Smoked black kid. What a kid

Online communication occupies a fairly large part of the lives of modern people. Users exchange various types of information. Information can be either text content or graphic, sound and video format. Among all the information, there is information that acquires the status of “Internet memes” or media viruses on the Internet.

Internet memes denote information that spreads from user to user through imitation or imitation, gaining great popularity. Any information that is interesting and relevant for a certain part of users can become a meme on the Internet. One example of information in a meme status is graphic images labeled “stoned.” In Internet slang, the term “stoned” is equated with the behavior of a drug addict. When communicating online, in response to an inappropriate phrase from the interlocutor, the user can send a message with the question “Yes, are you stubborn?” There may be other variations of this phrase.

In addition to text messages, users quite often send pictures, which are also associated with the concept of “stubborn”. The most common example of such a meme in graphic format is the “stoned fox.” This meme is a photo of a stuffed sitting fox, which has a disheveled appearance and bulging eyes.

Another example of a picture that has the meaning “stubborn” is a photograph of the so-called “negro child” or “stubborn child.” The picture actually depicts an African-American child, whose facial expression is associated with a significantly stubborn person. This meme became widespread in early 2013, mainly on the social network VKontakte. If the interlocutor wants to express a complete lack of understanding of what is happening, then in response to the comment he asks the question “Which guy?” Later, the phrase “Which X?” was added to the image with the boy, also implying a complete misunderstanding of the situation.

Most often in VKontakte comments they use an original picture of a child combined with other characters or other stubborn people, but the latter is less common. On the Internet you can also find a modified meme with a child whose eyes are open and his facial expression is less “stubborn.” Such an image is usually accompanied by a phrase that says that the user was actually not stubborn, i.e. in fact, what was happening was clear to him.

The history of the origin of memes goes back to ancient times, and dates back to those distant times when people still dressed in tiger skins, and also ran with clubs in their hands. In Greek, the term "meme" means "similarity", but this is only from Greek. According to the well-known Richard Dawkins, it is a unit of information of (sub)culture. A meme belongs to one of the scientific disciplines called “memetics,” which means an image or idea that is transmitted from one person to another by both non-verbal and verbal means. To put it in simple and accessible language, a meme arises when someone repeats or agrees with someone. These are original replicators, that is, objects that copy themselves. Each of us will be greatly surprised if we find out how many times in our lives we have encountered them. And, oddly enough, each of us can easily create our own meme without much difficulty. One of the popular memes of our time is the “Stoned up kid” meme.

This meme comes from a picture depicting a black child with a characteristic facial expression that evokes thoughts of a significant degree of drug intoxication and a complete lack of understanding of what is happening. In this context, the picture began to be used: in response to a question, a picture is given with the comment “black boy”.

The stubborn kid is an African-American boy with a completely incomprehensible expression on his face. For people who have smoked weed at least once in their lives, it has become a favorite. The funny thing is that his facial expression matches any photo. The main feature of this meme is that the black guy always makes mistakes in his speech and it seems that he has real hearing problems.

We can give a few examples: A picture on which it says – tomorrow the new season of the series “Breaking Bad” is coming out and a counter question from a stubborn kid – what kind of thighs? It is precisely such punning statements that cause us not just tenderness, but laughter and joy.

What a kid, this is no longer just a meme, this is some kind of banter over words and their constant distortion. The funny thing is that this African-American boy could have become Angelina Jolie's child if his face were not so stubborn. But he gained great fame on the Internet, and in fact, it is impossible to imagine a person who watches and loves memes and does not know this bald black man.

In turn, it’s very easy to create a meme with a stubborn kid, because all you need is just to find a word that will be at least a little similar to the original and tie it all to the question from the black kid.

What a kid(black child, stoned child, stoned kid) - a photo of a black child who looks very stoned or sleepy. Used in conjunction with the phrase "Which X".


The unfortunate shot of a black boy with his eyes half-closed is taken from an educational video for young children that clearly shows how to use the toilet. In the video, the kids sing the Poop Song, sit on the toilet and say “Bye” to the poop, which in itself looks strange.

At some point, that same boy appears. The frame with him became a famous meme. The video appeared on YouTube in 2011, and in Russia the meme became popular by 2013.


The picture shows a boy with a characteristic facial expression, evoking thoughts of a significant degree of drug intoxication and a complete lack of understanding of what is happening. It was in this context that the picture began to be used. For an unclear question, a macro is given with the comment “Which X?”

Sometimes the child's head is photoshopped onto other characters, or, very rarely, photographs of other stoned characters are used.

The meaning of the meme is simple: to show that the message on the Internet reached you with difficulty. That is, this is such a variety. At the same time, many include and react to the most ordinary messages, which can have a double meaning. For example, with the phrase “Passed the post, accepted the post,” a stubborn child appears and asks: “What post?” Thus, the meme is also a type of ““. Sloupochnoy Omsk bird.

After the meme spread, pictures appeared in which the same child is depicted in a more sane form, with his eyes open. Usually such pictures were accompanied by comments like “But in fact, I wasn’t stubborn all this time.”
