How does a search engine work? Search system

In order to promote a website, you need to understand how search engines work and what you need to do to get into the search positions for keywords.

What are search engines and what are their tasks?

Search engines are computer robots that provide visitors with the most current and most useful information according to their requests.

The more correct the answer a search engine gives, the higher the level of trust Internet users have in it.

This is important for the system itself because it benefits from this in the form of profit for placements, which is visible to everyone who uses it.

In order to provide the correct answers, thereby increasing the number, search engines work according to a certain principle, which consists in collecting data about constantly appearing sites and indexing their pages.

How search engines work

Many Internet users believe that search engines provide them with information about all the sites that exist. But in fact, this is completely wrong, because they only focus on those pages that are in the search engine database. If a site is not listed in search engines, then neither Google nor Yandex will show it up in searches.

When a site appears in the database, search engine robots scan it, identifying all internal pages, as well as links posted on this Internet portal. Thus, the collection takes place complete information, both about a specific site and other resources that it popularizes.

The process of capturing and systematizing information occurs through. In some cases it doesn't happen enough for a long time, so it is necessary to understand what this search engine function is and how it works.

Read ours about the role of correct text formatting on a website.


In order to promote a website, you need to take into account all aspects of the work of popular search engines, adjusting the indicators of your Internet resource to the requirements of these systems. If everything is done in accordance with the rules established by Google and Yandex, you will soon be able to see your site in the first positions in keyword searches.

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhova

In order to successfully promote your website, promote it in search engines, you must have at least general idea About work search engines.

There are many billions of web pages (documents) on the Internet at the same time, and this number is growing every day. It is clear that in order to find exactly what you need in such a huge quantity, it is an incredibly difficult task. Moreover, without special services - search engines, or machines - this problem is practically unsolvable.

How, when and what kind of spider will come to your site is the concern of the search engine itself. We can only influence indirectly, through frequent publication. But whatever it is high frequency publications on your website, you will never be able to compare with information resources (such as ITAR-TASS) or social networks (Facebook, etc.), where search engines literally live.

But we can firmly say that the less often you publish new content on your site, the less often Spider will come to you.

We can and must take this point into account in our activities to resolve certain issues. It is clear that a link from a social network (especially one belonging to the search engine itself - Google+ or will be detected by the search engine robot the fastest, but it will not be able to convey the same weight as a link from the most authoritative resource on your topic.

Therefore, if you need your site (or its page) to be found by search engines as quickly as possible, then you need to get links from information resources, social networks and so on. And if you are concerned about the “bullies” (PR and TIC), then you need completely different links. In order for this to become clearer to you and you to avoid making strategic (that’s right!) mistakes, we need to find out how search engines issue and generally rank pages.

Conclusion: search engines are an unusually complex and closed structure, but the webmaster needs to know the basic principles of its operation

P.S. Knowing these basics will help you promote any site, for example, a site whose topic is ferrosilicon. And even if you don’t really understand ferrosilicon itself. But you will have a good understanding of SEO.


Whatever question worries a modern person, he does not look for answers in books. He looks for them on the Internet. Moreover, you don’t need to know the address of the site where the information you need is located. There are millions of such sites, and the search engine helps you find the right one.

On the vastness of our domestic Internet, the two most popular search engines are Google and Yandex.

Have you ever wondered how a search engine works? How does she understand which site to show, which of the millions of resources definitely has the answer to your request?

What is a search engine?

A search engine is huge base web documents, which is constantly updated and expanded. Each search engine has search spiders; robots are special bots that crawl sites, index the content posted on them, and then rank them according to their quality and relevance to user search queries.

Search engines work so that anyone can find any information. That’s why they try to show first those web documents that contain the most detailed answer to a person’s question.

At its core, a search engine is a directory of sites, a directory, the main function of which is to search for information in this very directory.

As I wrote above, we have two popular systems - Google (global) and Yandex (Russian-language segment). But there are also systems such as Rambler, Yahoo, Bing, Mail.Ru and others. The principle of operation is similar for all of them, only the ranking algorithms differ (and even then not very significantly).

How does an Internet search engine work?

The principle of how search engines work is very complex, but I will try to explain it in simple words.

A search robot (spider) crawls the site's pages, downloads their content and extracts links. Next, the indexer begins its work - this is a program that analyzes all materials downloaded by spiders, relying on its own algorithms.

Thus, a search engine database is created in which all documents processed by the algorithm are stored.

Working with a search query is carried out as follows:

  • the query entered by the user is analyzed;
  • the analysis results are transferred to a special ranking module;
  • the data of all documents is processed, the most relevant to the entered request are selected;
  • a snippet is generated - title, description, words from the request are highlighted in bold;
  • search results are presented to the user in the form of a SERP (result page).

How search engines work

The main task of any search engine is to provide the user with the most useful and accurate information on his request. Therefore, the search robot constantly crawls sites. Immediately after your launch, according to a certain schedule, the spider comes to visit you, crawls a number of pages, after which they are indexed.

The operating principle of search engines is based on two main stages:

  • crawling pages through which data is collected;
  • assignment of an index, thanks to which the system can quickly search the contents of a given page.

As soon as a site page is indexed, it will already appear in search results for a specific search query. Check if you got it new page into the search engine index, using webmaster tools. For example, in Yandex.Webmaster you can immediately see which pages were indexed and when, and which pages fell out of the index and for what reason.

But what page it will end up on depends on the degree of indexing and the quality of its content. If your page gives the most accurate answer to a query, it will be higher than all the others.

Principles of website ranking in search engines

We figured out what principle search robots work on. But how are sites ranked?

Ranking is based on two main pillars - the text content of the page and non-text factors.

Text content– this is the context of the page. The more complete it is, the more accurate, the more relevant to the request, the higher the page will be in the search results. In addition to the text itself, the search engine pays attention to filling out the title (page title), description (page description), H1 (text title) tags.

Non-text factors– this is internal linking and external links. The point is: if the site is interesting and useful, then other thematic resources link to it. And the more such links, the more authoritative the resource.

But these are the most basic principles, very briefly. Let's delve a little deeper.

Basicwebsite ranking factors

Eat whole line factors influencing website ranking. The main ones are:

1. Binternal website ranking factors

This is the text on the site and its design - subheadings, highlighting important points in the text. The use of internal linking also applies here. Visual elements are also important: the use of pictures, photographs, videos, graphs. The quality of the text itself, its content, is also important.

2. External website ranking factors that determine its popularity. These are the same external links that lead to your site from other resources. Not only the number of these sites is determined, but their quality (it is desirable that the sites have a similar theme to yours), as well as the overall quality of the link profile (how quickly these links appeared, naturally or through purchases on the exchange).

Based on the above, one conclusion can be drawn: search engines try to work in such a way as to show the user those sites that provide the most complete answer to his request and have already earned a certain authority. In this case, a variety of factors are taken into account: the content of the site, its settings, and the attitude of users towards it. A website that is good in all respects will certainly rank high in the search results.

Many people want to be in the TOP, but not everyone understands how search engines work. And by the turn of 2017, the requirements for websites from search engines became even more stringent (more details in the article). Therefore, in order to constantly be in the top, you first need to at least understand how search algorithms work.

After reading this article to the end, you will understand the principles on which the work of Yandex and Google is based, and you will learn a little more about mail, rambler and bing. At the same time, we will not touch upon website ranking factors, because... This is a very voluminous material that requires a separate publication.

Well, or if you want the goal, purpose or even mission of a search engine is to give the most accurate answer to the user’s request in the form of a list of links to various resources.

In order to generate a high-quality list of sites, the search engine creates a database. That is, if your site or a new site page is not indexed by Yandex or Google, then it will not be in the search results. A database of sites is formed by search robots, which provide information about the sites to their "boss", and he enters the data into the registry. For example, if you registered your site in or, you can find information there about how many pages of your site were indexed by the search engine.

Next, the entire register of data from the pages of numerous sites is ranked according to certain parameters: region, relevance to the request, resource popularity, content quality and so on. As I already said, we will analyze the entire list of ranking factors in a separate publication. The main task when promoting a site is to influence these factors in order to raise the site to the TOP.

Features and characteristics of search engines in 2018

We've all seen Google ads about how the search engine gets into an unequal battle with grandma to find the nearest pharmacy. What does this mean? The fact that search engines are learning and will soon completely stop working with keywords and will work only with meanings. Because this is their main task, not to give out an arbitrary list of sites, but to help the user find a place, product or service.

In our country, the share of voice search is still very small, but in the USA it takes up about 50% of mobile traffic. This means that this trend will soon affect Russia. Accordingly, the number of information requests will increase ( how, where, where) and requests that cannot be predicted, because they will not be stereotyped and dictated by the situation in which the person finds himself. For example, he stands at an intersection and asks where I should turn to find a cafe where there are business opportunities worth up to 300 rubles. This is Google.

As for Yandex, which was also introduced at the end of 2016. This is an algorithm that will also work primarily with meanings.

Which search engine is better or how does Yandex differ from Google?

From my personal experience, I can say that both search engines are good in their own ways. The difference, of course, is that Yandex is a Russian search engine, and Google is the world's largest search engine. Of course, we are not interested in the external differences between the sites of these search engines and the services they provide, but in how they generate search results, since they differ very much.

Yandex pays more attention to regional search. That is, if you are in Vladivostok and enter a query without specifying a city or region, for example, “windows”, first of all Yandex will show the websites of those companies that are located in Vladivostok and are somehow connected with windows.

For Google, the popularity and citation of a resource (not just links to your site) are more important; based on this, it concludes whether your site is useful.

As for other search engines, then is a shell of Google search results, i.e. itself does not analyze anything, but simply shows what Google would show. By the same principle, it is a Yandex shell.



Each search engine has its own algorithm for searching for information requested by the user. These algorithms are complex and are often kept secret. However, the general principle of operation of search engines can be considered the same. Any search engine:

  • First, it collects information, taking it from website pages and entering it into its database;
  • Indexes sites and their pages, and transfers them from the database to the search results database;
  • Provides results for a search query, taking them from a database of indexed pages;
  • Ranks the results (arranges the results by importance).

The operation of search engines - general principles

All the work of search engines is performed by special programs and combinations of these programs.

Let's list the main components of search engine algorithms:

The implementation of search mechanisms by search engines can be very different. For example, a combination of Spider+ Crawler+ Indexer programs can be created as a single program that downloads and analyzes web pages and finds new resources based on the links found. However, the following common features of the programs are common to all search engines.

Search engine programs


Spider downloads web pages just like a user's browser. The difference is that the browser displays the text, graphic or other information contained on the page, while the spider works with the html text of the page directly, it does not have visual components. That is why You need to pay attention to errors in the html codes of the site pages.


The Crawler program highlights all links on the page. The program's task is to calculate where the spider should go next, based on a predetermined address list or follow the links on the page. The crawler “sees” and follows all the links found on the page and looks for new documents that the search engine does not yet know. That is why, you need to remove or correct broken links on site pages and monitor the quality of site links.


The Indexer program divides the page into its component parts, then analyzes each part separately. Headings, paragraphs, text, special service HTML tags, style and structural features of texts, and other page elements are highlighted and analyzed. That is why, you need to highlight page and section headings with meta tags (h1-h4,h5,h6), and enclose paragraphs in tags


The search engine database stores all data downloaded and analyzed by the search engine. The search engine database stores all downloaded pages and pages transferred to the search index. In any webmaster tool of each search engine, you can see both the pages found and the pages in the search.

Search Engine Results Engine

Search Engine Results Engine is a tool (program) that builds pages corresponding to a search query according to their importance (page ranking). This is the program selects pages that satisfy the user's request and determines their sorting order. The page building tool is called a search engine.

Important! The site optimizer, wanting to improve the position of the resource in the search results, interacts with this component of the search engine. In the future, we will definitely consider in detail all the factors that influence the ranking of results.

Web server

Search engine web server is html page with a search form and visual display of search results.

Let's repeat. The work of search engines is based on the work special programs. Programs can be combined and assembled, but the general operating principle of all search engines remains the same: collecting website pages, indexing them, returning pages based on query results, and ranking the returned pages according to their importance. Each search engine has its own algorithm of significance.