So that's why you need to reboot your Wi-Fi router regularly! No more problems now! How to configure the router after a reboot. Rebooting the router: how and why this is done Rebooting the computer using an asus router

It sounds paradoxical, but a router is a type of device that is rarely equipped by manufacturers with a power button. No wonder, because routers today are practically never turned off, and, therefore, are not rebooted by their users.

By the way, routers are not equipped with a special, previously specified key, we can cite as an example a router from Asus with the model name RT-N13U-B1.

It would seem, indeed, why include a feature in the functionality of the equipment that no one will use, however, not everything is so smooth. Sometimes, users encounter network problems such as freezing of Internet resources, including various web pages.

In this case, as a rule, rebooting the router should have a beneficial effect on the problem that has arisen and then eliminate it. Typically, such difficulties arise among owners and users of routers from a low price category.

Difficulties may primarily be associated with various malfunctions of your router, so rebooting it is intended to reset all violations in work activity apparatus.

In this article we will look at how to reboot wifi router, including remotely.

Method number 1: the easiest way to reboot the router

So, the first way to reboot devices is the simplest. To implement it, your device must be equipped with a “Power” button. On many ADSL modems the indicated button is called “On/Off”. As a rule, such a button has a convex shape, is pleasant to the touch and is not difficult to find.

The first press when the device was previously turned on will cause it to be disconnected from the electricity network, and a second press will restart its operation. Some manufacturers provide information on their official websites that you must wait 20 to 30 seconds after turning off the router and before turning it on.

However, this expectation is unlikely to have any unambiguous explanation. In any case, it is the manufacturer who knows his product and its structure best.

Most router manufacturers believe that the equipment used to access the Internet is intended for constant work activities, and that is why they do not install such an important power button.

If your router is not equipped with a power key, then answering the question of how to reboot wifi router, you should find the wire through which the router receives the necessary electrical energy, and then find its power supply and unplug it from the outlet, if possible, also for 20-30 seconds. The method is very ordinary, however, it has one drawback.

The disadvantage is that on a considerable number of devices, having carried out its configuration, it is necessary to forcibly save it. If the specified actions are not implemented, then after turning on the device again, the user risks receiving an unconfigured device that must be reconnected to the network.

For example, reset of settings is detected on:

  • Tp-Link TL-WR741ND;
  • TP-LINK TL-WR1045ND;
  • TP-LINK TL-WR841N.

Method number 2: reboot the device remotely

From the point of view of the router hardware, this method is the most optimal reboot option. It should also be borne in mind that this method will take the user much more time than the previous one, but it is worth it. The method is effective and relevant also because it is the only one in the case when the user does not have direct access to the router (to the shutdown button or to the socket). To answer the question of how to reboot a router remotely, you can read the second and third reboot methods.

To begin the reboot, you must enter the router parameters by logging into the web interface of its settings. This is done by prescribing in search bar browser standard address After entering the specified address, press the “Enter” button, which is located on your keyboard.

Typically, manufacturers place the reset button directly on the home page web interface of the router parameters, such manufacturers include:

  • Asus;
  • D-Link;
  • Zyxel and others.

Some include a reboot function in a specific section. On TP-Link you should go to the “system tools” section, on NETGEAR to “router status”.

Method number 3: reboot via protocol

You can also reboot the router through a special protocol called telnet. Using the launcher search engine, enter “telnet (desired IP address).” Next, the user needs to undergo authorization by entering a login and password. After specified action In the window that appears, enter “Restart”. Done, your router is now rebooted.

Thus, in this article we have covered quite extensively how to reboot a tp link, asus, d-link and others router.

Almost every user has encountered an unstable Internet connection through a wifi router, when pages take a long time to load, and the device periodically reports that there is no network connection. Naturally, all this causes a lot of inconvenience, which makes it impossible to work with the resources of the World Wide Web.

What to do if you have some strange problems with the Internet, local network or Wi-Fi? The first effective measure, which helps in 99% of cases, is to reboot the router. What explains this? It’s just that during the operation of the device, a failure often occurs, a connection is interrupted, or a connection error occurs. However, for some reason, the router cannot cope with the problem and fix the problem on its own.

But a regular reboot helps. Due to this, the device reconnects to the network, communication with Internet resources is restored, etc. Why is this method effective? Let's try to figure it out.

  • A router is very similar to a regular computer. It also has its own mini-processor, memory and even operating system. What do you do if your PC freezes? Naturally, you reboot. As a result, the computer starts working again. It's the same with the router.
  • In addition, some providers assign a temporary IP address. After some period of time this value changes. In this case, in some cases the router may not have time to process and understand the changes received. As a result, the signal is lost and along with it, access to the Internet disappears. Again, you have to reboot the device so that it can receive a new IP address and current settings from the provider.
  • Another reason why the router sometimes requires a reboot lies in the limited memory of the device. Often more users connect to it than it can “serve”. As a result, there is a freeze, an unstable connection, or access to Internet pages is completely lost. Rebooting helps fix this problem by disabling “unnecessary” devices.

So now you know why you need to reboot your router and why this procedure helps restore your Internet connection. Next we will talk about in various ways rebooting routers. Moreover, they are all relevant for popular models - zyxel keenetic, d link dir, tp link, asus, etc.

For many users, the easiest way to reboot the router is to use the special button on the device body. It is usually labeled POWER or On/Off and is located on the back. All you have to do is click this button. Then wait about 30-40 seconds (some recommend about a minute). To turn on the router, press it again and immediately release it.

In this simple way you can reboot a tp link, asus, zyxel and any other router. Just don’t accidentally mix up the buttons and press the “RESET” key. Thus, you will make a complete return to factory settings, and this may mean that you will have to configure the equipment again.

Power off

Another way is to turn off the power to the router and turn it on again. That is, you will have to completely unplug the power supply from the outlet. Wait half a minute (some recommend longer - 5-10 minutes) and reconnect it.

As a rule, you can resort to this option if you have a model without a power button. Yes, there are such devices. It's just that some manufacturers believe that network hardware should work permanently and never turn off. That's why they don't install the corresponding key on their products.

Remote device restart

The user may not always have physical access to the router. In this case, you can remotely reboot the device:

  1. The first thing you need to do is get into the control panel of the router. As a rule, to do this, just open your browser and enter “” in the address bar. Or replace “0” with “1” - “” (depending on the model and manufacturer). Next press Enter.
  2. If you can’t get into the control panel, then you need to go to the “Network Connections” folder. Next, click on the active connection and select the “Status” section. Now click on the “Details” subsection - a window opens where we look for the “Default Gateway” column. The IP address you need will be indicated here.
  3. To use the control panel features, the program may require you to enter login and password. Basically the default is admin. It didn’t work, then try user or administrator. As a last resort, refer to the user manual that came with the router.
  4. The easiest way is to reboot the asus router from the control panel, since the manufacturer already offers a special “Reboot” or “Reboot” button on the main interface page.
  5. It’s a little more complicated for D-Link routers. Here you need to find the corresponding menu. For some models from other manufacturers, to reboot the router through the control panel, you may need to go to the “Advanced Settings” or “System Tools” section.

Reboot the router via telnet and command line

Let's talk about another way. It is quite complex, so it is best used by experienced users. In this case, the router must support the Telnet protocol, which allows you to manage network device via PC from the command line.

The easiest way is if you have Windows XP:

  • Just press the Win+R hotkey combination and in the “Open” line type the command: telnet + router IP address.
  • Authenticate by manually entering your login and password.
  • Enter the reboot command (Didn’t work? Then try - restart or reload).

If Windows 7 or 8 is installed, you will need to download special programs. For example, PuTTY or KiTTY. After all, on such OS there is no Telnet client by default.

Having installed the appropriate program, go into it. Fill in the necessary parameters in the window:

  • Address – already familiar to us or;
  • The connection type is Telnet in our case.

Then click on Open. The next step is to enter your username and password. After that, all that remains is to simply enter the command reboot/restart/reload. The router should reboot.

What if you configure the router to automatically reboot? Is it possible. However, you will have to learn how to work with scripts and turn to some rather complex programs for help, such as the Expect utility. True, someone manages to automate the reboot of the router using a VBS script/script (with the *.vbs extension) and the Windows Task Scheduler. It's not that easy anyway. But if you have the desire and time, then why not configure the router to reboot automatically.

Theoretically, a router is a device that “by nature” is designed to permanent job. Therefore, many manufacturers do not even install a power off button on the device. Unfortunately, in practice, everything is far from being so “rosy”: when using routers, situations often arise with “sagging” connections, disconnecting individual components, etc. "misunderstandings". In most cases, rebooting the device is what saves the day.

Therefore, in this article we will look at all the ways to reboot tp link, zyxel keenetic, d link and asus routers - the most popular router models.

How to reboot the router through the router settings?

The easiest and most convenient way to reboot the router is through the device’s web interface.

How to reboot a tp link Wi-Fi router?

To reboot tp-link router via computer:

  • - then “System Tools” - “Reboot”;
  • - for the Russian version of “System Tools” – “Reboot”.

How to reboot a d link router?

  • - in the browser, enter the address “login” and “password” – “admin”;
  • - then “System” - “Reboot” or “Save and reboot”

How to reboot an asus router?

  • - in the browser, open the address “login” and “password” – “admin”;
  • - find the “Restart” button - usually it is located in the upper right corner.

How to reboot a zyxel keenetic router?

  • - similarly, in the address bar, enter “login” and “password” – “admin”;
  • - “Tools” - “Restart” - “Restart”

From the examples described above, it is clear that for all router models it is necessary to perform almost identical steps to remotely reboot the router: find the “Reboot” command and start rebooting the device.

How to remotely reboot a router via the command line?

Above, we looked at rebooting the router through the web interface of the router itself. However, this is far from the only Possible Solution: If your router supports the Telnet console, to reboot remotely you need to do the following:

Typically, to reboot the router you need to enter the “reboot” or “restart” commands.

In addition, for a remote reboot, you can use special monitoring utilities: for example, “MonConnInet” (paid program). This software allows you to check your Internet connection by sending “ping” requests to the specified addresses (no more than 5). If an error occurs in the response request, the program reboots the router: accordingly, you must select this option in the settings and enter the “login” and “password” of the router.

How to remotely reboot a router via a computer?

This method is suitable when you need to reboot the router remotely, but without using a web browser.

Below is a script for automatically rebooting the router when there is no connection. The script has been tested on D-link and Zyxel routers.

Create a new file in Notepad or text editor“Notepad++” (we recommend choosing the latter);

The script itself looks like this:

  • "Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  • oShell.Run "telnet.exe"
  • WScript.Sleep 1000
  • oShell.SendKeys “user” & chr(13) – router login
  • WScript.Sleep 1000
  • oShell.SendKeys “password” & chr(13) – respectively, the password for the router interface
  • WScript.Sleep 1000
  • oShell.SendKeys "reboot" & chr(13)"

After this, save the file with the .vbs extension (for example, router.vbs) - for this extension, you must enable the English keyboard layout;

Now all that remains is to add the file to the “Task Scheduler” and set the order and start time of the program.

Let us repeat, the script has been tested on D-link and Zyxel routers - the script text for other models may differ.

By this script a repeated request is made for a server response, in the absence of which the router reboots thanks to the Telnet console.

If you have never encountered the code, it is clearer and more reliable to use the option with the router interface to reboot the router.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that there are few supporters of rebooting routers: some argue that if it were required, manufacturers would leave a reset button, while others believe that this could harm the device itself. But the fact remains: after rebooting the router, the number of errors decreases, and network connection in most cases it is restored

Sometimes random problems with the router can be solved by a simple reboot. In addition, a reboot may be necessary when changing settings, although it is usually performed automatically in this case. In this article we will tell you how to reboot the router yourself.

Hard reset

The easiest, but also roughest way to reboot a modem or router is to turn off its power. If the device has a power off button, press it; if not, simply unplug the router's power supply from the electrical outlet. Wait 10-15 seconds to ensure that all internal components of the router are turned off. After that, press the power button again or plug the plug into the outlet. Be prepared for the fact that your Internet connection may not be restored immediately - it may take from several seconds to one minute.

Soft reset

We indicate the parameters in the program window, namely: the connection address to the router (as mentioned above, or and the connection type (Telnet), after which we initiate the connection by clicking the “Open” button.

After this we will see a window similar to the Windows Command Prompt, which allows us to “talk” to the device we have connected to through text commands.

First of all, you need to enter your username and password:

Now that you have learned several options for rebooting your router, you can choose the one that suits your task. And one more very important point for ordinary users - if you were unable to restart the router yourself, then call your provider (the company that provides you with the Internet) and tell us about your problem. They, in turn, can tell you how to restart the router specifically for your model.

– a very common problem, especially on inexpensive router models. As a rule, router freezes are accompanied by symptoms such as decreased Internet speed, decreased wireless network speed, lack of connection to a network printer, or simply a complete lack of Internet on all devices connected to the router. But, fortunately, such freezes are very easily treated by rebooting the router. In this article you will learn how to reboot your router.

How to quickly reboot your router

The easiest way to reboot the router is to disconnect it from the power supply for a few seconds. Since this method is the simplest, it is also the most popular. All you need to do in order to reboot the router in this way is to unplug the adapter from the router from the outlet and plug it back in after a few seconds.

Also, some router models have a special button to turn it on and off. If such a button is on your router, then it is better to use it.

It is very important not to confuse the on/off button with a button. Typically the on/off button is labeled “On/Off” and is larger and easy to press. Whereas the reset button is much smaller and labeled “Reset”. If there is only one “Reset” button on the case, then this is a reset button, and not a reboot button.

How to reboot a router from a computer

Almost all routers allow you to reboot via the web interface. This allows you to reboot the router from your computer. To do this, you need to use your browser (usually available at or and find the “Restart” button.

Usually during operation the TP-Link router for a long time does not require human intervention and works stably in the office or at home, successfully performing its function. But there may be situations when the router freezes, the network disappears, or the settings are lost or changed. How can I reboot my device? We'll figure out.

Rebooting the router is quite simple; you can use both the hardware and software parts of the device. It is also possible to use built-in Windows functions, which will need to be activated. Let's consider all these methods in detail.

Method 1: Button on the body

The easiest method to reboot the router is to press the button twice "On/Off", usually located on the back of the device next to the RJ-45 ports, that is, turn off, wait 30 seconds and turn on the router again. If your model does not have such a button, you can unplug the power plug from the socket for half a minute and plug it back in.

Pay attention to one important detail. Button "Reset", which is often also present on the router case, is not intended for normal rebooting of the device and it is better not to press it unnecessarily. This button is used for full reset all settings to factory defaults.

Method 2: Web Interface

From any computer or laptop connected to the router via wire or Wi-Fi, you can easily enter the router configuration and reboot it. This is the safest and smartest method to reboot a TP-Link device and is recommended by the hardware manufacturer.

Method 3: Using a telnet client

To control the router, you can use telnet, a network protocol present in any new Windows versions. In Windows XP it is enabled by default; in newer OS versions this component can be quickly enabled. Consider, as an example, a computer with installed Windows 8. Please note that not all router models support the telnet protocol.

  1. First you need to activate the telnet client in Windows. To do this, right-click on "Start", in the menu that appears, select the column "Programs and Features". Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Win+R and in the window "Run" type the command: appwiz.cpl , confirming Enter.
  2. On the page that opens we are interested in the section "Turn Windows features on or off", where we are moving.
  3. Place a check mark in the parameter field "Telnet Client" and press the button "OK".
  4. Windows quickly installs this component and informs us when the process is complete. Close the tab.
  5. So, the telnet client is activated. Now you can try it at work. Opening command line on behalf of the administrator. To do this, right-click on the icon "Start" and select the appropriate line.
  6. Enter the command: telnet We start its execution by clicking on Enter.
  7. If your router supports the telnet protocol, then the client connects to the router. Enter your username and password, default is admin. Then type the command sys reboot and click Enter. The equipment is rebooted. If your hardware does not work with telnet, a corresponding message appears.

The above methods to reboot a TP-Link router are the main ones. There are alternatives, but it is unlikely that the average user will write scripts to perform a reboot. Therefore, it is best to use the web interface or a button on the device body and not complicate the solution of a simple task with unnecessary difficulties. We wish you a stable and stable Internet connection.