Facial recognition software allows you to find any person on the Internet by taking a photo of them. The best mobile applications for plant identification Yandex with Alice

Online music recognition.

Everyone has encountered a situation when a song plays on the radio or in a cafe that they really liked, but, naturally, no one knows the name.

Surfing the Internet for a long time does not give anything, but I really want it.

Fortunately, some startups have listened to requests to create something to recognize music from a passage. As a result, we have several interesting services.


The main purpose of this resource is online identification. There are no complex elements that need to be manipulated to search.

The track database contains millions of tracks of any genre.

The chances that you will be unlucky are minimal.

It is noteworthy that the search is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. By providing a file;
  2. Link substitution.

To find what you are looking for, the service takes about 10–20 seconds, after which the result appears on the screen.

The main thing is that the source is of relatively good quality, otherwise nothing will work. All you need to do is enter the captcha and then enjoy the result.

The site has an English localization, but the navigation is so clear that you do not need knowledge of foreign languages.

In the search results you will be presented with several tracks that match the “description”. All you have to do is listen to everything to find the song you want.

Magic MP3 Tagger

Another interesting online identification program for your computer.

This service was created for local and global search for interesting content on the Internet.

Important! If the program fails to find a song on its own, it automatically switches to the MusicBrainz database, which has a huge collection of free music.

As for the action algorithm. It is not the entire file that is used here, but a “snapshot” of it generated by the program.

This method allows you to identify an audio recording with an accuracy of up to 97%.

If you want to determine the genre of a composition, the program will kindly provide all the required information.

In addition, files from the "Track1" or "Various Artist" series will be renamed according to recognition.

It is noteworthy that she is not particularly familiar with the Russian language, so the name of the song may contain some abracadabra, but she is quite legible.

To use, you just need to download the installation package, which weighs a little more than 5 MB, and then feel free to surf the search. The main thing is the presence of the Internet.

Useful information:


Perhaps the most popular online music recognition service for, and. It's no wonder why it is in such demand among music lovers.

Firstly, the application interface is so clear that you will not have any problems using it.

Secondly, all you need to do is press the “recognize” button on the screen, bringing the phone to the sound source.

Alternatively, you can hum the tune yourself. The chances, of course, will be much less, but you can try.

Pay attention! Identification is carried out through the gadget’s microphone. Please note that when the phone is close to the sound source, various interference may be created, such as hissing and excessive volume.

The probability of finding is more than 90%. Please note that the signal must be legible.

Finding it takes no more than 3–5 seconds from the moment it starts, and the procedure itself “eats” no more than 30–50 kb of traffic.

If the procedure is successful, you will be shown the title, artist, as well as the album, release year and link to . There is an option to purchase through to save it to the collection.

Fans will love the artist bio that will appear when searching.

Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages. Let's start with the fact that it is relatively free. The free version can only detect 5 tracks per month.


A service that constantly competes with in quality and speed in sound. They are practically the same, with the exception of some points.

Important! Unfortunately, she does not recognize the Russian-language stage in any of its manifestations. Apparently, our performers are simply missing from the database. Even if they sing in a foreign language, the program will not find anyone.

On the other hand, the database allows you to find even the most exotic styles that are inaccessible to others.

Often SoundHound manages to find little-known representatives of Techno, PsyTrance, DownTempo and underground heavy music of “garage” bands.

The principle of operation is similar to similar ones: you press the button, bring the phone with the microphone to the source and wait.

If a song is stuck in your head, you can hum it. The result will also not be long in coming.

Another feature: enter a few lines of text (if you know) in the appropriate section, and then click on search. For him there are no fundamental differences.

The “load” for the track you are looking for is offered, the words of the song, the possibility of purchasing in and more.

There are 2 types of programs: Free and Full. The basic functionality is identical, but the free one can be annoying with pop-up messages.

The paid version, which costs $7, does not have this drawback. On the other hand, purchase is optional, so decide for yourself which version to download.

An excellent application for those who love Western pop music.

Sound Search for Google Play

This is not a standard program, but a widget that is available to all owners of versions 4 and higher.

Unlike a full-fledged program that needs to be launched and wasted time, the SoundSearch icon can be freely displayed on the desktop to be activated as needed.

Owners of OS 4.2 can even set a lock screen, saving even more startup time.

Identification is carried out by servers. If the search engine finds something similar, the result will immediately appear on the display.

Often the entire procedure does not take more than 3–5 seconds. In special cases, the system can search up to 10–12.

Accuracy varies between 85–92%. This is due to the fact that it does not see any particular differences between the remix and the original.

This fact, of course, will darken fans of club culture, but nothing can be done.

Online music recognition

Music recognition by sound: TOP 5 online applications and services

Let's look at ten of the most popular such applications.

Foursquare's Swarm

In 2010, Foursquare was an app with only one function: location sharing. It was fun and fashionable back then, but a lot has changed since then, as has the app itself. The original Foursquare is still available and its main use is to find where you are at the moment. Swarm is a newer app with social networking components that the original app lacked. At the moment still the best application for its tasks.


If you're not a Swarm fan, here's another great location sharing app that lets your friends see exactly where you are in real time. Very similar to Snapchat. You can share your location with your friends at some time because it is constantly changing.

Find My Friends

This application is from Apple developers, so it works with maps and contacts on your iPhone. The application will work if your contact's iPhone also has it installed. Quite a useful tool for meeting with friends, monitoring your children at school, or seeing exactly where your spouse is stuck in a traffic jam.


The application is similar to the previous one and to view the location must be installed on two phones, for example family members or close friends. You will start by building a main circle, in which you will place only your closest relatives, then you can create more circles, adding other people to them - distant relatives, friends, colleagues, and so on. For each circle you can set your own settings. In addition, you can send messages to your contacts in the application.


If you're already familiar with location-sharing apps, you've probably noticed that they run in the background, which can reduce battery life. Jink has a minimal interface without a lot of unnecessary information. At the same time, the functionality of the program is quite large and can help track the location of your children.


SocialRadar is a program that monitors your friends on social networks and can tell you which of them are nearby in real time. Works with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and Foursquare, even allowing you to see their messages and the ability to send replies. The user also has access to statuses - online, anonymous or invisible when using the application.


This program allows you to see not only which of your friends is nearby, but also to get more information about this person. She is able to transfer photographs, mutual friends and much more. The application also works in the background and can send you a notification when one of your friends is nearby.

Yik Yak

For people who want to remain anonymous. You choose your own login. When the program is running, you receive short messages from your region. Naturally, everything is anonymous, so there is a chance to remain invisible in a faceless society.


The application is similar to the previous one, but allows you to choose an alias or enter real data. The program makes it possible to communicate with people based on one location. At the same time, it is possible to expand or narrow the area in which you are located, in order, for example, to find out what people are saying about a concert taking place nearby, a school event, a festival, and so on.

Drop Messages

Drop Messages is a messenger, but with the location of the interlocutors indicated. You can send a message to anyone in the world, but they will only be able to read it when they are in a specific geographic location. For example, you could leave a message for people at a specific event with clear instructions on what to do, or write congratulations for those arriving at a graduation ceremony.


For several days now, the Russian Internet has been discussing GetContact, an application that allows you to find out how a particular contact is recorded in other people’s phone books. It has already topped the top free applications on the Russian App Store and took seventh place on Google Play.

In fact, the main function of GetContact (according to the developers) is to identify unknown numbers and, accordingly, block unwanted calls. But users were most interested in the opportunity to “punch” their number, and they began to massively share their “phone” names on social networks.

Some users began checking the numbers of their friends, girlfriends and boyfriends. And the Azerbaijani media told stories of women who, with the help of GetContact, learned about their husbands’ infidelities.

How does the application work?

To find out how your phone number is recorded among friends and acquaintances, just enter it into the search. You can also check other people's numbers - however, as it turned out, the application does not detect all of them.

To determine an unknown number, you also need to enter it into the search. After this, the application, as planned by the developers, will show the name and photo of its owner (we checked this function and found out that GetContact determines only the name).

Is it safe?

By running GetContact, you give the application access to your phone book, the data of which goes to the company’s server. The app's rules state that GetContact can share any user information "with a third party," as well as send messages by mail or SMS, contact the user by phone, and engage in "marketing activities permitted by law."

The application is currently being checked by Roskomnadzor analysts. “If violations are detected, response measures will be taken, including filing a statement of claim in court to restrict access to this application on the territory of the Russian Federation,” said a representative of the department.

How to delete an account?

The company's website has an Unlist page where you can enter your phone number, and within 24 hours it will be deleted from the database.

Those who have installed the application need to delete the account itself in the application settings.

Everyone has at least once found themselves in such a situation when they had to torture the Internet and friends for a long time in order to find out the name of the music track they liked, heard in a store or other public place. Thanks to smartphones, this problem no longer exists: in Google Play and the AppStore you can find a number of high-quality applications that not only identify the sound of the melody, but also show maximum information about its artist.

Price: Free +

is a “pioneer” among applications that recognize music. Using the application is very easy - just press the large branded button in the middle of the screen and point the smartphone towards the sound source. It will take 2-3 seconds to determine the original melody (a little more - about 5 seconds - for remixes) and display the name of the song, the year of its release, and the name of the artist. If the song is popular enough, the program will also show the lyrics and video, offer to buy this work and even tickets to the artist’s concert.

Differs from other applications in the following ways:

  1. The program is integrated with social networks (for example, Facebook, Twitter), thanks to which you can share identified compositions with friends.
  2. Certain songs are saved in the “My Tracks” tab, resulting in a great playlist for the user.
  3. is regularly improved. Recently, the program has learned to identify television programs; It is expected that image recognition will soon be available - this will allow obtaining information, for example, about brands or famous actors.

There is a free version of the music recognition application, but its user will have to put up with a huge number of pop-up advertisements. For ease of use, it is recommended to download the program for money.

Sound Hound

Price: Free

Sound Hound is the first application capable (according to the developers) of identifying the melody that the user hums or whistles into the microphone. This feature is being actively improved - currently to Sound Hound I understood what the user was performing, he needed to sing completely without falsehood and only in English.

Many users believe that Sound Hound has long been bypassed in terms of functionality, and the following arguments are given:

  1. The application contains an extensive database of biographies of musicians in Russian, therefore, having identified a melody, you can immediately find out as much information as possible about its performer.
  2. There is a karaoke mode - after Sound Hound recognizes a song, it “guides” the user through its lyrics.
  3. Sound Hound will help you find people with similar musical taste in the city thanks to the “Music Map” function. Such assistance is invaluable for people who want to create their own musical group.

U Sound Hound there are also disadvantages: firstly, the search takes a little longer than that (up to 5 seconds), secondly, the program is free only for Android users - iPhone owners will have to pay.

Track ID

Track ID- a very simple utility from Sony, which, alas, loses significantly and Sound Hound both in terms of functionality and design, but has other advantages:

  1. The appearance of the application is visually clear - you don’t have to watch tutorials to understand how to use the program. In addition, the interface is in perfect harmony with the shell of Sony Android smartphones.
  2. Music recognition results Track ID excellent - the high rating on Google Play confirms this.
  3. The program is available on Google Play completely free of charge.

U Track ID There are also a number of disadvantages, and they are quite significant:

  1. The user will have to endure intrusive advertising.
  2. Track ID Among users it has gained fame as the slowest application that recognizes music.
  3. When first launched, the Sony program honestly warns that it will collect the data it needs about the user. This point can scare paranoid users.

Track ID is installed only on devices with Android OS - this application is not available to iPhone owners.

Price: Free +

– karaoke program for iOS. Music recognition is not its main function, however, it does this job very well. It has several advantages over its competitors, the main one of which is:

  1. A music recognition application for iPhone can determine the name of a song and artist not only from the microphone, but also from a line of text that the user remembers.
  2. After installation, the application independently analyzes the smartphone’s playlist and finds the lyrics of the gadget user’s favorite songs on the Internet.
  3. The program has an attractive design - in this regard it surpasses all competitors.

There is one downside: the user will have to endure advertising and a constantly pop-up service window Floating Lyrics, however, this negative feature is common to most free applications.

PlantNet is the best free plant identification app available for both iOS and Android smartphones.

Before watching the video, go to the player settings, select “Subtitles | Translate | Russian". After this, Russian subtitles will appear in the video.

  • Download PlantNet for Android
  • Download PlantNet for iOS

1. You can identify a plant from a photograph.
2. The application database contains more than 4100 common plants and is constantly expanding by using user data.
3. Simply take a photo of the plant, and after a short search time, the result will be displayed on the screen with detailed information.
4. The application does not allow recognizing ornamental plants.
5. Use a neutral background for photos.
6. After identification, send the recognition result to the developers by clicking on the “Contribute” button. The result will be checked and entered into the general database.

Second place: Find & log animals and plants

The Find & log animals and plants directory is available free of charge for Android users. The application has not yet been created for Apple devices.

  • Download Find & log animals and plants for Android

1. The application uses GPS tracking and reports what animals and plants are around you.
2. You can add plants or animals that are not already in the application to expand the database. Professional naturalists may add descriptive information and their own observations.
3. In the application, you can create a list of your favorite plant or animal species.
4. You can view other users' lists.
5. A disadvantage of the application may be the lack of verification of added information.

Third place: Leafsnap and Birdsnap

With the free Leafsnap app, developed by researchers from Columbia University, the University of Maryland, the Smithsonian Institution and the Natural History Museum of London, you can explore numerous tree species.

  • Download the Leafsnap app for iOS
  • Download the Birdsnap app for iOS

1. The application uses visual recognition and allows you to identify different types of trees.
2. The application database contains high-resolution images of leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and tree bark for recognition.
3. The application includes an extensive database of trees that grow in Canada, the USA and the UK. Many of them are found all over the world, including in Russia.
4. To complete the picture, the Leafsnap app is best used in conjunction with the friendly Birdsnap software, which allows you to identify birds. This symbiosis will be useful for lovers of forest hikes.
5. Birdsnap's knowledge base contains over 500 birds, allowing you to identify them from a photo (thanks to the algorithm used in facial recognition software), based on your location and the current time of year.