Is it possible to delete a Yandex money wallet. How to delete a Yandex.Money e-wallet? How to delete a Yandex.Money virtual card or account? Self-blocking the service

Users who no longer need Yandex.Money services often think about stopping cooperation with the service forever. The question of how to delete a Yandex.Money wallet remains relevant to this day. The electronic payment service provides this opportunity in your personal profile. Following the instructions, you can perform the removal operation yourself.

How to remove Yandex.Money step by step instructions

To complete this procedure you will need:

  1. Your profile with a registered wallet.
  2. Current profile password.

To get started, log in to the service using your profile. On the right top corner Click on the icon and select “passport” or follow the link There are three tabs visible in the menu, information is needed in the first of them “Personal Data”. How to delete Yandex.Money quickly is shown in the photo below: click the “delete account” button.

Go to the mail deletion menu. Yandex warns: deleting mail will entail deletion from all services in which the profile participates. All material stored at cloud services and attached to this profile will also be erased.

Think carefully, leaving the service will lead to blocking of the account and the impossibility of further interaction with it.

How to delete Yandex.Money forever

To complete the deletion procedure, you will need to enter the captcha and the answer to the security question in the field. Fill in the fields and click “Delete account”.

If the fields are filled out correctly, click continue and the operation will be completed successfully.

How to remove Yandex.Money without deleting mail

Unfortunately, this operation is not possible. The wallet is permanently linked to the profile, referring to the Yandex.Money privacy policy. If you are going to use it in the future email, you can leave your wallet and not carry out transactions with it.

How to remove Yandex.Money without a security question

Such an operation is not possible. To confirm the deletion, Yandex requires the response that you wrote when registering your mail. The security question can be reset by contacting support and confirming your identity. If you did not provide your personal information during registration, it will be extremely difficult to confirm that the account belongs to you.

The only way out is to delete all information on your account and forget about it. The video will show you how to remove Yandex.Money.


Deleting a profile is not a difficult task. If you are purposefully ready for deletion and remember all the information that you provided during registration, this will not be difficult. The main thing to remember is that registration in the service using this login will be available in a month.

Currently, Yandex.Money is one of the most popular payment systems and has its own certain advantages. With its help, you can make a wide variety of purchases without leaving your home, you will agree that it is really very convenient, and in addition to purchases, you can also make payments, for example, for using mobile communications, for utilities and so on. However, sometimes questions arise about how to close the Yandex.Money wallet. In fact, there may be many reasons why there is a desire to close the wallet, and one of them is a change in the user agreement by the system itself.


Let's now talk about how to close Yandex.wallet. In fact, there is no difficulty in this, but only a few users know how to do it. Today, there are only a few ways in which you can delete your wallet. Perhaps the easiest way is to contact support, but before you write a request to support, you will need to transfer the balance that is on your balance.

Empty account

You can delete Yandex.wallet only when your balance is zero or a few kopecks. If you do not withdraw your balance, then after deleting the wallet this money will no longer be available to you, so it is better to take care of the withdrawal in advance. By the way, if you have a desire to know how to close your Yandex.Money wallet, then I would immediately like to note that the entire history of transactions will be saved.

Trip level

It is necessary to immediately separate the two concepts, or rather, you can block the wallet or close it completely. In the first case, a ban will be placed on all outgoing transfers, and you will not be able to send funds to other participants. In the second situation, as you might already understand, the account will be completely closed, both for receiving funds and for transferring them. For example, if your wallet is completely closed, then, as we have already said, the transaction history still remains, and accordingly, if special structures are interested in your wallet, then they will be able to access all operations without any problems, without your consent required. If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to remove Yandex.wallet, then it is quite possible to partially do this, but not completely. If you are offered special services to delete history, you can safely refuse this procedure. This kind of thing is offered by scammers for money; if you transfer it, you will not receive anything.


As a rule, all transfers and receipts are stored in history Money, which passed through this wallet. If you want to save your mailbox, then you will probably be interested in the answer to the question of how to close Yandex.wallet without deleting mail. In fact, you can simply delete the wallet, and the mail will remain in the same state. The Yandex.Money system allows users to filter by transactions, and accordingly, they can highlight deposits, accounts, and payments. The above sections can be divided by status and accounts, however, if you have used this payment system, then you probably know how everything happens there. In fact, the history of transactions on the Yandex.Money service is convenient, and you can view a specific transaction at any time, even one that was carried out more than a month ago. Closing Yandex.wallet means complete shutdown access, you will not be able to receive or send funds, although if necessary, you can simply activate it again at any time, but this procedure may take a while. The Yandex.Money system completely eliminates the possibility of deleting history, which is necessary primarily for the safety of its clients.


Let's now move directly to the question of how to close Yandex.wallet. First, you will need to go through standard authorization for your mailbox in the Yandex.Mail system. As a rule, if you have a wallet in the Yandex system, then you first registered at the post office, since it is simply not possible to create a wallet without an email account. After you have successfully completed authorization, you will be able to find a panel with various services at the top of the page. Your task is to find the “Money” button and go to this page. If you went correctly, then the word Money will be written in the address bar instead of Mail, and then you need to go to personal settings. Once you navigate to this page, you will be able to see three main tabs. One of them contains personal data, the second contains payment information for your wallet, and the third is intended for adding social profiles.

The above page will open in any case, even if you did not fill it out earlier, or rather during registration, although there are now new rules for registering a wallet in the system, so it is already included in this procedure. Once you go to the “Personal Data” tab, you will notice a “Delete Account” button on the right side of the page. If you have definitely decided to find out how to close Yandex.wallet and want to do this, then you will need to click on this button. After clicking on the “Delete account” button, a special window will appear in which you will need to enter your password for mailbox.

Saving a mailbox

Be sure to remember that you need to delete the exact account to which you registered your personal wallet. If you plan to use your email in the future, then you do not need to completely delete your account. In this case, you will not be able to completely delete the wallet; if you want to find out how to close Yandex.wallet completely, then you will need to delete your mail account as well. If your email contact is necessary for work, and you regularly receive letters from your friends on it, then you can simply leave this wallet, you will not need to delete it. But if you receive emails very rarely and can communicate your new mailbox, then the old mail can be completely deleted. As you can already understand, everything will depend only on your needs.


So, as you can already understand, you can only delete the Yandex wallet along with the entire account on which it was created. But remember that if you want to delete the transaction history of your wallet, then absolutely no procedure can help you, since this is strictly prohibited on the service.

Electronic payments are in great demand in all countries of the world. Yandex.Money is a popular service that has collected more than 30 million users. If you want to close your wallet in this service, there are several ways to do this.

Is it possible to delete Yandex wallet

The service provides the opportunity to close a personal account in the system. You can perform the procedure yourself or contact technical support for help. For the first option, you will have to completely delete your account in the service, which includes, in addition to your wallet, your mail. This is not always convenient. Contacting technical support, as a rule, without deleting mail through the technical support service, is only more difficult, and the answer does not come immediately, but the account will be saved.

What you need to know before deleting

Closing an account entails a certain number of consequences. The following features exist:

  1. After deletion, all funds that remain on it will no longer be available. You won't be able to return them or use the money. Before starting the closing procedure, do not forget to withdraw the balance to another account in the Yandex.Money system.
  2. The electronic account can only be deleted. It disappears forever, so you will not be able to restore this account.
  3. After closing the wallet, log in under the same name for account It will be possible only after 30 days.

How to close a wallet on Yandex.Money

As an account owner, you can use the instructions for closing your wallet yourself or contact technical support. If you want to save your profile on the service and not lose your email account, all data from cloud storage, choose the second option. Don't forget to unlink in the settings bank card, if it is linked to an account.

Without deleting mail through technical support

  1. To delete Yandex wallet without deleting your mail, write a letter in the form that appears requesting this. The message should be concise and informative.
  2. Specify the reason why you want to delete Yandex.Money.
  3. Write the address of the mailbox to which the electronic account is linked, and the wallet number. This data is pulled up automatically, but you can edit it if desired.
  4. To complete the procedure, click on the “Submit” button.

You can write a letter to the technical support address - [email protected]. With this method of deletion, you should not count on a quick response. Appeals can be considered within 10 days. You may be refused if technical support considers the arguments for closing the wallet not strong enough. During the application review period, refuse any transactions and financial transactions on your account. You can also contact technical support by phone:

  • Moscow – +7 495 974-35-86;
  • Other cities of Russia – 8 800 250-66-99;
  • Any city outside Russia – +7 495 974-35-86.

Yandex account deactivation

If you close your account yourself, you will lose not only your account from the Money service, but also your mailbox. Before deactivating your wallet, save all important information, as it will no longer be possible to restore your account. The same rule applies to cloud storage. To deactivate your electronic account yourself, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to your account from the main page of the site using your login and password.
  2. The account name will appear at the top right, click on it.
  3. In the menu that appears, select “Passport”.
  4. Scroll down the page and find the “Delete account” hyperlink in the center.
  5. Information will appear with warnings regarding account closure, please read it.
  6. To confirm your decision, the system will ask you to enter the answer to the security question, captcha (a combination of numbers in the picture, protection against bots).
  7. Complete the procedure by clicking “Delete account”.

The Yandex.Money online payment system is quite convenient, but sometimes there is a need or desire to leave it. This can be done in several ways, which we will talk about.

You can delete the Yandex.Money wallet through the technical support service. When choosing this method, first completely reset your wallet. Then on home page of the Yandex.Money website (below), follow the “Write” link and fill out the application form. In the topic field, select the “Other topic” section, in the “What happened” field – enter a request to close the wallet and the reasons for this. Fill out the remaining fields and submit your request. The result will be sent to you by email within 10 days. Please note that during this period you can no longer use the wallet.

More quick way remove “Yandex.Money” - do it yourself through Yandex itself. To do this, go to your mailbox and find the “Money” tab in the horizontal header line or immediately follow the link. In this case, in the address bar of your browser you will see the following address:, where you will need to replace the word “money” with “passport” and press “Enter”. In the page that opens, select “Personal Data”, and in it look for the “Delete Account” link. In response to your actions, you will see a warning that your actions may lead to the deletion of your Yandex account. To confirm your intention, you need to enter the password for the Yandex mailbox linked to the wallet in the drop-down window and select “Delete account” again. Please note that in this case, you will be able to gain access to any Yandex services only if you create a new account.

And one more nuance regarding the removal of Yandex.Money - this procedure remains powerless in terms of operations that were performed through your wallet. This data is still saved.

Electronic payment system Yandex Money does not allow one person to have several wallets at the same time. Or rather, register it to the same phone number and email. Today we will learn how to delete a Yandex wallet to create a new one.

Preliminary actions

Remember that blocking your wallet will result in you no longer being able to use it. Therefore, before deleting your account, be sure to withdraw all remaining funds from it. If you don't do this, you won't get them. Even if you use a registered or confirmed account.

If you have a plastic card in your hands, you don’t have to close it separately. It is enough just to close the wallet, because... they have a common balance. If you thought that by blocking your account you would be able to use a plastic card from Yandex, then this is not so.

Withdrawing funds can be done in several ways:

After you leave zero balance, you can deactivate your wallet permanently. If there are only a few kopecks or rubles left on it, then you won’t be able to cash them out. Small amounts are simply deleted without a trace.

Removal process

Log in to your Yandex account that you plan to destroy. Remember that you won’t be able to deactivate your wallet without deleting your email. Therefore, think again whether it is worth doing this, because... not only will it disappear email, but also other services associated with this account.

Blocking procedure:

Since it is impossible to delete Yandex Money without deleting your mail, the procedure is not instantaneous. Within a few days you can cancel it and unblock your account. If this is not done, then all related information will disappear without a trace. If you want, then create a new Yandex account using the same phone number and email.

Now you know how to block your account and how to delete your history. This can be done in one place, through Yandex Passport. If this information is important to you (financial transactions, connected services), then before closing your profile, we recommend that you save it.