available in the desktop version of "tens". To update the application, you only need to connect your device to the Internet via Wi-Fi or mobile data (3G/4G).

Update procedure:

Automatic update applications in mobile Windows also supported. To enable it:

  1. Open the Store app.
  2. Bring up the menu by swiping from the right edge to the center of the screen.
  3. Go to "Options".
  4. Select the Application Updates menu.
  5. Check the "Update apps automatically" option.

As soon as Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser or any other browser has a new version, the system will start it automatic installation. The only condition is that the device must be connected to the Internet.