Single contact center mgts phone. Mgts technical center hotline phone number

Technical support of the telecommunications provider MGTS is a 24-hour customer service service that operates through a universal Contact Center. Add it to the list functionality includes general consulting of the company's clients on a wide range of issues, primarily related to financial and technical aspects. In addition, operators hotline accept applications for connection additional services, and also process calls with complaints from Muscovites regarding the quality of communication in real time.

About the technical support service

The Universal Contact Center was opened by PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network in 2006, combining the provider’s disparate services into a single whole. On its basis, MGTS implemented a system for prompt call service using tone dialing, developed by the largest Russian IT company Sitronics. This mechanism allows you to optimize subscriber requests, distributing them into separate areas: connection of services, financial issues, repair work, etc.

In 2012, as part of the hardware replacement and subsequent abandonment of copper wires in favor of fiber optics, the Contact Center underwent modernization. This made it possible to significantly reduce the waiting time for a technical support employee to respond from 1 minute to 15-30 seconds. Moreover, today more than 50 thousand MGTS clients use the services of the Contact Center every day, including Internet users, landline phone owners, mobile subscribers, and digital television fans.

Phone list

To contact MGTS support service, you need to call one of the numbers provided:

  • from city – (495) 63 – 60 – 636;

  • from mobile – 0636.

In addition, the provider has set up a couple of hotlines, thanks to which you can:

  • find out your personal account balance – (495) 70 – 74 – 455;

  • inform the operator about the quality of the services provided – (495) 70 – 07 – 777.

For MGTS subscribers All calls to the Contact Center, including 24-hour hotlines, are completely free.

Back call

Customers of Moscow city telephone networks who use digital television and the Internet, but are not fixed-line or mobile subscribers, can order a call back from a support operator on the official website.

  1. Go to the address –

  2. Leave your contact phone number.

  3. Decide on the topic of the question.

  4. Explain the question you are interested in in as much detail as possible.

  5. Confirm that you are a person and not a robot by choosing a color that matches the picture.

  6. Click on the “Submit” button.

This option can also be used by subscribers of any Russian operators who need advice from MGTS specialists.

Reviews about MGTS technical support

Egor – 24 years old (Moscow):

I have been working in the Contact Center for the last two years. Staff turnover is quite large, which does not have the most favorable effect on the quality of service. However, in light of recent events - the collapse of the exchange rate, the situation has changed dramatically. Many employees began to truly value their workplace.

The requirements here are very high, conversations are recorded. So if someone complains about the operator, then he will have to report to his superiors, and then he will not be far from being fired.

Finally, I’ll share one little secret. If you want to speed up the process of resolving your issue, then do not agree to the standard phrase “we will call you back,” but demand that you stay on the line until all the circumstances of the current problem are clarified.

Andrey – 28 years old (Chekhov):

The coordination of the MGTS support service leaves much to be desired. When I ordered Internet using GPON technology, I asked to additionally connect digital TV. But after an hour he changed his mind, and accordingly informed the operator about it. The specialist who came to the call brought a TV tuner with him and in an aggressive manner began to force me to accept this “gift”. In general, we had to call back to the Contact Center, whose specialists an hour later clarified our conflict with the installer! There is no trace of European service quality standards here.

Svetlana – 23 years old (Lyubertsy):

Overall, I am satisfied with the technical support service of Moscow city telephone networks. But, based on the experience of numerous requests, I got the impression that, along with highly qualified specialists, some crooks work there.

Once I had to order Internet settings for a Chinese mobile phone running Android OS. After calling the operator, he told me that there are no automatic settings for this smartphone model. Consequently, I made all the necessary configurations myself under the dictation of this employee, but nothing worked. About 30 minutes later, having contacted another specialist from the same Contact Center, they sent me without any difficulty automatic settings. Just so you understand, such cases occur with enviable regularity.

Lyudmila – 19 years old (Moscow):

I call the support service - they understand everything and accept complaints. What's the point if I've been stuck with a broken modem for two weeks now?

The responses of the operators are also surprising; for all occasions they have either “We have technical failures” or “Free specialists for this moment No. We will contact you as soon as possible." And this has been the case for 10 days in a row.

Thus, the quality of service of the MGTS Contact Center, taking into account all the positive and negative aspects, still needs to be improved. And if there are basically no questions regarding the hardware, then the human factor definitely spoils the picture. Therefore, improving the qualifications of customer support employees is a top priority for the management of the telecommunications giant.

Technical support for telecommunications provider MGTS is a special service designed to serve subscribers. The service operates around the clock. During the day, each client of the provider in question can contact a company employee by dialing the hotline number and telling about the problem that has arisen. You can also contact the company through your personal account. Read more about how to use the created service in the article.

About the service

First, it’s worth understanding what the Universal Contact Center “Moscow City Telephone Network” is.

Previously, the provider's services existed separately; they were united only in 2006. Based on the formed service, MGTS implemented a system for prompt call service. This was done through the use of tone dialing.

Tone dialing is a development of the large Russian IT company Sitronics. Thanks to this mechanism, it is possible to optimize calls, messages and other types of customer requests, distributing them in various directions. Among the popular destinations:

  • connection of services;
  • financial questions;
  • repair work, etc.

2012 was the year of hardware modernization for the company. As a result, MGTS abandoned the use of copper wires. The introduction of new equipment and system updates made it possible to reduce the waiting time for an employee to respond. Previously, this indicator was a minute, now the time has been reduced to 30 seconds.

Today to the city telephone network More than 50 thousand Muscovites apply. Each of the clients is trying to resolve issues regarding the Internet, landline phone or mobile network.

The main support telephone numbers for 24/7 MGTS line numbers are presented in the table:

Number What issues are being addressed? Call cost
8−800−250−00−50 A technical support employee is ready to answer any questions you may have regarding the use of any of the services provided by the company. Calls to all cities and regions of Russia are free
8−495−636−0-536 Additional multi-channel number, available to Moscow residents Free for Muscovites, not available to others
8−495−700−70−70 Technical support solves business issues. You can also contact this number if you need to connect or disconnect the service, or resolve an unusual situation. The call is paid. The cost is determined based on the tariffs of the operator used

Help queries

Most questions asked to technical support operators relate to the topic of connecting, disabling functions, and installing equipment serviced by the company. Also popular among help requests are consultations on downloading videos, turning on the camera, or improving picture and sound quality.

An attractive service of the company is the visit of a specialist to connect and configure a certain service, if it is not possible to do it yourself. The date and time of the visit is determined by the client. The maximum duration of work will take no more than five minutes. However, it is worth considering that the service is paid. The cost of one call in Moscow is 500 rubles.

The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During this time, the company's employees manage to answer more than 50 thousand calls, and this figure is regularly growing.

TOP 3 best rates MGTS on home Internet for pensioners:

Other useful MGTS services

In addition to the hotline, MGTS has several more communication channels. Among them:

  1. Official website:
  2. Personal account:
  3. Email: [email protected].
  4. Groups on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VK, Twitter, Moi Mir, Facebook).

Thus, you can choose any method to ask your question and receive detailed advice.

Is it possible to contact support through your personal account?

Personal account is an interactive office intended for use by registered users. Inside the created virtual space there is information about the services used. Also Personal Area provides information about the balance, tariffs, and company shares.

Features that a personal account offers:

  • viewing services;
  • options management;
  • balance check;
  • payment of bills;
  • inclusion of TV packages;
  • receiving alerts.

This is an incomplete list of opportunities that the client can take advantage of.
Private MGTS office Previously, everything listed above could only be done by visiting a branch of the organization in person. Now the company’s client does not even have to leave home in order, for example, to pay for the necessary service.

To contact technical support through your personal account, you will need:

  1. Complete registration. To do this, you need to enter your passport details and other information that the operator or bot located on the site will require.
  2. Obtain a login and password from one of the customer service centers.
  3. Sign in. To do this, you need to enter the phone number from which you registered, as well as a password.
  4. View the main page that will open after logging in.

On home page All possibilities provided to the client are specified. He can not only contact a representative of MGTS, but also pay for the service himself, connect or disconnect a certain service or tariff.

The appearance of MGTS has made life easier for Muscovites and residents of other regions.

We also invite you to look at a real review from a user of the MGTS network, whether it is worth connecting to the Internet from this company:

The Moscow City Telephone Network is one of the oldest Russian companies. It was established in 1882. MGTS provides a wide range of services - mobile connection, Internet access, digital television, housing management system (smart home). The company has the largest data transmission backbone network in Moscow. MGTS is one of the first operators to start using Internet tariffs with speeds of up to 500 Mbit/s. The company's communication lines cover about 95% of the capital's apartments.

Communication with the company's clients is at a high level. Available to users different numbers phones and online chat. You can separately ask a question about the company’s services or submit a request through the feedback form.

MGTS toll-free hotline

The telephone number of the company's contact center is 8-495-636-06-36. Calls from landline and mobile numbers MGTS travel is free.

Additionally available to clients short number– 0636. You can call it from mobile phone MTS or MGTS.

Hotline MGTS Moscow

Residents of Moscow can call the above phone number. For subscribers of the Moscow region there is a single telephone number - 8-800-250-00-50. Calls within the region are free. The hotline operates 24 hours a day.

Hotline MGTS St. Petersburg

Phone numbers of the company's contact center are available only to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. The service is not provided in St. Petersburg. However, citizens can call the MGTS hotline numbers.

Hotline in the regions

MGTS coverage applies only to Moscow and the Moscow region. The company does not operate in other regions. Calls to telephone numbers of the Moscow city telephone network from other regions are paid according to the tariffs of the cellular operator.

Other methods of communication

There are several icons on the main page of the site. Two of them are displayed at the bottom of the page on a blue stripe, another one is in the form of a circle to the right above them.

If you click on the blue circle (bottom right), an online chat form will open. The system will prompt the user to enter a phone number and password. After logging in, you can ask any question about the company’s services.

In addition to online chat, the site provides a feedback form. The user needs to indicate his full name, landline phone number, email, select the topic of the question and state its essence. You can attach a file or image separately. Before sending an SMS, you must confirm your consent to the processing of personal data.

Users can separately ask questions about the company’s services via social media. For example, on Facebook or VKontakte. The community administrator usually responds within a day.

Additionally, clients can contact one of MGTS branches. Their list can be found on the website of the telecommunications company. Just go to the “Sales Centers” section. Then you need to select “Show list” and region. The system will show the addresses of the branches.

If you click on any address, a new window will open, where the route map and the branch’s work schedule will be presented.

Another way to contact the company is mobile app. It can be downloaded from the MGTS website. The application gives the user access to his personal account.

Clients of the company can also write a letter to Email[email protected]. Mailbox is intended for correspondence with individuals regarding the provision of communication services and technical support to the population.

What issues can experts help with?

Citizens can receive advice on such issues - services telephone communication, company promotions and tariffs, personal account balance, Internet access or cable television, connection or disconnection of the service. Contact center employees also resolve financial and technical issues and receive complaints about the quality of communication. If a landline phone malfunctions, citizens can apply to call a repairman.

On what issues will support not be able to help?

Technical support staff do not provide advice on services and tariffs of other mobile operators and do not address issues of fraud.

Most answers to questions can be found on the website. Contact center employees periodically remind citizens about the “Support” section. Here you need to select the appropriate section (Internet, television, mobile communications) and find the information you are interested in. Individual answers may be found in the Additional Information section.

If the user decides to refuse the company’s services, the contact center employees will invite him to contact the nearest branch of the company.

Response time and specialist competence

The speed of response to a client's request depends on the method of communication. When using online chat, you can get an answer to your question almost immediately.

If a person calls the hotline, then you need to take into account the time of day. The speed of response depends on the workload of operators. Sometimes you have to wait 5–10 minutes. Moreover, you need to take into account the operating time of the answering machine. It is triggered before the subscriber connects to the operator. Users are offered digital combinations that can be used to get answers to possible questions.

Technical customer support has a multi-level system. If the operator cannot answer the client’s question, he will redirect him to a specialized specialist. The switching system works instantly.