Virtual keyboard in Odnoklassniki. Virtual keyboard - how to enable it on your computer

Instead of using a regular keyboard, you can use the on-screen keyboard to type and enter data. In this tutorial we will learn how to enable the virtual (on-screen) keyboard in Windows 7.

The on-screen keyboard appears on the computer screen with all the standard keys. The only thing missing is an additional number pad. To enable the virtual keyboard, follow these steps.

Step 1. “Standard” group

Press the button Start. In the menu that appears, expand the list All programs. In this list we find the group Standard and expand it:

Step 2: Accessibility

In Group Standard need to find the folder Special abilities and open it:

Step 3: On-Screen Keyboard

Now in the folder Special abilities find the component Screen keyboard and run it:

Screen keyboard

This is what the on-screen keyboard looks like in Windows 7.

Step 4: Numpad

By default, the on-screen keyboard does not have a number pad (numeric keypad). To turn it on, you need to press the button on the keyboard itself Options. In the settings window that appears, you need to check the box next to the item Enable numeric keypad:

After this, a number pad (numeric keypad) will appear on our keyboard:

The on-screen keyboard is a very useful tool. It will retain the ability to use a computer or laptop in the event of a failure of the push-button keyboard or its individual keys. In this article you will learn how to enable the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7, 8, 10.

How to enable on-screen keyboard on Windows 7?

In Windows 7, the on-screen keyboard is enabled as follows. Open the Start menu. In the bottom search bar, enter “Screen” without quotes.

Enabling the on-screen keyboard via search

After this, the treasured on-screen keyboard will appear in the list of results; clicking on it will launch it.

On-screen keyboard in Windows 7

Alternatively, you can open Start and follow the path “All Programs -> Accessories -> Accessibility -> On-Screen Keyboard”.

On-screen keyboard in the Accessibility folder

How to enable on-screen keyboard on Windows 10?

In Windows 10, enabling the on-screen keyboard is done in a similar way.

Open the Start menu. Depending on the version of Windows 10, you will immediately see a list of applications, or you will need to click on “All applications”.

Expanding the list of all programs in the menu Windows start 10

In the list of all applications that opens, sorted alphabetically, we find the “Special” folder. opportunities” and open it. This is where you will find the on-screen keyboard.

On-screen keyboard in Windows 10 in the Start menu

You can also use the search. We type the word “Screen” and launch the keyboard.

Enabling the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10 through search

If you wish, you can pin it to the taskbar so you don’t have to look for it in Start every time. To do this, click on the on-screen keyboard icon with the left mouse button and select “Pin to taskbar.”

Create an on-screen keyboard shortcut in Windows 10 on the taskbar

A virtual (on-screen) keyboard is an analogue of a physical keyboard, which is controlled. This article will show you how to enable the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7, 8, as well as how to set it up, use it, launch it, and disable it when the OS boots.

A keyboard on a computer screen is necessary in the following cases:

  1. There is no physical input device.
  2. The input device is malfunctioning or the keys on it do not function.
  3. Health problems that keep you from typing normally

How to enable the keyboard on your computer screen

The virtual input device startup file is located in the System32 folder of the Windows directory and is called osk.exe, from here you can call the virtual keyboard, but few people will use such actions. There are enough ways to enable the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7, 8. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Enable virtual input device in Windows 7:

To configure the input format and other parameters, click the “Options” button. Here you can change the following settings:

  1. Sound confirmation – each press of the virtual keys will emit a sound signal.
  2. Enable numeric keypad – enables additional buttons on the right. It was used in the previous article.
  3. Keystrokes – specifies input by clicking the left mouse button.
  4. Hover over keys – a character is entered when you hover the mouse cursor over it, with the ability to select the hover duration.
  5. Scanning keys – selecting a range of buttons in one line across the entire width, then after pressing the selection keys, scanning occurs along the selected line in a smaller range until the required button is pressed. You can set the scanning speed.
  6. Text prediction – options allow you to suggest possible words when typing the first letters and put a space after them.

After changing the parameters, do not forget to click OK.

I would also like to note that when you press Fn, the F1-F12 buttons appear in place of the numbers. When you turn on the numeric keypad, press Num Lock to access numbers.

In Windows 7, 8 there are practically no differences in the on-screen keyboard, except that the eight has a number of additional buttons for improved control. These are the Nav (go), Mv Up (up), Mv Dn (down), Dock (fix), Fade (disappear) buttons.

So we looked at all the ways to enable the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7, 8, as well as the startup process and disabling its startup. The virtual input device completely imitates the actions of the buttons on a regular keyboard, with the ability to customize it to suit your needs.

Virtual keyboard"Windows 7" represents the keys displayed on top of the desktop or any other windows. In order for it to appear, it must be turned on, and to do this, perform a certain sequence of actions.

Why does the operating system include on-screen keyboard support?

Few people understand why operating rooms Windows systems There is a function to show the keyboard on the desktop. To understand this, you need to refer to the help and supplement it a little.

First of all, a virtual keyboard is required for those people whose fingers are inactive or absent. In addition, it can help if the keys on a regular keyboard suddenly stop working, and you urgently need to add text or type the name of the file recipient.

Recently, devices such as tablet computers have become very popular. Regular devices can be connected to them using bluetooth or wi-fi, but in the absence of wireless devices and USB sockets, work would be incredibly difficult if not for the virtual keyboard.

It can also help protect against malware called keyloggers. They read passwords that are entered from a physical keyboard and then send them to the attacker.

How to enable a virtual keyboard if there is a regular one?

  1. Method one. IN latest versions Windows OS conveniently implements search functions. Just click on and enter "on-screen keyboard" in the search bar. Now click on the top search link and the desired window will appear on the screen.
  2. The second method is more efficient. You just need to press the combination and a window called “Run” will open. Write “osk” or “osk.exe” into it, and then click on the “OK” or “ENTER” button. If the window does not open after clicking, you will have to do several extra steps. First, hover over the Start menu and click on it right click mouse, select "Properties". Find the “Settings” button on the right and click on it. After clicking, another window will open in which you need to check the box next to the words “Run”.

How to enable the virtual keyboard if the steps described above are done, but nothing works? Just open the "Start" menu, and in the right column select "Run", now you can easily enter the file name "osk" or "osk.exe"

How to enable the virtual keyboard if the regular one does not work?

The on-screen keyboard can only be opened using the mouse.

Click on "Start", then on "Control Panel" and select "Ease of Access".

A window called "Ease of Access Center" will open.

After clicking on "Enable virtual keyboard", the required keys will appear on top of all windows.

Open Explorer by double-clicking on the “My Computer” shortcut (it is advisable to perform this action as an Administrator).

Since enabling the virtual keyboard is not always possible from the Control Panel, especially if the computer is infected, sometimes you need to open the executable file yourself.

Settings and additional features

The virtual keyboard is open on the screen, how can I enable its settings window? There is nothing complicated about this - click on the "Options" button. Here you can choose a reaction to hovering by simply holding over a certain key - it will be considered that this key is pressed.


Often, after some time of operation, the OS feature in the form of an on-screen keyboard becomes unnecessary. To disable a window that is no longer required for operation, in its right top corner Click on the buttons familiar to the user: the symbol to collapse, or the cross to close completely.

Virtual keyboard or “correctly”: “On-screen keyboard” is intended for entering characters into a request field, for example, the address bar of a window, a text document, etc.

There are rare cases when you urgently need to type something, but the keyboard is broken or does not exist at all. A virtual keyboard will help us solve this problem.

By the way, such a keyboard is necessary not only because there is no main “manual” keyboard, it is sometimes necessary for security purposes (there are malicious programs “keyloggers” on the Internet that are designed to track actions on the computer and transfer this data to a third party).

: Learn to find and open the On-Screen Keyboard program ( virtual keyboard).

: installed system Windows.

Options for enabling the virtual keyboard

In this lesson, we will look at several options for enabling the built-in keyboard using Windows 7 as an example, and you can choose for yourself which option is more convenient or faster.

Start and quick search

This is the fastest option, other than assigning a key combination (this method is described below, the most recent).

To quickly find a program " Screen keyboard", go to "Start" and in the line quick search enter the word “screen”:

Rice. 1. Search for the on-screen keyboard through “Start”

A moment later, at the top we will see the search results, there we find the entry “ Screen keyboard"and left-click on it:

Rice. 2. Launch the On-Screen Keyboard program

Start and search for a program

This option is the most accurate and correct, but the longest. First, go to “Start” and left-click on the “All Programs” element:

Rice. 3. “All programs” button

After this, a menu with all programs will open, scroll the list of programs to the very bottom (if it is large) and click on the “Standard” element (folder icon) with the left mouse button:

Rice. 4. Click the “Standard” button

After this, the composition of this folder will open to us, in it we look for a folder called “Special Features” and left-click on it:

Rice. 5. Click the “Special Features” button

This folder will also open and in this list we find the program “ Screen keyboard" and click on it with the left mouse button:

Rice. 6. Location of the On-Screen Keyboard program

After we click on the program icon, the main window of the “On-Screen Keyboard” program or the so-called virtual keyboard:

Rice. 7. Main window of the On-Screen Keyboard program in Windows 7

For those who often use the virtual keyboard

If you need to use the virtual keyboard often, then constantly logging in through “Start” will be too time-consuming and inconvenient.

To quickly call up the virtual keyboard, you can assign so-called “hot keys” or a combination of them. Those. we will launch the virtual keyboard by pressing just a few keys 1 time.

In order to assign a key combination to call the on-screen keyboard, we need to go to the properties of this program (or shortcut).

To configure, click the “Start” button and enter the word “display” in the quick search bar:

Rice. 8. Search for the on-screen keyboard via Start

At the very top, usually the first position, a result will appear with the name " Screen keyboard" Find this result and right-click on it and select “Properties”:

Rice. 9. Program “Properties” button

After this, the “Properties: On-Screen Keyboard” window will open. In it we are now interested in the “Quick call” field:

Rice. 10. On-Screen Keyboard Properties window

If the program does not already have hotkeys assigned, the “Shortcut” field will be “None”. Now the most interesting part: we need to come up with and remember/write down a future key combination, by pressing which we want our virtual keyboard to open. Many key combinations are reserved in the system, so try to check if “Your combination” is free.

To check if a key combination is free, the most in a simple way, you need to minimize all open windows and, while on the desktop, press the planned combination. If nothing happens after pressing a key combination, it means it is free.

For example, I will use the keyboard shortcut: " Ctrl + Alt + K" This entry means that to call the virtual keyboard we will press these 3 keys at the same time. "K" was chosen because it is the first letter in translation into English language the words "keyboard".

In order to assign this key combination to the program, left-click in the “Shortcut” field and press the required key combination. After which our combination should automatically appear in this field:

Rice. 11. Field for entering the desired key combination

Rice. 12. Saving the required key combination

Being, say, on the desktop, press the reserved key combination “ Ctrl + Alt + K"and after a while our virtual keyboard will open:

Rice. 13. Screen Windows keyboard 7

All that remains is the simplest thing - choose the most convenient one from these three options and use the virtual keyboard. I recommend you check out other lessons on our website, choose what interests you and enjoy.